Countdown to Christmas starts soon! Are you ready? Kids are really excited about the upcoming holiday. An advent calendar is perfect to create a Christmas mood and pre-teach the vocabulary. Open one door a day, learn new words and have fun! Every next lesson revise the previous words first. Usually, children get a sweet for every day, you can give “treats from Santa” to your students as well. You can print this Advent calendar or create your own unique one made of boxes, envelopes and so on.

Skyteach Advent calendar for kids

Here is the list of activities:

Day 1

Teach the word “Santa”, use this puzzle. Draw Santa — video and decorate Santa and sing a song about Santa.

Day 2

Teach the word “Snow” and ask to take a photo in the snow.

Day 3

Teach the word “Snowflake”. Sing a song (here is the lyrics poster).

Cut snowflakes out of paper or make 3D paper snowflakes and hang them on windows.

Day 4

Teach the word “Snowman”. Make or draw a snowman.

Day 5

Teach the word “Reindeer”. Find out the names of Santa’s reindeer and have a Christmas cheer or play a game “Pin a nose to Rudolph”.

Day 6

Teach the word “Sleigh” and ask to take a sleigh ride after the lesson.

Day 7

Make treats for birds.

Day 8

Teach the word “Christmas tree”. Make a Christmas tree origami.

Day 9

Teach the word “Gingerbread man”. Watch the story. Ask to bake and decorate gingerbread men or cook cookies at home.

Day 10

Teach the word “Candy cane” and play a game “candy cane pass” (relay race). Take 4 candy canes per team. The first player holds 4 candy canes between his fingers and passes them down the line, teammate to teammate, without dropping them.

Day 11

Teach the word “Stocking” and make a stocking out of paper. Then play a game “fill the Christmas stocking”. You will need a stocking, a spoon and a bowl for each team, and wrapped candy. Divide into teams. Have children line up at one end of the room. At the other end, hang a Christmas stocking for each team. Place a bowl of candy and a spoon in front of each team. Each child takes a turn taking a candy from the bowl with the spoon. They then carry the candy on the spoon to the stocking and drop the candy in the stocking. Race back to the next person in line, give them the spoon. First team to fill the stocking wins!

Day 12

Teach the word “Candle” and find out how candles are made.

Day 13

Teach the word “Bells” and learn the song “Jingle bells”.

Day 14

Teach the word “Bauble” and make giant paper plate baubles.

Day 15

Ask to decorate a Christmas tree at home and take a picture to show to you and other students.

Day 16

Drink hot cocoa.

Day 17

Teach the word “presents”. Ask yo make a wish list of presents or a list of presents for friends and relatives.

Day 18

Teach the word “Christmas card” and do a pop up one.

Day 19

Teach the word “Christmas carols” and learn one Christmas song, for example:

christmas SkyteachDay 20

Ask to go ice-skating or skiing with the family.

Day 21

Write a letter to Santa.

Day 22

Ask to watch a Christmas movie (“The Grinch”, “Home alone”, “The Polar Express”, “A Charlie Brown Christmas”, “Santa Claus is coming to town” and so on).

Day 23

Ask to read a Christmas book or story.

Day 24

Play Christmas charades.

Day 25

Merry Christmas!

What activities would you add to this Advent calendar?

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