Осенью погода непредсказуема, и важно учить детей правилам безопасности в случае непогоды. Для этого мы подготовили план урока по английскому языку для детей с уровнем Elementary. На занятии ученики повторят слова по теме «Погода», прочитают историю о мальчике, который потерялся, узнают о важности быть осторожным на дорогах и попрактикуют будущее время be going to.
- Task 1. Warm-up
- Task 2. Lead-in
- Task 3. The rescue service
- Task 4. A stormy story
- Task 5. Mistakes
- Task 6. Another story
- Task 7. My story
- Task 8. Rules outside
Task 1. Warm-up
Цель: проверить, какую лексику по теме «Погода» уже знают учащийся.
Look. It’s a weather forecast.
Can you name the weather symbols?
What day is it today? What’s the weather like?

The words to use:
- hot/cold
- snow(y)
- storm
- lightning
- cloud(y)
- rain(y)
- sun(ny)
- wind(y)
- fog(gy)
Task 2. Lead-in
Цель: ввести тему урока и обеспечить контекст для следующих задач.
Look at the picture.
- What are the children doing?
- How’s the weather outside?
- Do you like walking in bad weather?

Больше статей по теме урока:
Task 3. The rescue service
Цель: для следующего упражнения понять и выучить значение слов «rescuer» и «rescue service».
Look at the picture.
- What can you see?
- Who do you think they are?
- What do they do?

Task 4. A stormy story
Цель: представить историю о приключениях мальчика по имени Томми.
Read the story and answer the questions.
- What happened to Tommy?
- Who helped him?

Mom: Tommy! Where are you going in this rain?
Tommy: I’m going to the forest! I want to find the Lost Frog King!
Mom: Don’t go too far, and come back soon!
Tommy: I will, Mom! Don’t worry!

Tommy: This is fun! I just need to find that frog… Whoa! (slips and falls into a stream) Ahh! Help!
Mom: Have you seen Tommy? The rain is getting really bad! He must be in the forest! We need to find him! It’s really dangerous.
Dad: Hang on! I am going to call the rescue service.

Dad: Hello! My son is in danger.
Rescuer: Hello! We are on our way.
Rescuer: Alright, team! Let’s find Tommy!

Rescuer: Tommy! Hang on, we’re coming!
Tommy: I’m here! Help me!
Rescuer: You are safe now.
Tommy: Thank you so much for your help!

Rescuer: Here is your son, wet but safe.
Mom and Dad: We were so worried. You need to get warm. Come in and let’s have tea.
Tommy: I am so sorry.
Rescuer: Tommy, you need to be careful. It’s very dangerous to go out in a storm.
Tommy: Yes, now I know. I wanted to find the Lost Frog King!
Rescuer: (laughing) Well, you sure had an adventure today!
Mom: No more adventures in the rain!
Tommy: (smiling) Okay, Mom… but I still want to find that Frog King— when it’s sunny!
Dialogue generated by ChatGPT, edited by Margarit Avetisyan
Task 5. Mistakes
Цель: сосредоточить внимание ученика на содержании рассказа.
Let’s check how well you remember the story. There’s a mistake in each sentence. Read and correct the sentences.
- The weather is fine.
- Tommy is afraid to go out in this weather.
- Dad is going to call the police.
- Tommy falls into a river.
- Tommy’s friends call the rescue service for help.
- Tommy asks the rescuer to leave him alone.
- The rescuer says that it’s nice to go for a walk in such weather.
- It’s stormy and rainy
- Tommy is not afraid
- The rescue service
- Stream
- Tommy’s dad
- To help him
- it’s dangerous
В конце упражнения спросите։
- Do you like the story? Why?
- What’s the idea of the story?
Task 6. Another story
Цель: практиковать фразы из рассказа.
Look at the picture. What do you see? Read and complete the dialogue.

on its way; Hang on; safe; Don’t worry!
Girl: Can you help me?
Rescuer: What happened?
Girl: There is a kitten on the roof. I think the kitten is scared.
Rescuer: _____ ! I am going to save the kitten.
Girl: _____ , kitty! Help is _____ .
Rescuer: That’s it. Here is the kitten. Scared but _____ .
Girl: Oh, thank you very much!
Task 7. My story
Цель: научиться рассказывать истории.
Create your story. Imagine that you went for a walk in bad weather. Talk about what happened. For example:
- The weather was bad, but I went for a walk…
Useful language։
- nouns: weather, wind, storm, lightning, thunder, fog, adventure
- verbs and phrases: call, come, save, go home, scared
- adjectives: hot, bad, stormy, rainy, foggy, windy, cold, dangerous, wet, safe, careful, snowy, cloudy, sunny
В конце упражнения спросите։
- What do you usually do in bad weather?
- What do your family members usually do?
- What do you think the weather is going to be like at the weekend?
- What are you going to do?
- What are you NOT going to do?
Task 8. Rules outside
Цель: обсудить, как важно быть осторожным на улице․
Let’s talk about the story again.
- What’s the idea?
- Do you know what it means to be careful outside?
- Who was not careful in the story? What happened to them?
- Tell me about yourself. Are you careful outside?
Покажите фотографию и дайте пример։ I don’t swim in places I don’t know.
Если ученикам сложно, покажите им разные фотографии, которые иллюстрируют разные ситуации, где важно быть осторожным. Например, разговоры с незнакомыми людьми, прогулка на руинах, несоблюдение правил на пешеходных переходах и т. д․
Больше про метод CLIL в статьях։