Урок английского посвящен разбору правил поведения учеников в школе. Упражнения направлены на развитие таких навыков, как говорение и письмо. В заданиях также предусмотрен блок по грамматике о правилах использования модальных глаголов.

Область применения: материал подойдет как для офлайн, так и для онлайн-уроков.
Возраст: от 15 лет.
Уровень: Pre-Intermediate.

Цели урока:

  • Разбор темы «Правила в школе для учеников» и отработка грамматической темы по модальным глаголам.
  • Навыки:
  • Развитие навыков говорения, письма.
  • Развитие навыком использования темы «модальные глаголы» в разных коммуникативных ситуациях.

План урока:

  1. Grammar
  2. Speaking
  3. Reading
  4. Writing

Online Summer Camp
для учителей английского!

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• летние готовые материалы:
планы уроков, задания, игры.

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1. Grammar rules: modal verbs

Методический совет: грамматика может быть задана на дом для самостоятельного изучения. Либо её можно разобрать на уроке по усмотрению преподавателя. Упражнения стоит взять на урок, чтобы закрепить правила на практике и рассмотреть сложные случаи.

Modal verbs are used to express ability, possibility, permission, or obligation. Here are some key modal verbs and their uses:

Must: Indicates strong obligation or necessity.
Example: You must attend all your classes.

Have to: Indicates necessity or requirement.
Example: Students have to complete their homework by the deadline.

Can: Indicates ability or permission.
Example: You can use the computer lab after school.

Should: Indicates advice or recommendation.
Example: You should bring all necessary materials to class.

Must not (mustn’t): Indicates prohibition.
Example: You must not run in the hallways.

May: Indicates permission (more formal than can).
Example: You may leave early if you have a doctor’s appointment.

Could: Indicates past ability or polite request.
Example: Could you help me with this assignment?

Могут быть полезны и эти планы уроков английского:

Grammar exercises

1. Fill in the gaps

Complete the sentences using the appropriate modal verb (must, have to, can, should):

  1. You _______ not run in the hallways.
  2. Students _______ bring their textbooks to every class.
  3. You _______ use the computer lab after school hours.
  4. All students _______ submit their homework by the deadline.
  5. You _______ eat in the classroom.

2. Rewrite the sentences

Rewrite the sentences using the correct modal verb (must, have to, can, should):

  1. It is necessary for you to be on time for class. (must)

Answer: You must be on time for class.

  1. It is allowed for you to use calculators during math exams. (can)

Answer: You can use calculators during math exams.

  1. It is advisable to participate in class discussions. (should)

Answer: You should participate in class discussions.

  1. It is obligatory to wear a face mask in school. (have to)

Answer: You have to wear a face mask in school.

  1. It is not permitted to cheat on exams. (must not)

Answer: You must not cheat on exams.

3. Choose the correct modal verb

Choose the correct modal verb to complete each sentence:

  1. Students (must/can) complete their assignments by Friday.
  2. You (should/must) be kind to your classmates.
  3. We (can/must) go to the library after school.
  4. You (have to/should) wear your ID badge at all times.
  5. (Can/Must) you help me with my homework?


  1. must
  2. should
  3. can
  4. have to
  5. Can

Больше полезных материалов к урокам английского:

2. Speaking: discussion questions

  1. What are some important school rules at your school?
  2. Do you think all the rules are fair? Why or why not?
  3. What rule would you change if you could? Explain your reasons.
  4. How do you think school rules help students?
  5. What new rule would you add to your school, and why?

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Другие статьи о платформе Skyeng для учителей английского:

3. Reading the text and express the main idea

School rules are essential for creating a structured and safe learning environment. Firstly, students must wear their uniforms to promote equality and discipline. They have to arrive at school on time to ensure they do not miss any important lessons. Additionally, students can use the library resources to help with their studies, which is a great advantage. However, they must not use their mobile phones during class, as it can be a distraction. Lastly, everyone should respect their peers and teachers to maintain a harmonious atmosphere. I believe a rule that could be added is that students should also be encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities, as this can enhance their overall development. Overall, school rules play a crucial role in shaping responsible and well-rounded individuals.

4. Writing Task

Write a short essay about the importance of school rules. Use at least five different modal verbs in your essay. Discuss how these rules help maintain order and create a positive learning environment. Also, mention any rules you think should be added or changed, and explain why.

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Комментарии (2)
  • Фото аватара

    для эссе не хватает плана.

    • Анна Михайлова (Левина) Автор блога skyteach.ru
      Анна Михайлова-Левина

      Елена, здравствуйте! В этом материале мы показываем техническую сторону письма, про план — это отдельная тема и техника.


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