In English, there are several ways to speak about actions happening in the future. Depending on different factors you can use Present Simple, Continuous, be going to, Future Simple and even more types of tenses. Younger learners are usually touched upon these four Tense forms while learning English. If you have already covered these topics with your kids you may find it quite effective to use some interactive online exercises that will help learners have more practice. Exercises are more suitable for Intermediate learners.

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Task 1

Here students focus their attention on three tense forms that express Future time — Present Simple for timetables, Present Continuous for arrangements and be going to for plans.

Task 2

The next step requires more attention since here students will also have practice with Future Simple.

Task 3

Having had some practice in writing the exercises it is time to boost your students’ speaking skills using Future Tenses.

Spin the wheel and answer the questions using correct Future tense forms.

These online exercises will help your students learn fast and easily and use them in their speech.

Read as well:

На кого из великих педагогов вы похожи?

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