Урок английского посвящен разбору правил поведения учеников в школе. Упражнения направлены на развитие таких навыков, как говорение и письмо. В заданиях также предусмотрен блок по грамматике о правилах использования модальных глаголов.
Область применения: материал подойдет как для офлайн, так и для онлайн-уроков.
Возраст: от 15 лет.
Уровень: Pre-Intermediate.
Цели урока:
- Разбор темы «Правила в школе для учеников» и отработка грамматической темы по модальным глаголам.
- Навыки:
- Развитие навыков говорения, письма.
- Развитие навыком использования темы «модальные глаголы» в разных коммуникативных ситуациях.
План урока:
1. Grammar rules: modal verbs
Modal verbs are used to express ability, possibility, permission, or obligation. Here are some key modal verbs and their uses:
Must: Indicates strong obligation or necessity.
Example: You must attend all your classes.
Have to: Indicates necessity or requirement.
Example: Students have to complete their homework by the deadline.
Can: Indicates ability or permission.
Example: You can use the computer lab after school.
Should: Indicates advice or recommendation.
Example: You should bring all necessary materials to class.
Must not (mustn’t): Indicates prohibition.
Example: You must not run in the hallways.
May: Indicates permission (more formal than can).
Example: You may leave early if you have a doctor’s appointment.
Could: Indicates past ability or polite request.
Example: Could you help me with this assignment?
Могут быть полезны и эти планы уроков английского:
1. Fill in the gaps
Complete the sentences using the appropriate modal verb (must, have to, can, should):
- You _______ not run in the hallways.
- Students _______ bring their textbooks to every class.
- You _______ use the computer lab after school hours.
- All students _______ submit their homework by the deadline.
- You _______ eat in the classroom.
2. Rewrite the sentences
Rewrite the sentences using the correct modal verb (must, have to, can, should):
- It is necessary for you to be on time for class. (must)
Answer: You must be on time for class.
- It is allowed for you to use calculators during math exams. (can)
Answer: You can use calculators during math exams.
- It is advisable to participate in class discussions. (should)
Answer: You should participate in class discussions.
- It is obligatory to wear a face mask in school. (have to)
Answer: You have to wear a face mask in school.
- It is not permitted to cheat on exams. (must not)
Answer: You must not cheat on exams.
3. Choose the correct modal verb
Choose the correct modal verb to complete each sentence:
- Students (must/can) complete their assignments by Friday.
- You (should/must) be kind to your classmates.
- We (can/must) go to the library after school.
- You (have to/should) wear your ID badge at all times.
- (Can/Must) you help me with my homework?
- must
- should
- can
- have to
- Can
Больше полезных материалов к урокам английского:
2. Speaking: discussion questions
- What are some important school rules at your school?
- Do you think all the rules are fair? Why or why not?
- What rule would you change if you could? Explain your reasons.
- How do you think school rules help students?
- What new rule would you add to your school, and why?
3. Reading the text and express the main idea
4. Writing Task
Write a short essay about the importance of school rules. Use at least five different modal verbs in your essay. Discuss how these rules help maintain order and create a positive learning environment. Also, mention any rules you think should be added or changed, and explain why.
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