Мы всегда рады помочь преподавателям разнообразить занятия. Поэтому сегодня предлагаем список интересных выражений, связанных с лидерством, руководством, а также некоторые идеи о том, как их практиковать на занятии. Подойдут для студентов с невысоким уровнем английского.
Список интересных выражений:
Idiom: To call the shots
Meaning: Make the important decisions in an organization.
Example: This is my company, so I call the shots. End of story.
Idiom: Big shot
Meaning: A person with a lot of power or influence
Example: He is trying to become a big shot in this business.
Idiom: Bigwig
Meaning: A person who has an important or powerful position.
Example: He said he was some bigwig in the mortgage business.
Idiom: Fat cat
Meaning: Someone who has a lot of money, especially someone in charge of a company who has the power to increase their own pay.
Example: There is a lot of public anger about corporate fat cats and their huge bonuses.
Idiom: To boss around (someone)
Meaning: To tell someone what to do.
Example: She waved her friend over as if bossing around a maid.
Idiom: To wear the trousers
Meaning: To be the person in a relationship who makes decisions for both people (used mostly when talking about women).
Example: Who wears the trousers in this relationship?
Idiom: To be in the driving seat
Meaning: To be in charge or in control of a situation.
Example: Local business leaders remain very much in the driving seat.
Idiom: To hold sway
Meaning: To have control or influence over someone or something.
Example: Party leaders held sway over the hearings.
Idiom: In the saddle
Meaning: In charge, in control.
Example: Looks like we’re back in the saddle.
Idiom: To run the show
Meaning: To dominate or be in charge of an undertaking or area of activity.
Example: If you need help, ask Mark — he’s running the show.
[ Примеры и определения: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/ru
https://context.reverso.net/ ]
- Match!
Предложите студенту соединить половинки фраз:
- To call
- To be
- To wear the
- Big
- To boss
a) in the driving seat
b) shot
c) the shots
d) trousers
e) around
- c
- a
- d
- b
- e
2. Quiz
А здесь — выбрать правильный вариант:
- He’s not your boss. I just don’t understand why you let him call the ___.
a) strings
b) banns
c) shots - Nice to have you back in the ___.
a) saddle
b) chair
c) place - It turned out that his brother was some ___ in the Justice Department.
a) big wagon
b) bigwig
c) big veal - The report criticized boardroom fat ___ who award themselves huge pay increases.
a) sheep
b) cats
c) lambs - Jack was killed, because somebody else wanted to ___ the show.
a) run
b) direct
c) make
- c
- a
- b
- b
- a
3. Categories
Разделите выражения на категории:
Positive / Negative / Neutral
Fat cat — negative
In the saddle — neutral
4. Speaking
Студент может продолжить предложения с только что изученными выражениями, или придумать свои:
If I was a big shot in the company …
The reason why a lot of people are annoyed with corporate fat cats is …
I don’t think there’s something wrong if a woman wears the trousers in the relationship, because …
А помочь ученику запомнить новые выражения может Play phrase.me.
Thanks a lot for such useful information. I’ll definitely use it. I very much hope you ‘ll give us many more chances to broaden our vocabulary.