“Cruella“ is one of the most popular movies that came out in 2021. It is an American crime comedy film based on the character Cruella de Vil from Dodie Smith’s. Lots of people around the world have already viewed and loved it. We have designed a worksheet on the film that can be used with Intermediate learners. Here students will hone their listening and speaking skills and enhance their vocabulary.
Instructions on working with the Worksheet
Students watch the full movie at home, make some notes, write down the most important phrases and words (not more than 15) and get ready for the discussion. In the classroom, they practice basic vocabulary from the movie, describe characters, do the quiz and discuss questions.
Индивидуальное расписание, интерактивная платформа и мотивированные ученики. У нас есть все — преподавайте от 12 часов в неделю. Подробности по ссылке: Skyeng