
Познавательные видео от TED и способы работы с ними

TED talks – прекрасный ресурс для ваших уроков. Во-первых, это современный, «настоящий», неадаптированый язык. Во-вторых, тренировка на понимание разных спикеров и разных акцентов. В-третьих, возможность подобрать видео на любую тему и вкус. В-четвертых, TED talks подойдут для тренировки всех четырех навыков – не только listening, но и speaking,writing и reading. Давайте рассмотрим, как организовать урок на основе TED talks и примеры различных заданий, которые вы можете самостоятельно подготовить.

1. Выбор видео
Сайт www.ted.com имеет очень удобный поиск. Вы можете выбрать выступление на ту лексическую тему, которую сейчас проходите вместе с учениками, или же написать несколько тем на доске и предложить ученикам проголосовать за самую интересную. Также лекции можно выбирать по определенному спикеру. Если вы работаете с учениками уровней Intermediate или Pre-Intermediate, главным критерием выбора для вас будет спикер, который разговаривает четко и медленно. Или,например,ваш ученик планирует поездку в Австралию. В таком случае вы сможете найти для него спикеров-австралийцев.
К каждому выступлению TED вы сможете загрузить с сайта транскрипт, который понадобится вам для подготовки заданий на тренировку различных навыков.

2. Pre-watching tasks
Эти задания помогут заинтересовать учеников, а также разобрать ключевую лексику, которая будет необходима для того,чтобы понять лексику. Примеры таких заданий:
— Discuss general questions on the topic of the talk

TED talk “Try Something New For 30 Days”
Is there something you’ve always wanted to do, but just …haven’t?

TED talk “Forget multitasking, try monotasking”
1. What does multitasking mean?
2. Are you a multitasking or a monotasking type of person?
3. Are you efficient in your job?

TED talk “Got a meeting? Take a walk”
1.What do you think this talk might be about?
2.What associations with the word ‘meeting’ do you have?
3. Do you think that meeting is the most effective way of discussing the issues?

TED Talk “Why videos go viral”
1.Can you think of any videos that have been extremely popular online, seen millions and millions of times? Find two or three examples.
2. In your opinion, for what reasons can a video generate a buzz?

TED talk “Success is a continuous journey”
1.What do you think success is?
2. Do you consider yourself a successful person?
3.How would you measure success?
4.Which of these people would you consider a clear example of a successful individual/ successful business person? Explain your answer

Maradona Bill Gates Mother Teresa The Pope
Bill Clinton Lio Messi Riquelme Al Capone

5.Which of these terms do you consider important to achieve success?

Have money Observe being wise get on well with partners/costumers
Patience Being a good listener good connections Being
curious Being lucky Being good at solving problems focus
passion persist work Ideas
push improve

— Key words
Match the words and the definitions
TED talk: “Got a meeting? Take a walk”

1. sitting is prevalent A. able to work as intended or to succeed
2. doable idea B. very common and happening often
3. viable solution C. the final conclusion
4. to reframe the problem D. can be achieved or performed
5. the bottom line is … E. to look at it from another point of view

3.Listening for gist
Эти задания ученики выполняют после первого просмотра видео. Они нацелены на проверку общего понимания, а также способствуют тому, чтобы ученики внимательно смотрели и слушали. Примеры таких заданий:
General questions about the video
TED talk “Why work doesn’t happen at work”
1. What is the typical organization of work in the world?
2.What are three typical answers to the question: where do you really need to go when you need to get something done?
3. What is so special about the work of creative people?

TED talk “What is a calorie?”
1.What is the definition of Basal Metabolic Rate?
2. How many calories does an average man need? And a woman?

4. Listening for detail
Эти задания ученики выполняют после второго просмотра. Они нацелены на более тщательную проверку понимания. Примеры таких заданий:

— Fill in the gaps
Listen carefully and fill the blanks with the words you hear

TED talk – Sheena Iyengar: The art of choosing
Today, I’m going to take you around the world in 18 minutes. My base of (1)__________ is in the U.S., but let’s start at the other end of the map, in Kyoto, Japan, where I was living with a Japanese family while I was doing part of my (2)__________ research 15 years ago. I knew even then that I would encounter (3)__________ differences and misunderstandings, but they popped up when I least expected it.

TED talk “Try Something New For 30 Days”
A few years ago, I felt like I was ______________. So I decided to follow in the ______________of the great
American philosopher, Morgan Spurlock and try something new for 30 days. Think about something you’ve always wanted to add to your life and try it for the next 30 days.
There’s a few things I learned while doing these 30 day ______________.

TED talk “Forget multitasking, try monotasking”
I’m a designer and an educator. I’m a multitasking person, and I push my students to fly through a very
………………., multitasking design process. But how ………………. is, really, this multitasking?

TED talk: “What physics taught me about marketing”
It’s the same with brands: the more massive a brand, the more ………………… it has, the more force is needed to change
its …………………. The marketing is, the bigger a brand, the more difficult it is to ………………… it. So think about a
portfolio of brands or maybe new brands for new ………………….

— Answer specific questions

TED talk “Try Something New for 30 Days”
a. Why did Matt Cutts decide to try something new for 30 days?
b. What did Matt Cutts first decide to do for 30 days? How did he feel after that?
c. What did he do next?
d. Did Matt try to write a blog or a novel?
e. What did this experiment teach him?

TED talk “Building a park in the sky”
a) What is the High Line like today? What it used to be in the past?
b) How many people got interested in the project?
c) What inspired Robert to start the project?
d) What makes the High Line so special?

TED talk: “Why videos go viral”
1) Who is Kevin Alloca?
2) How much is uploaded onto YouTube every minute?
3) What are the three possible reasons for a video to go viral?
4) Why did Bear Vasquez’ video suddenly become famous?
5) Why did he make that video of the rainbow?
6) How did the “Friday” video get famous?
7) What explains the success of the “Nyan cat” video?
8) Why did Casey Niestat’s video go viral?

-Multiple choice questions

TED talk: “Why 30 is not the new 20”

1. When Meg Jay met her first client Alex, the client was:
A. well-dressed
B. formally dressed
C. casually dressed
D. fashionably dressed

2. How did Meg Jay feel when she realized Alex didn’t want to talk about serious issues?
A. overwhelmed
B. thankful
C. disappointed
D. relaxed

TED talk “ What is a calorie?”
Calorie estimates for people are based on:
A. How healthy people are, on average
B. How much sugar we need
C. How much exercise people do on average
D. Average weight, muscle mass, physical activity, and other factors

What does the calorie count on nutritional labels means?
A. How much energy the food contains
B. How much energy your body will obtain from the food
C. How many vitamins there are in the food
D. How much energy you will use in digestion

— True and false
Watch the video again and mark the following statements TRUE or FALSE. Correct the false statements.

TED talk “Building a park in the sky”
A. The High Line was built on the outskirts of New York and was safe for people.
B. Robert started this project as a volunteer.
C. Robert and his friend were inspired by a landscape from the High Line.
D. So far the project cost $50 million.
E. The High Line is covered in advertising billboards.
F. Robert was frightened that people would dislike his project.
G. People usually have business lunches in the High Line park.
H. The project showed how it is possible to change the way people feel in their city.

TED talk: Why work doesn’t happen at work
A. Sleep and work are closely related, because you can work while you’re sleeping and you can sleep while you’re working.
B. People can’t be expected to work well in the office because of the constant interruptions.
C. At the office, most of the distractions are voluntary, which is the biggest issue.
D.The speaker compares Facebook* and Twitter with smoke breaks and suggests that these websites
should be banned – just like smoke breaks during the workday.
E.Managers have to keep an eye on other people and become this way a major source of interruption.

TED Talk: Why videos go viral,
A. There are parodies of very famous videos.
B. About 40% of the videos online go viral.
C. Bear Vasquez lives in Los Angeles.
D.Bear Vasquez wanted to be famous.
E.Tastemakers bring videos to a larger audience and make them famous.
F. The video “Friday” was seen more on Fridays than on any other days of the week.
G. Internet users, with their posts and reactions, are defining the entertainment of the future.

— Listen and circle the word you hear

TED talk “The art of choosing”
On my first day, I went to a restaurant, and I ordered a cup of green tea with sugar. After a pause, the waiter said, «One does not put sugar in green tea.» «I know,» I said. «I’m aware of this custom. But I really like my tea sweet.» In response, he gave me an even more (courteous/virtuous) version of the same explanation. «One does not put sugar in green tea.» «I understand,» I said, «that the Japanese do not put sugar in their green tea, but I’d like to put some sugar in my green tea.» Surprised by my (insistence/persistence), the waiter took up the issue with the manager. Pretty soon, a lengthy discussion (insured/ensued), and finally the manager came over to me and said, «I am very sorry. We do not have sugar.» Well, since I couldn’t have my tea the way I wanted it, I ordered a cup of coffee, which the waiter brought over promptly. Resting on the saucer were two (packets/biscuits) of sugar.

5.Post-listening (speaking)
После проработки материала ученики должны иметь возможность обсудить то, что они увидели и услышали. Для этого подготовьте несколько наиболее контроверсийных идей из выступления и спросите учеников: What do you think? Would you like to…? Do you agree? Пример таких заданий:

TED talk “Try Something New For 30 Days”
Would you like to try such a 30-day challenge? What would you do?

TED talk “Building a park in the sky”
What is your opinion about this project? Would you like to have a similar one in your city?
(примеры упражнений взяты с www.busyteacher.org)

Эти задания можно использовать не только для развития аудирования и говорения, но также чтения и письма. После первого прослушивания и выполнения заданий на listening for gist, вы можете распечатать и раздать ученикам транскрипт выступления. Вместе с транскриптом они выполняют задания на listening for detail. Вы также можете задать post listening tasks как письменное задание или попросить учеников во время просмотра делать записи, а затем подготовить письменное резюме лекции.
Надеемся,что с помощью TED talks ваши ученики будут улучшать языковые навыки, тренировать все четыре языковых аспекта и узнавать что-то интересное!

*Facebook принадлежит компании Meta Platforms Inc., деятельность которой признана экстремистской и запрещена на территории Российской Федерации.
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