New Year is coming. The peels of tangerines are everywhere, tinsel and lights are sparkling. Let your students have fun with these magic New Year lesson plans and tests. They will introduce the students to New Year’s traditions in the UK, Australia, China and Spain, help practise reading, listening, speaking, and revise New Year’s vocabulary. Lesson plans are suitable for kids, teens and adults. Download our ready-made worksheets and enjoy teaching. 

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1. Holidays in the UK

This lesson will be quite useful while teaching the topic “Holidays in the UK” with your kids. It is aimed at enlarging students’ vocabulary, improving their pronunciation, listening and speaking skills. 

Level: Elementary

Time: 40 min

Lesson type: Vocabulary, Reading, Speaking, Listening

Materials: Worksheet + Teacher’s notes

2. How to celebrate New Year

It’s time for some New Year’s fun! Let’s play games, learn festive vocabulary and find out how you can make this New Year’s Eve extra special.

Level: Elementary/Pre-Intermediate

Time: 45 min

Lesson type: Vocabulary, Reading

Materials: Worksheet

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3. Celebrating New Year’s Day

In this lesson, students read about New Year’s traditions around the world, practise listening for detail and speaking for fluency.

Level: High Pre-Intermediate/Low-Intermediate

Time: 50 min

Lesson type: Reading, Listening and Speaking

Materials: Worksheet + Teacher’s notes

4. Ways of celebrating Christmas and New Year in Australia

Most people associate winter holidays with lots of snow and frost. However, not all countries got the “luck” to have snow, reindeers and a chimney for Santa Claus to climb down. In Australia, it is especially boiling at Christmas and New Year, but they have fun. Here is a worksheet with the help of which your teens will get to know about Australian traditions and ways of celebrating Christmas and New Year.

Level: Intermediate 

Time: 40-50 min

Lesson type: Vocabulary, Reading, Speaking, Listening

Materials: Worksheet

5. Chinese New Year

The year of Black Water Tiger will start on February 12. So, let your students know about the history of New Year’s Day in China. These plans of lessons for different levels will help practise reading, speaking, and revise vocabulary. Do the tasks and then check your students’ knowledge with the Chinese New Year Quiz. 

Levels: Beginner, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate

Time: 45 min

Lesson type: Vocabulary, Reading, Speaking

Materials: 3 worksheets + Extra useful resources


1. New Year and Christmas vocabulary for kids

Here you will find online exercises to practise Christmas and New Year vocabulary. Check how well your kids know the thematic vocabulary.

2. Christmas and New Year’s idioms and idiomatic phrases

Here we have designed two tests which may be useful to practise Christmas and New Year’s idioms and idiomatic phrases with your students. The tests are suitable for Intermediate learners.

3. How well do you know New Year’s traditions around the world?

Let’s have a look at New Year’s traditions around the world and check how much of a New Year’s fan you are. Not only students can use this test but also teachers just to have fun.

4. What is your zodiac animal in the Chinese calendar?

Chinese people pay a lot of attention to the zodiac animal — the symbol of the upcoming year, which describes your character. Let’s find out what zodiac animal you are according to the Chinese calendar, not by date of birth, but your personality!

5. How do you get out of holidays and start teaching again

The New Year’s holidays will be over. No more food and sofas. It will be high time you get ready for your classes again. Do this quiz to get back to work without pain.

Hope these worksheets and tests will be in handy before and after New Year’s Day.

Congratulate you on the coming holidays! Write in comments about what lesson plan you like the most.

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