Linking words (вводные слова или слова-связки) делают устную и письменную речь богатой. Они соединяют предложения между собой, позволяют составлять логичные предложения и точнее выражать мысли. 

Мы подготовили тематический план урока по видеоиграм для подростков с уровнем Intermediate и выше. Урок охватывает слова-связки:

  • причины (because, as, since); 
  • времени (when, after, before, until, as soon as);
  • контраста (although/though, in spite of/despite, but); 
  • результата (so, therefore);
  • цели (to, in order to).

После урока ученики смогут свободно обсуждать видеоигры и их влияние на подростков с помощью linking words.

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Task 1. Warm-up

Покажите ученикам фотографию, где человек играет в видеоигры. Сначала спрячьте ту часть фотографии, где видна игровая консоль. Спросите, что по мнению учеников делает мальчик на фотографии. Примите ответы, затем покажите фото полностью, чтобы ученики могли проверить свои догадки. В конце задания обсудите общие вопросы о видеоиграх.   

Look at the picture. What do you think the boy is doing? Why do you think so? 
vvodnye slova linking words plan uroka 1 Skyteach

Check your answer. Were you correct?

vvodnye slova linking words plan uroka 2 Skyteach
Answer the questions below:
  1. Do you play video games? If so, how much video games do you play every week?
  2. What games do you usually play?
  3. Do you have a favourite video game? If so, what do you like about it?
  4. Do you think this game helps you improve your brain? Why (not)?
  5. Can a video game be educational/stress-relieving? How? 
  6. How would you feel if you could play only for 3 hours a week?

Про интерактивную платформу Skyeng 

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Другие статьи о платформе Skyeng для учителей английского:

Task 2. Vocabulary

Скажите ученикам, что дальше они посмотрят видео про влияние видеоигр на человека. Но сначала покажите слова из видео, которые вы предполагаете могут быть непонятны ученикам. При необходимости предложите наглядные иллюстрации.

We are going to watch a video about how video games affect people. Before watching, look at the words you will hear in the video and match them with their definitions.
  1. to rot 
  2. hand-eye coordination 
  3. to head 
  4. amateur 
  5. to get out of shape 
  6. avid 
  7. arch-nemesis 
  8. to measure 
  9. to float around 
  10. to bounce off 
  11. threshold 
  12. diminishing 
  13. devoid of

a) to go or travel in a particular direction
b) to decay, or to cause something to decay or weaken
c) to fly off very quickly and abruptly from something after coming into contract with it
d) to lose one’s fitness and gain weight undesirably 
e) doing something as a hobby and not as your job
f) completely wanting or lacking
g) to evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of
h) one’s worst enemy 
i) marked by active interest and enthusiasm
j) becoming smaller or less or appearing to do so
k) to fly or hover freely in the air 
l) the level at which something starts to happen
m) the way that one’s hands and sight work together to be able to do things that require speed and accuracy


1. — b); 2. — m); 3. — a); 4. — e); 5. — d); 6. — i); 7. — h); 8. — g); 9. — k); 10. — c); 11. — l); 12. — j); 13. — f)

Больше статей по теме «Linking words»:

Task 3. True or False

Дайте ученикам несколько минут, чтобы они успели прочитать утверждения. Если нужно, помогите им с непонятными предложениями/фразами. Включите видео «Testing Gamer vs Non-Gamer Brains: How Do Video Games Affect You?»:

После просмотра дайте ещё некоторое время на выполнение задания. Дополнительно вы также можете запустить видео повторно. После задайте вопросы, которые сподвигнут учеников к обсуждению.

Read the statements, then watch the video and mark them as True or False.
  1. Some people claim that playing video games can damage your brain and vision, while others say that it can make you more skillful.
  2. In the modern world, the industry is thriving.
  3. The speaker went to the IT Academy in order to understand how video games influence people.
  4. According to Matt Higginbotham, gaming improves players’ cognitive abilities, but if they only play video games, it will quickly get them out of shape.
  5. The video creator took part in three tests: he checked his cognitive processes, reactions and ability to track multiple objects at the same time.
  6. The speaker outperformed Matt in the more complex tasks.
  7. Computer games can improve one’s cognition.
  8. Science says that different games have a different impact on a person’s brain.
  9. Arcade games are the most popular among video gamers these days.
  10. According to medical research, video games can cure the brain if properly dosed and combined with physical activity.
  11. Among video gamers, the most common injuries are those of wrists, fingers, elbows, shoulders and necks.
  12. The speaker has made a conclusion that moderate gaming can improve one’s hand-eye coordination, focus and memory but does not necessarily have a practical value in real life.


  1. True
  2. True
  3. False (Sports Academy)
  4. True
  5. True
  6. False (Matt outperformed the speaker)
  7. True
  8. True
  9. False (Action games)
  10. True
  11. True
  12. True
Discuss the questions with your teacher.
  • What are the differences, if there are any, between the brain of a gamer and the one of a non-gamer? 
  • How can computer games develop or damage the human brain?

Другие интересные статьи для учеников уровня Intermediate:

Task 4. Linking games

Покажите ученикам предложения из предыдущего задания с вводными словами. Попросите их прочитать, выделить слова-связки и сказать для чего здесь используются linking words. Затем ученикам нужно вспомнить другие вводные слова и назвать задачу, которую они выполняют.

Read the sentences from the video and underline the linking words. 
  1. Some people claim that playing video games can damage your brain and vision, while others say that it can make you more skillful.
  2. The speaker went to the IT Academy in order to understand how video games influence people.
  3. According to Matt Higginbotham, gaming improves players’ cognitive abilities, but if they only play video games, it will quickly get them out of shape.
  4. The video creator took part in three tests: he checked his cognitive processes, reactions and ability to track multiple objects at the same time.
  5. The speaker has made a conclusion that moderate gaming can improve one’s hand-eye coordination, focus and memory but does not necessarily have a practical value in real life.


1. while (time); 2. in order to (purpose); 3. but (contrast); 4. to (purpose)

Answer the questions to remember other linking words.

Which linker(s) are used:

  • to contrast two ideas?
  • to give the result of an action?
  • to give the purpose of an action?
  • to give the reason for something?
  • to indicate time?

Possible answers: 1. although/though, in spite of / despite, but; 2. therefore, so; 3. in order to, to; 4. because, as, since; 5. when, after, before, until, as soon as

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Task 5. Different or Similar

Подготовьте пары предложений, где будут использованы разные слова-связки. В одних парах смысл предложений одинаковый, в других — разный. Задача ученика решить, есть схожий смысл или нет.

Read the sentences. Decide if the pairs of sentences are similar or different. Explain your choice.

A. My friend helped me with downloading games as I don’t know how to do this.
B. My friend helped me with downloading games. Therefore, I don’t know how to do this.

A. I am forever on a diet, since I put on weight easily.
B. I am forever on a diet, as I put on weight easily.

A. Jim decided to play this game because of the attractive graphics.
B. Jim decided to play this game as the graphics were attractive.

A. My father plays brain games to improve his attention.
B. My father plays brain games in order to improve my attention.

A. Mark called his dad because he wanted to ask for advice. 
B. Mark wanted to ask for advice so he called his dad.


  1. Different (in sentence A, we express the reason, while in sentence B, we express the result)
  2. Similar
  3. Similar
  4. Similar
  5. Different (in sentence A, we express the reason, while in sentence B, we express the result)

Затем покажите ученикам предложения, которые им нужно привести к общему смыслу.

Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first.

1. They only let people with zero gaming experience take part in the test as it can affect the results of it.
The results of the test can be affected by gaming experience, _____ .

2. She is a more qualified worker, therefore she got a promotion.
She got a promotion _____ .

3. Adam was late for the meeting because he had been playing games all night.
Adam had been playing games all night, _____ .  

4. I set up this blog in order to keep my friends and family informed of my time in Shanghai.
I want to keep my friends and family informed of my time in Shanghai. _____ .  

5. His mother is so annoyed because he plays video games instead of studying.
He plays video games instead of studying, _____ .

Possible answers: 

  1. The results of the test can be affected by gaming experience, so they only let people with zero gaming experience take part in it. 
  2. She got a promotion as she is a more qualified worker. 
  3. Adam had been playing games all night, so he was late for the meeting. 
  4. I want to keep my friends and family informed of my time in Shanghai. Therefore, I set up this blog.  
  5. He plays video games instead of studying, so his mother is so annoyed.

Task 6. Arguments

Подготовьте два противоположных мнения о видеоиграх. Попросите ребят привести аргументы за или против и обсудите эту тему, ответив контраргументами. Поощряйте ученика отстаивать свою точку зрения. 

Choose the opinion you agree with and debate the question with your teacher. Use the linking words and phrases.
«Video games are bad for teenagers’ mental and physical health» vs «Video Games are useful for teenagers»

Do video games impact teenagers positively or negatively?

For example, 

Student: Video games involve a lot of critical thinking, problem-solving, and the use of logic. In order to achieve the game’s goals, a gamer has to use these skills. 

Teacher: I agree with it. But spending a long time in front of a screen playing games can impact a gamer’s ability to focus and concentrate on other tasks such as school, work, college, or study.

Linking expressions to use:

  • because
  • as 
  • since 
  • so 
  • therefore 
  • to 
  • in order to 
  • although/though 
  • in spite of/despite 
  • but
  • when 
  • after 
  • before
  • until
  • as soon as

Teacher’s notes


  • Faster and More Accurate Decision-Making: several games prompt you to make your decisions quickly based on the information you receive from the game itself. 
  • Social Activity and Teamwork: some games can force you to cooperate with other players, making video games a beneficial exercise for team-building and establishing social connections with other players.
  • Improved Hand-to-Eye Coordination: playing video games improves your hand-to-eye coordination, making you more capable of performing tasks that involve coordination of your eyes and your hands.


  • Physical or Mental Health Issues: excessive game time can lead to physical and mental health issues, which include: Depression and social anxiety; Lack of motivation; Muscle loss and fat gain; Dehydration.
  • Lack of concentration: games demand a lot of attention to detail and concentration. But, unfortunately, we’re only able to focus for a certain amount of time daily, and the more time you spend gaming, the less attention you will have for other tasks.
  • Addiction: video games are designed to be addictive. They provide instant gratification and encourage gamers to keep playing every day. Players who play every day may even receive bonuses and special rewards in encouraging them to play even more.

Информация из статьи «What Are the Pros and Cons of Video Games?»

После ученики могут пройти тест «Are you concerned about your gaming?», чтобы проверить, склонны они к зависимости или нет.

Task 7. Step by step

Создайте настольную игру со словами-связками и подготовьте ссылку на игральную кость онлайн. Задача ученика — бросить кость, после чего передвигаться по карте соответственно выпавшей цифре. При этом ему нужно рассказывать историю со словом-связкой, который ему выпал. То же действие совершает учитель и продолжает историю и т.д. Конечно, истории должны быть связаны с темой урока.

Если же работаете с группой, разделите ребят на пары. Каждая пара по очереди бросает кость и начинает рассказывать свою историю. Та пара, которая первой доходит до финиша с логической историей, называет слово «Linkers» и становится победителем.

Read the instructions and play the game.


Roll the dice and start a story using the linking word given in the square that you have landed on. Your teacher then rolls the dice and has to continue the story using the linker on their square. 

Continue with your teacher so the story will be logical. The game continues until one of you reaches «finish» and completes the story.

vvodnye slova linking words plan uroka 3 Skyteach
made with

Task 8. Follow me

Подготовьте вводные слова, 15-20, которые хотите практиковать с учениками, а также предложения. Можете добавить их в онлайн-колесо, чтобы сделать упражнение красочным и интерактивным.

Начните предложение, затем попросите учеников покрутить колесо и продолжить ваше предложение, используя полученную слово-связку. Поменяйтесь ролями.

Read the instructions and play the game.


Your teacher starts a sentence, e.g. We decided to have an active weekend in the mountains. Spin the wheel and get a linking device, e.g. despite.

Continue the sentence using the linker, e.g. Despite being exhausted after a difficult working week, we decided to have an active weekend in the mountains.

Teacher’s notes: Sentences to use

  • Rainy days make them sleepy.
  • I order pizza every day. 
  • Being a delivery person might be fun.
  • I am not a huge fan of birthdays.
  • We were playing a board game together.
  • Steven has decided to move abroad.
  • They were warned not to go there.

Hometask: Helping a friend

Study the case and prepare your 3-minute speech.

Your friend’s younger brother is constantly playing video games. He plays  24/7, even at school. He seems to be addicted to one of its characters and claims it to be an ideal best friend and doesn’t want to have any real ones. Your friend wants you to help his little brother as you have always been a role model for him. How would you help the boy?


Plan what you are going to talk about. Consider starting with an introduction and ending with a conclusion. Express your attitude towards the issue. Use the linking words and phrases from the lesson. Take your time. Send your voice message to your teacher.

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