
План урока английского языка по теме «Достопримечательности Великобритании»

Страноведение играет важную роль при изучении иностранного языка: оно помогает ученикам лучше понять те или иные лингвокультурологические реалии, поддерживать мотивацию и расширять кругозор. Мы подготовили план урока английского языка по теме «Достопримечательности Великобритании», который подойдёт для обучения как на уроке в школе, так и онлайн-уроке.

Уровень: Intermediate.

Цель урока: обобщение и расширение лингвострановедческих знаний по теме «Достопримечательности Великобритании». 


  1. Развивающая. Способствовать развитию навыков аудирования и чтения, а также навыков устной речи.
  2. Воспитательная. Повысить интерес к изучению иностранного языка.

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План урока:

  1. Warm-up
  2. Lead-in 
  3. Pre-listening 
  4. While-listening
  5. While-reading
  6. After-reading
  7. Project «Planning a trip to the UK»

1. Warm-up

В начале урока обсудите общие вопросы на тему «Travelling». Выделите на обсуждение 5–7 минут.

Spin the wheel and answer the questions:

Заметка для учителя: вы можете изменить вопросы, нажав на кнопку «Modify Wheel». После внесения изменений нажмите «Apply Wheel Changes».

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2. Lead-in

Теперь сузьте общую тему «Travelling» до одной страны: Соединённое Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. Для этого ученики читают сообщение от Бена и выясняют, куда он хочет поехать. 

Read the message and answer the questions:

  1. Where does Ben want to go?
  2. What does he plan to do there?
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Hi there! I’m Ben. I’m interested in studying in the UK and would like to visit the country to explore it before making a final decision. I’d like to see what it’s like, visit some cities, and get a feel for the lifestyle to see if it’s right for me. 

Can you help me pick some cool places to visit?

Answer the questions:

  1. What do you know about the UK?
  2. How important is the United Kingdom in the world?
  3. Who is the King now?
  4. Do you know any famous places in the UK?

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3. Pre-listening

Дальше ученики будут смотреть видео о главных достопримечательностях Великобритании. Перед просмотром стоит разобрать с ними новую лексику. 

Read the sentences and guess the meaning of the words in bold:

1. He moved to his parents’ farm to escape the hustle and bustle of the big city.

А. A large amount of activity and work, usually in a noisy surrounding.
B. A large amount of opportunities.

2. Archaeologists study the remains of ancient civilizations.

А. Gone, disappeared.
B. Of or from a very long time ago.

3. When the Berlin Wall came down, it was a historic occasion.

А. Important or likely to be important in history.
B. Related to the study of things from the past.

4. A stunning display of fireworks lit up the sky. I couldn’t take my eyes off it. 

А. Extremely beautiful or impressive.
B. Extremely dangerous.

5. These monuments are a vital part of the cultural heritage of South America.

А. Extremely old.
B. Considered to have historical importance for a particular area or for all people.

6. The ads helped Nike to achieve iconic status.

А. Related to church.
B. Very famous or popular.

7. San Francisco’s most iconic residents are the sea lions of PIER 39.

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Фото из личного архива автора

А. A bridge.
B. A long structure sticking out from the land over the sea.

Ответы: 1A; 2A; 3A; 4A; 5B; 6B; 7A.

Заметка для учителя: обратите внимание учеников на разницу между historic and historical.

Больше статей по теме урока:

4. While-listening

Теперь пришло время посмотреть видео и выполнить задания.

Read the message and do the task.

I’d like to start with England. It’s a richly historic country, and one that is packed with fascinating destinations, from the mystery of ancient Stonehenge to the modern architecture along the Thames River. 

I have found a cool video with the top 10 places to visit in England. Let’s watch it and mark the locations on Google Maps.

Start watching from the 1:00 minute mark:

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Скриншот с Google Maps

Watch the video again and complete the table:

LocationAttractions / famous for


LocationAttractions / famous for
10.ChesterChester cathedral, Roman landmarks: ancient walls,ruins of amphitheatre, Victorian garden.
9.BrightonVictorian houses, Palace Pier.
8.Lake District Largest national park in the country, lakes and mountains, valleys, stream train.
7. CambridgeUniversity of Cambridge.
6. Jurassic Coast Ancient rocks, museums.
5.OxfordOldest campus of Oxford University, the library (The Bodleian Libraries).
4.StonehengeAncient ruins, from there it’s easy to go to Windsor and Bath.
3.BathFounded by Romans, ancient baths, hot streams, cultural scenes, easy to visit Stonehenge from Bath.
2YorkRoman, Medieval, Viking architect, York Minster, Clifford’s Tower.
1.LondonPalaces (Buckingham Palace, Hampton Court Palace, Tower of London), Tower Bridge, Harrods, Tube.

5. While-reading

В этой части урока ученикам предстоит помочь Бену выбрать город Шотландии, куда он сможет в дальнейшем отравится.

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I think I’ll have enough time to visit Scotland too! Found some awesome spots on social media. Can you help me pick places to go? 🤔

I really like music and history. Should I go visit…

Edinburgh? Glasgow? Edinburgh?


Заметка для учителя: чтобы сделать посты к этому заданию, воспользуйтесь специальными сервисами, например, Ultra Текст.

Пример такого поста:

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Exploring Edinburgh today and it’s AMAZING! 🌞 Started at the iconic Edinburgh Castle with stunning views of the city. Walked down the historic Royal Mile, full of cool shops and street performers. 🎻 Climbed up Arthur’s Seat for an epic panorama and finished the day at Holyrood Palace. Edinburgh is such a mix of old and new, totally in love with this city! 

6. After-reading

Теперь выведем всё изученное в говорение. 

Вопросы для ученика:

  1. Do you agree that the UK is the country that truly has something for everyone, whether you’re a history buff, nature lover or a city slicker?
  2. Which place do you find the most stunning?
  3. Which historic place would you like to visit? Why? 
  4. Which iconic place would you like to visit? Why? 
  5. Would you like to travel around the UK with Ben?

И в конце спросите, что же нового узнали ученики на этом уроке.

7. Project «Planning a trip to the UK»

В качестве домашнего задания попросите ребят подготовить проект по тем местам, которые они хотели бы посетить в Великобритании. История такая: для подачи документов на визу надо подготовить план поездки. Учащиеся вначале продумывают план, учитывая локации, проживание, транспорт, бюджет. А затем составляют проект с картинками и видео, чтобы собрать группу друзей, которые захотели бы присоединиться к их поездке. 

Starting point

Look back at the lesson material. Which places would you like to visit? Is there anything else you’re interested in?

Project task 

Imagine that you want to go to the UK too. You need to craft an itinerary for the visa application. You should have a clear plan for your visit and thoughtfully think about the places you want to visit, preferred activities, and budget for your trip. Here is an example:

Day-by-Day Itinerary:

DateActivity PlanBudgetAccommodation
Day 1
June 3, 2024
Arrival at London Heathrow AirportObtain an Oyster Card and take a train to Central LondonCheck in at the hostelExplore attractions like Tower of London and Tower Bridge
£35 (per night)£34+£3o (for food)
NX London Hostel
323A New Cross Road, London SE14 6AS England
Day 2
June 4, 2024
Hop-on, Hop-off tourWalking around parks£27
NX London Hostel
323A New Cross Road, London SE14 6AS England

Do the project 

Step 1

Search for information on the Internet about famous landmarks in the UK and create a roadmap. Think about the ways you can travel to these places. Check out the prices for the entrance and the cost of the travelling.

Research areas:

A. Places (what you want to visit)

Useful websites:

B. Locations (how to get there)

Useful website:

C. Fee and tickets (how much it costs)

Step 2

Look for the accommodation. Find the most suitable for you. 

Useful websites:

Step 3

Make a budget. 

Research area:
A. Accommodation
B. Fee and tickets
C. Food and drinks
F. Other expenses

Think about…

Digital skills

You can look for information about places in the UK in your own language. However, be careful using online translation tools to translate it. They are not always 100% correct! So you may try to google in English. 

When you work in a team, decide the best way to divide the work equally and fairly. For example, each student could search for different information. Or some studentscould look for information while others are responsible for preparing artwork or giving the presentation. Make sure that everyone Is happy with the distribution of work.

Useful language:
Who wants to […]? Are you happy doing […]? Can I […]?
I’d like to […]. Can I volunteer for […]? Why don’t I/you/we […]?
Academic skills

When you search for information online, it’s important to look critically at what you find. Consider who wrote the information. What makes them «experts» in the topic?
Step 4

Organise the information in PowerPoint or a poster with pictures. 

Present the project to the class


Give each project a mark from 1 to 5 (5 = very good) for:

A. Content
B. Presentation
C. Design
D. Language

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