В материале представлен широкий выбор заданий на новогоднюю тематику для индивидуального урока (уровень A2). Вместе с учениками и ученицами вы можете обсудить магию праздника, подвести итоги 2023-го, обсудить планы на следующий год, посмотреть новогодние видео, выполнить задания на чтение и поработать со словарем на тему New Year’s Eve.

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Цель урока: создать праздничную атмосферу на уроке и подвести итоги уходящего года.

Структура worksheet:

Как стать преподавателем Skyeng: 4 простых шага

Рассказываем, как проходит отбор
и что предстоит делать кандидатам

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Раздел 1. Warm-up: вопросы для обсуждения на тему Happy New Year

Предлагаем большую подборку вопросов, которые могут быть заданы ученикам и ученицам в начале или в конце урока.

Reflecting on the past year:

  • What were some highlights or memorable moments for you in the past year?
  • Did you achieve any personal goals or resolutions? Share one accomplishment.

New Year’s resolutions:

  • Do you usually make New Year’s resolutions? Why or why not?
  • What resolutions do you have for the upcoming year, and how do you plan to achieve them?

Cultural celebrations:

  • How is New Year celebrated in your culture or country?
  • Are there any unique traditions or customs associated with New Year’s celebrations in your community?

Favourite New Year’s Eve memories:

  • What is your favourite New Year’s Eve memory? Describe the celebration.
  • Do you have any specific traditions or activities you enjoy on New Year’s Eve?

Fireworks and celebrations:

  • How do you feel about fireworks displays on New Year’s Eve?
  • Have you ever attended a large New Year’s celebration or event? Share your experience.

Looking forward:

  • What are your hopes and expectations for the upcoming year?
  • Are there any specific goals or plans you have for the next twelve months?

Global New Year’s celebrations:

  • Are there any New Year’s traditions from other countries that you find interesting or would like to experience?
  • How do you think New Year is celebrated differently around the world?

New Year’s resolutions challenges:

  • Have you ever faced challenges in keeping your New Year’s resolutions? How did you overcome them?
  • What advice would you give to someone who struggles to stick to their resolutions?

По вашему усмотрению также могут быть добавлены задания (в начале урока) на обсуждение новогодних картинок, открыток, их описание, на отработку конструкции there is / there are и пр.

Раздел 2. Vocabulary

Task 1. Match the words with their meanings.

Resolution — 1. Display of lights in the sky often organised to celebrate an event
Countdown — 2. A promise to do or not to do something
Fireworks — 3. The middle of the night
Midnight — 4. The act of counting backwards to zero


Countdown — 4. The act of counting backwards to zero
Fireworks — 1. A display of lights in the sky often organised to celebrate an event
Resolution — 2. A promise to do or not to do something
Midnight — 3. The middle of the night

Tasks 2. Put the words with the correct meaning.

At midnight, people ________ the New Year.
We ________ resolutions for the coming year.
The ________ begins when the clock strikes twelve.
People let off ________ to welcome the New Year.
1st January marks the ________ of a new year.


At midnight, people celebrate the New Year.
We make resolutions for the coming year.
The countdown begins when the clock strikes twelve.
People let off fireworks to welcome the New Year.
1st January marks the beginning of a new year.

Вам могут пригодиться и эти материалы:

Раздел 3. Reading comprehension

Read the passage and answer the questions.

New Year Celebrations

New Year is a time for celebrations around the world. People gather their friends and family to welcome the upcoming year. The most common way to celebrate is by attending parties, where there is music, dancing, and delicious food. At the stroke of midnight, everyone cheers and wishes each other a Happy New Year.

Answer the questions:

  1. What do people do to celebrate New Year?
  2. When do people cheer and wish each other a Happy New Year?

Раздел 4. Writing

Write five sentences about your New Year’s Eve celebration. 

Include information about where you were, what you did, and how you felt.

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Раздел 5. Задания на тему New Year’s resolutions

В разделе собраны упражнения, которые могут быть выбраны в зависимости от интересов, уровня подготовки учащихся. Задания также могут быть даны в качестве домашней работы.

Task 1: Setting personal resolutions


Reflect on the past year and identify areas where you would like to make positive changes or improvements.

Write down three personal resolutions for the upcoming year.

For each resolution, briefly explain why it is important to you and how you plan to achieve it.

Task 2: Vocabulary matching


Match the words on the left with their meanings on the right.

Resolution — a. A specific objective
Commitment — b. The act of deciding or settling on a course of action
Achieve — c. A promise to oneself to do or not to do something
Goal — d. The state of being dedicated to a cause or activity


Resolution — c.
Commitment — d.
Achieve — b.
Goal — a.

Task 3: Resolution reflection


Choose one of your New Year’s resolutions.

Write a paragraph reflecting on why you chose this resolution and how achieving it will impact your life.

Discuss each other’s resolutions.

Task 4: New Year’s resolution survey


Create a short survey with questions about New Year’s resolutions (e.g.: Do you usually make resolutions? What is your resolution for this year?).

Interview classmates or friends using the survey questions.

Summarise the survey results and present them to the class.

Task 5: Resolution visualisation


Close your eyes and visualise yourself at the end of the upcoming year having successfully achieved your resolutions.

Write a short paragraph describing how you feel and what positive changes have occurred in your life.

Share your visualisation and discuss it.

Task 6: Resolutions in the news


Find a news article or a video discussing New Year’s resolutions.

Summarise the key points and present them to the class.

Discuss whether the article/video changed your perspective on resolutions.

Раздел 6. Аудирование (работа с новогодними видео)

Вариант 1.

Task: Watch the video and discuss:

  1. What are New Year’s resolutions and why are they important?
  2. Do you agree with the tips given in the video? Why or why not?

Вариант 2.

Task: Watch the video and do the following:

Create a cultural comparison: compare and contrast the New Year’s Eve traditions from two different countries mentioned in the video. Highlight similarities and differences.

Больше полезного к праздничным урокам английского:

Worksheet направлен на отработку следующих навыков: говорение, аудирование, письмо и чтение. Так как заданий много, то можно провести два урока. На первом уроке можно поработать со словарем, новыми лексическими единицами, разобрать текст для чтения, а также посмотреть видео. Второй урок может быть направлен на развитие разговорных навыков у учеников и учениц, на обсуждение домашнего задания. С наступающим!

Комментарии (2)
  • Фото аватара

    Здравствуйте! можно сделать полноценный раб лист? редактировать и переносить не всем хочется

    • Фото аватара

      Здравствуйте! В этой статье пока только формат текста, в будущем, возможно, мы уже сделаем полноценный дизайн рабочего листа)


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