If your students are fond of nature and want to discuss the topic of natural wonders with their classmates, use the following worksheet, which is suitable for Pre-Intermediate learners. In this lesson, students will revise words connected to nature, discuss the top natural wonders of the world and ways to protect them.
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Добрый день/ а игра табу не открывается
Здравствуйте! Мы видим, что она открывается по ссылке. Просим проверить ещё раз. Хорошего дня!
Thank you VERY MUCH!!! It’s a great lesson for a student and sagnificant help for a teacher 🤗
Thanks for the great lesson, but the taboo game doesn’t open
Hi! Thank you for pointing this out! We have fixed it, now you can open the taboo game.
Its very interesting presentation. It can be useful at the lessons in high school.