Занятие посвящено разбору грамматической темы «Степени сравнения прилагательных». Мы разберем конструкций nothing like, in no way, nowhere near и другие. Урок включает теоретическую часть, в которой объясняются правила, и практическую часть для отработки (упражнения и устная часть).

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Область применения: материал идеально подойдет как для офлайн-занятия, так и для онлайн-уроков.

Возраст: от 20 лет.

Уровень: Upper Intermediate.

Цели урока:

  • Изучить и/или повторить тему по сравнению прилагательных с использованием таких конструкций, как nothing like, in no way, nowhere near и др.


  • Умение использовать грамматическое правило при письме и в процессе говорения.

План урока:

  1. Theory
  2. Grammar exercises
  3. Speaking part

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1. Theory

Методический совет: теоретическую часть можно дать ученику за несколько дней до урока для самостоятельного ознакомления.

Comparative forms are used to compare two things, expressing a higher or lower degree of a particular quality or characteristic. The exercises you provided focus on various comparative forms and their usage.

Here are the theoretical rules for each of the comparative forms you listed:

Not anything near: This phrase is used to indicate that something is not close or similar in quality, quantity, or degree to something else.
Example: The new restaurant is not anything near as busy as the one downtown.

Not anywhere near: Similar to «not anything near,» this phrase emphasizes the lack of closeness or similarity between two things.
Example: His painting skills are not anywhere near as good as his sister’s.

Nowhere near: This expression emphasizes a significant difference in degree or quality between two things.
Example: The price of this car is nowhere near as high as I expected.

Not in any way / In no way: These phrases are used to emphasize that something is absolutely not true or valid.
Example: Her behavior is in no way acceptable.

Not anything like / Nothing like: These phrases emphasize the lack of similarity between two things.
Example: The weather here is nothing like what we experienced in Hawaii.

Not at all: This expression indicates a complete absence of something or a total lack of agreement.
Example: I’m not at all interested in watching that movie.

Not nearly: This phrase indicates that something falls short of a particular standard or expectation.
Example: The food at that restaurant is not nearly as good as they claim.

Not quite: This expression indicates that something is almost but not completely true or accurate.
Example: He’s not quite as tall as his brother.

Understanding these theoretical rules will help learners to use comparative forms accurately in various contexts.

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2. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1:

Complete the following sentences with the appropriate comparative form:

1. This smartphone is _______ as expensive as that one. 
2. This book is _______ as interesting as the one I read last week.
3. The temperature today is _______ as cold as it was yesterday.
4. The traffic in this city is _______ as bad as in the capital.
5. My current salary is _______ as high as the average income in my field.
6. His cooking skills are _______ as impressive as his brother’s.

1. Answer: nowhere near
2. Answer: not anything like
3. Answer: nowhere near
4. Answer: nothing like
5. Answer: not nearly
6. Answer: nowhere near

Вам могут пригодиться и эти материалы к урокам английского:

Exercise 2:

Choose the correct comparative form to complete the sentences:

This restaurant is _____ the one we went to last week.

a) not nearly
b) nothing like
c) nowhere near

Answer: c) nowhere near

The size of this apartment is _____ enough for a family of four.

a) not quite
b) not anything like
c) not nearly

Answer: c) not nearly

Her painting skills are _____ those of a professional artist.

a) not in any way
b) not anything near
c) in no way

Answer: b) not anything near

The movie we saw last night was _____ as good as the one we saw the week before.

a) nowhere near
b) not at all
c) by far

Answer: c) nowhere near

His behavior at the party was _____ acceptable.

a) not anything like
b) in no way
c) not quite

Answer: b) in no way

The quality of this product is _____ what I expected.

a) not quite
b) nothing like
c) nowhere near

Answer: b) nothing like

The level of difficulty in this exam is _____ the previous one.

a) not nearly
b) not quite

Answer: a) not nearly

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3. Speaking part

Exercise 1:

Compare two pictures using the appropriate comparative forms.

Exercise 2:

Task 1: Comparing Experiences 

Instructions: Imagine you and your partner have recently watched two different movies. One of you absolutely loved the movie you watched, while the other found it terrible. Take turns describing your movie experiences using “nothing like,“ “in no way,“ or “nowhere near“ to emphasize the differences. 


Learner A: “So, the movie I watched was fantastic! The acting was superb, the plot was engaging, and the special effects were top-notch. It was nothing like any movie I’ve seen before!“ 

Learner B: “Really? That sounds amazing. Well, the movie I watched was nowhere near as good. The acting felt forced, the plot was predictable, and the special effects were laughable. I’m glad it was over quickly.“

Task 2: 

Describing Preferences Instructions: Discuss your preferences for different types of vacations. One person will describe their ideal vacation, emphasizing how it is nothing like or nowhere near the other person’s preferences. Then switch roles. 


Learner A: “For my dream vacation, I’d love to go on a backpacking trip through the mountains, camping under the stars each night. It’s in no way similar to those luxury beach resorts some people prefer.“

Learner B: “Hmm, interesting. Well, my ideal vacation is nowhere near that rugged! I’d much rather lounge on a tropical beach, sipping cocktails and soaking up the sun. Camping in the mountains sounds like a nightmare to me!“

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