How to travel the World with almost no money? (Worksheet)

By the end of the lesson, students will have watched and understood a not-adapted 18-minute TED-talk video about travelling, developed their listening skills (Croatian accent), enriched their vocabulary in the context of travelling and developed their speaking skills predicting ideas and sharing their views on travelling.

Age: adults
Level: Elementary/Pre-intermediate 
Time: 50 min 
Lesson type: listening, vocabulary, speaking 
Number of students: 2-8 (can be adapted to a shorter individual lesson)
Materials: worksheet, teacher’s notes, youtube video

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Преподавать, а не писать тонны отчетов. Самому выбирать программу, методики, учебники. Видеть результат и признание учеников. Присоединяйтесь к нашей команде и преподавайте от 12 часов в неделю: Skyeng

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