Осенью погода непредсказуема, и важно учить детей правилам безопасности в случае непогоды. Для этого мы подготовили план урока по английскому языку для детей с уровнем Elementary. На занятии ученики повторят слова по теме «Погода», прочитают историю о мальчике, который потерялся, узнают о важности быть осторожным на дорогах и попрактикуют будущее время be going to.  

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Task 1. Warm-up

Цель: проверить, какую лексику по теме «Погода» уже знают учащийся.

Look. It’s a weather forecast.
Can you name the weather symbols?
What day is it today? What’s the weather like?

weather safety Skyteach
photo made with canva.com
Teacher’s notes

The words to use:

  • hot/cold
  • snow(y)
  • storm
  • lightning
  • cloud(y)
  • rain(y)
  • sun(ny)
  • wind(y)
  • fog(gy)

Как стать преподавателем Skyeng: 4 простых шага

Рассказываем, как проходит отбор и что нужно делать кандидатам

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Другие статьи о преподавании в Skyeng для учителей английского:

Task 2. Lead-in

Цель: ввести тему урока и обеспечить контекст для следующих задач.

Look at the picture.

  • What are the children doing?
  • How’s the weather outside?
  • Do you like walking in bad weather?
weather safety 1 Skyteach
photo taken from freepik.com

Больше статей по теме урока:

Task 3. The rescue service

Цель: для следующего упражнения понять и выучить значение слов «rescuer» и «rescue service».

Look at the picture.

  • What can you see?
  • Who do you think they are?
  • What do they do?
weather safety 2 Skyteach
photo taken from freepik.com

Task 4. A stormy story

Цель: представить историю о приключениях мальчика по имени Томми.

Read the story and answer the questions.

  • What happened to Tommy?
  • Who helped him?
weather safety 3 Skyteach
generated by canva AI

Mom: Tommy! Where are you going in this rain?
Tommy: I’m going to the forest! I want to find the Lost Frog King!
Mom: Don’t go too far, and come back soon!
Tommy: I will, Mom! Don’t worry!

weather safety 4 Skyteach
generated by canva AI

Tommy: This is fun! I just need to find that frog… Whoa! (slips and falls into a stream) Ahh! Help! 

Mom: Have you seen Tommy? The rain is getting really bad! He must be in the forest! We need to find him! It’s really dangerous.
Dad: Hang on! I am going to call the rescue service.

weather safety 5 Skyteach
photo taken from freepik.com

Dad: Hello! My son is in danger.
Rescuer: Hello! We are on our way.

Rescuer: Alright, team! Let’s find Tommy!

weather safety 6 Skyteach
photo taken from freepik.com

Rescuer: Tommy! Hang on, we’re coming!
Tommy: I’m here! Help me!
Rescuer: You are safe now. 
Tommy: Thank you so much for your help!

weather safety 7 Skyteach
photo taken from freepik.com

Rescuer: Here is your son, wet but safe.
Mom and Dad: We were so worried. You need to get warm. Come in and let’s have tea.
Tommy: I am so sorry.
Rescuer: Tommy, you need to be careful. It’s very dangerous to go out in a storm.
Tommy: Yes, now I know. I wanted to find the Lost Frog King!
Rescuer: (laughing) Well, you sure had an adventure today!
Mom: No more adventures in the rain!
Tommy: (smiling) Okay, Mom… but I still want to find that Frog King— when it’s sunny!

Dialogue generated by ChatGPT, edited by Margarit Avetisyan

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Task 5. Mistakes

Цель: сосредоточить внимание ученика на содержании рассказа.

Let’s check how well you remember the story. There’s a mistake in each sentence. Read and correct the sentences.

  1. The weather is fine.
  2. Tommy is afraid to go out in this weather.
  3. Dad is going to call the police.
  4. Tommy falls into a river.
  5. Tommy’s friends call the rescue service for help.
  6. Tommy asks the rescuer to leave him alone.
  7. The rescuer says that it’s nice to go for a walk in such weather.
  1. It’s stormy and rainy
  2. Tommy is not afraid
  3. The rescue service
  4. Stream
  5. Tommy’s dad
  6. To help him
  7. it’s dangerous

В конце упражнения спросите։ 

  • Do you like the story? Why?
  • What’s the idea of the story?

Task 6. Another story

Цель: практиковать фразы из рассказа.

Look at the picture. What do you see? Read and complete the dialogue.

weather safety 8 Skyteach

on its way; Hang on; safe; Don’t worry!

Girl: Can you help me?
Rescuer: What happened?
Girl: There is a kitten on the roof. I think the kitten is scared.
Rescuer: _____ ! I am going to save the kitten.
Girl: _____ , kitty! Help is _____ .
Rescuer: That’s it. Here is the kitten. Scared but _____ .
Girl: Oh, thank you very much!

Key: Don’t worry! Hang on; on its way; safe

Task 7. My story

Цель: научиться рассказывать истории.

Create your story. Imagine that you went for a walk in bad weather. Talk about what happened. For example:

  • The weather was bad, but I went for a walk…

Useful language։

  • nouns: weather, wind, storm, lightning, thunder, fog, adventure 
  • verbs and phrases: call, come, save, go home, scared  
  • adjectives: hot, bad, stormy, rainy, foggy, windy, cold, dangerous, wet, safe, careful, snowy, cloudy, sunny

В конце упражнения спросите։

  • What do you usually do in bad weather?
  • What do your family members usually do?
  • What do you think the weather is going to be like at the weekend?
  • What are you going to do?
  • What are you NOT going to do?

Task 8. Rules outside

Цель: обсудить, как важно быть осторожным на улице․

Let’s talk about the story again.

  • What’s the idea? 
  • Do you know what it means to be careful outside? 
  • Who was not careful in the story? What happened to them? 
  • Tell me about yourself. Are you careful outside? 

Покажите фотографию и дайте пример։ I don’t swim in places I don’t know.

Если ученикам сложно, покажите им разные фотографии, которые иллюстрируют разные ситуации, где важно быть осторожным. Например, разговоры с незнакомыми людьми, прогулка на руинах, несоблюдение правил на пешеходных переходах и т. д․

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