If your students are fond of nature and want to discuss the topic of natural wonders with their classmates, use the following worksheet, which is suitable for Pre-Intermediate learners. In this lesson, students will revise words connected to nature, discuss the top natural wonders of the world and ways to protect them.

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Комментарии (6)
  • Фото аватара

    Добрый день/ а игра табу не открывается

    • Фото аватара

      Здравствуйте! Мы видим, что она открывается по ссылке. Просим проверить ещё раз. Хорошего дня!

  • Фото аватара

    Thank you VERY MUCH!!! It’s a great lesson for a student and sagnificant help for a teacher 🤗

  • Фото аватара

    Thanks for the great lesson, but the taboo game doesn’t open

    • Фото аватара

      Hi! Thank you for pointing this out! We have fixed it, now you can open the taboo game.

  • Фото аватара
    Irina Miller

    Its very interesting presentation. It can be useful at the lessons in high school.


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