Новый год — это время пышных застолий, а также обещаний обязательно придерживаться здорового питания после праздников. Всё это и можно обсудить с учениками на уроке английского языка.

План занятия «Festive Food» подойдёт взрослым учащимся уровня Upper Intermediate. Задания направлены на развитие навыков говорения, аудирования, а также расширение словарного запаса в рамках этой темы. Во время урока студенты узнают не только о традиционных блюдах разных стран, но и о важности осознанного подхода к выбору пищи во время праздников.

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Task 1. Warm-Up

Начните урок с обсуждения двух фотографий, которые иллюстрируют тему урока. 

Look at the pictures and guess the topic of the lesson:

Possible answer: New Year food and its impact on the digestive system

Task 2. Lead-In

Обсудите цитату, а также вопросы про праздничную еду и режим питания.

Read the quote and discuss it with your teacher:

«One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well»
Virginia Woolf

  • Do you agree with it? Why (not)?

Discuss the questions:

  1. What kind of dishes do you associate with New Year’s Eve?
  2. What food can not be missed on your New Year’s table? Identify the must-have dishes for New Year’s Eve.
  3. Which New Year’s dish do you think is the most satisfying for the stomach?
  4. What are some common ingredients in New Year’s dishes that might be hard on the stomach for some people? 
  5. Have you ever experienced an upset stomach after indulging in holiday foods? What did you eat?
  6. Can you list some nutritious foods that you find essential during celebrations?
  7. How do you balance enjoying festive foods with maintaining a healthy diet during the holiday season?
  8. What role does your digestion play in your daily life?
  9. Do you think a healthy digestive system influences your mental health?
  10. Have you ever experienced a change in your gut health after altering your diet?

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Task 3. New Year’s Dishes

Заранее подготовьте множество фотографий традиционных блюд разных стран. Вы также можете взять их из статьи «They eat what? New Year’s food traditions around the world». Покажите фото ученикам и попросите назвать ингредиенты, которые они заметят, а затем угадать страну. Дайте названия блюд, если ученики затрудняются ответить. 

Teacher: It is called «Marzipanschwein» or «Glücksschwein».
Student: Is it German?
Teacher: Yes, it is. 

Look at the pictures and name the food you see. Try to guess the country:

Затем выберите блюда, которые заинтересовали или понравились студентам по внешнему виду. Откройте нужный параграф статьи и попросите прочитать его. Дайте некоторое время, чтобы студенты могли ответить на вопрос.

Do you like it once you know the ingredients?

  1. If not, what ingredients do you not like? 
  2. If so, would you like to try it / to cook it? 
Рекомендуем также статью New Year and Christmas dishes around the world: lesson ideas.

Магия Нового Года: дайджест подарков для учителей к празднику!

12 писем с материалами для ваших лучших новогодних уроков: игры, квесты, песни, интерактивные задания, pdf-карточки, аудиоролики и многое другое 💝

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Task 4. Is It Harmful?

Покажите фотографии различных блюд. Ученикам нужно оценить, насколько вредна та или иная пища для их кишечника. 

Now look at the pictures and rate how harmful this food might be to your gut:

  1. Why have you rated the products in this way? 
  2. Which food do you enjoy the most? 
  3. How often do you eat it?

Task 5. Vocabulary

Перед изучением слов урока, задайте вопрос:

  • What can we expect when we heal / take care of the gut? 

Complete the collocations with the words from the list. The definitions of the words will help you.

Immune; reduced; inflammation; increased; mood; bloating; nutrient absorption; cognitive; disease; resilience; skin

  1. _____ energy — ​greater in amount, number, value or size.
  2. Improved _____ function — connected with thinking or conscious mental processes.
  3. Enhanced _____ to stress — the ability of people or things to feel better quickly after something unpleasant, such as shock, injury, etc.
  4. _____ seasonal allergies — made less in size or amount or degree.
  5. Lower risk of _____ — (an) illness of people, animals, plants, etc., caused by infection or a failure of health rather than by an accident.
  6. Stronger _____ system — protected against a particular disease by particular substances in the blood.
  7. Reduced _____ and pain — a response of body tissues to injury or irritation, characterized by pain and swelling and redness and heat. 
  8. Improved _____ — the process of taking nutrients from the digestive system into the blood so they can be used in the body.
  9. Less _____ — a condition in which the stomach swells and feels full and uncomfortable.
  10. Cleaner _____ — the natural outer layer that covers a person, animal, fruit, etc.
  11. Better _____ — the way you feel at a particular time.

Increased energy; improved cognitive function; enhanced resilience to stress; reduced seasonal allergies; lower risk of disease; stronger immune system; reduced inflammation and pain; improved nutrient absorption; less bloating; cleaner skin; better mood.

  • Have you noticed these changes when your gut works well?

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Task 6. Vocabulary Practice

На этом этапе ученики смогут закрепить слова, работая с ними в контексте. 

Complete the sentences with the correct words.

Bloating; nutrient absorption; immune; inflammation; increased 

  1. Combining foods, such as pairing vitamin C-rich fruits with iron-rich meals, can boost _____.
  2. She found that incorporating healthy snacks into her diet led to _____ energy levels throughout the afternoon.
  3. Certain foods, such as beans and lentils, are nutritious but can also lead to _____ for some individuals.
  4. Yoga and meditation can help decrease stress levels, which may reduce _____ in the body.
  5. A healthy diet can strengthen your _____ system and help prevent illness.

Cognitive; reduced; disease; resilience; mood; skin

  1. The drink had put him in an amiable _____.
  2. Certain dietary choices, such as omega-3 fatty acids, have been associated with improved _____ function.
  3. Avoiding sugary foods has not only improved my overall health but also led to clearer _____.
  4. Mental health interventions can lead to _____ symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  5. Research into genetic factors can help us understand the underlying causes of certain _____.
  6. Practicing mindfulness can enhance emotional _____ and improve mental well-being.
  1. Combining foods, such as pairing vitamin C-rich fruits with iron-rich meals, can boost nutrient absorption.
  2. She found that incorporating healthy snacks into her diet led to increased energy levels throughout the afternoon.
  3. Certain foods, such as beans and lentils, are nutritious but can also lead to bloating for some individuals.
  4. Yoga and meditation can help decrease stress levels, which may reduce inflammation in the body.
  5. A healthy diet can strengthen your immune system and help prevent illness.
  6. The drink had put him in an amiable mood.
  7. Certain dietary choices, such as omega-3 fatty acids, have been associated with improved cognitive function.
  8. Avoiding sugary foods has not only improved my overall health but also led to clearer skin.
  9. Mental health interventions can lead to reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  10. Research into genetic factors can help us understand the underlying causes of certain diseases.
  11. Practicing mindfulness can enhance emotional resilience and improve mental well-being.

Task 7. Our Second Brain

Познакомьте учащимся с фактами о нашем «втором» мозге и попросите выбрать те, которые они считают неправдой. 

Read the facts about the gut and decide if they are true or not:

  1. It turns out that 90% of signals do not go from the brain to the gut, but rather the gut «talks» to the brain, telling it how it feels.
  2. Approximately 70% of immune cells are located in the gut.
  3. The gut is sometimes referred to as the «second brain» due to its influence on the brain and emotions.
  4. 90% of serotonin is produced in the gut.
  5. There are studies showing a connection between the microbiome and depression and anxiety. Gut issues can cause changes in brain chemistry.
  6. Your microbes are involved in the production of melatonin — the hormone that regulates the sleep cycle. Gut problems = sleep issues.
  7. The gut perceives signals faster than the brain and often helps you make spontaneous decisions.
  8. The health of our gut affects not only digestion but also immunity, energy, and even mood. 
Key: All the facts are true

В конце задайте вопросы: 

  1. Which fact surprised you? 
  2. Which fact have you already heard of? 

These facts are taken from the article «Your Guide to the Gut-Brain Axis».

Больше интересных статей:

Task 8. Piece of Advice

Поностальгируйте вместе с учениками и вспомните, какой режим питания был у вас в последние несколько лет во время Нового года — и повлиял ли он на ваше здоровье. Дайте немного времени, чтобы студенты подумали о том, как можно поменять режим питания, чтобы сократить негативное воздействие на организм. 

  1. Think about your diet during the New Year holidays. 
  2. Does it have a great impact on your health? 
  3. Let’s think about how you can change your diet to reduce bad effects. 

Чтобы вовлечь в обсуждение, покажите иллюстрацию «Fermented Foods to Support Gut Health». Объясните непонятные слова, решите, являются ли представленные продукты хорошими для поддержания здоровой пищеварительной системы, и перейдите к оценке советов. 

Rank the tips from the most to the least suitable for you. Explain your choice:

  1. Eat less meat.
  2. Cut down your portion size.
  3. Follow a Mediterranean diet.
  4. Eat more vegetables and grain.
  5. Become a vegan/vegetarian.

Answer the questions:

  1. What other recommendations would you add? 
  2. Which of these tips is the most difficult for you to follow? Why? 
  3. Do you follow any of these in your daily diet? If not, what would you like to try?

Task 9. Phrases and Idioms

Познакомьте учеников со словосочетаниями и идиомами со словом gut. Включите несколько эпизодов из разных фильмов с выражением «My gut is telling me…». Дайте несколько минут, чтобы учащиеся успели подумать о его значении, затем покажите определение фразы. После этого дайте задание соединить фразы/идиомы с их значениями. 

Watch the episodes from different movies and define the phrase «My gut is telling me…». Look at some other collocations and idioms with the word «gut» and match with their definitions:


  1. gut feeling 
  2. to follow your gut 

a) to follow your intuition;
b) a strong belief about someone or something that cannot completely be explained and does not have to be decided by reasoning.


  1. to spill your guts 
  2. to have someone’s guts for garters 
  3. to hate someone’s guts 
  4. to have the guts 

a) to possess the courage
b) to punish someone severely
c) to dislike someone very much
d) to tell someone all about yourself, especially your problems



  • gut feeling — a strong belief about someone or something that cannot completely be explained and does not have to be decided by reasoning;
  • to follow your gut — to follow your intuition.


  • to spill your guts — to tell someone all about yourself, especially your problems;
  • to have someone’s guts for garters — to punish someone severely;
  • to hate someone’s guts — to dislike someone very much;
  • to have the guts — to possess the courage.

При необходимости приведите примеры: 

  • I have a gut feeling that the relationship won’t last.
  • Don’t be afraid to listen to your body and follow your gut.
  • Why do people take part in these shows and spill their guts on camera in front of a studio audience?
  • If that boy has taken my bike again, I’ll have his guts for garters!
  • After what he did to me, I truly hate his guts. 
  • I don’t think I’d have the guts to say that to his face.

Additional Task. Speaking

Обсудите с учениками обязанности в их семье во время праздников: кто за что ответственен. Предложите разыграть диалог по подготовке к новогоднему празднованию в последнюю минуту. 

Role-play a dialogue with your teacher:

You are asked to help with the last-minute preparations for the New Year’s celebration. Make up excuses why you can’t help. Your excuses might be funny or absurd. Swap roles with your teacher.

Teacher: Help me cut onions for the salad, please. 
Student: I can’t, I might cry and ruin my reputation as a tough cookie!

More requests:

  • go to the store to buy canned peas;
  • whip up a signature cocktail;
  • set the table;
  • prepare some snacks. 

Additional Task. Listening

Узнайте у учеников, есть ли среди их друзей/знакомых иностранцы, которые пробовали новогодние русские блюда. Узнайте об их опыте, а затем предложите посмотреть видео «Americans Try Russian Food».

Do you have foreign friends/acquaintances who have tried Russian New Year dishes? 

  1. If so, did they like them? 
  2. If not, do you think they would like them? Why (not)? 

Перед тем как посмотреть видео, изучите слова, которые могут быть новыми для учеников.

  • bizarre — very strange or unusual;
  • herring — a long, silver-colored fish that swims in large groups in the sea, or its flesh eaten as food;
  • grated — (of food) reduced to small shreds by being rubbed on a grater;
  • coleslaw-y — cold, uncooked cabbage, carrot, and onion, cut into long, thin strips and covered in a thick, cold sauce;
  • dirt-like — resembling or characteristic of dirt;
  • aftertaste — a taste remaining in the mouth after eating or drinking something;
  • bologna — a cooked, smoked sausage that is sliced and eaten cold;
  • cured — (used especially of meat) cured in brine;
  • acid — any of various usually liquid substances that can react with and sometimes dissolve other materials;
  • jiggle — to move from side to side or up and down with quick short movements, or to make something do this;
  • gross — extremely unpleasant;
  • raw — (of food) not cooked.

Watch the video and choose True or False:

  1. Herring under the fur coat smells weird for one woman, although it looks great.
  2. One woman wonders if our astronauts eat herring under the coat when they go to space. 
  3. One man compares Russian bologna to buying a Dell computer — very exciting. 
  4. Garlic flavour helps a woman to get through pickled tomatoes.
  5. Kholodets has a gross taste, but Americans say that its texture is quite pleasant.
  6. One woman says that she would rather eat a lot of salo instead of meat jelly. 
  1. False (It looks weird as hell)
  2. True 
  3. False (Just no joy)
  4. True
  5. False (The taste is fine, but the texture is gross)
  6. True
  • Do you agree with these people’s opinions? Why (not)? 
  • Which of the dishes are you going to make/buy for New Year? 
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