Для многих фильмы 2025 года будут ностальгическими, так как среди премьер множество давно известных историй. Мы составили подборку громких новинок кино этого года и подготовили задания к ним. Упражнения подойдут для уроков английского языка со взрослыми учениками уровня Intermediate и выше.

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The Last of Us (season 2)

Премьера: весной
Жанр: post-apocalyptic drama

Начните урок с вопросов про сериалы, которые ученики смотрели в последние 2 года и продолжение которых с нетерпением ждут. 

  • What TV series did you watch in the last 2 years? Which one do you like more? Why? 
  • What TV show’s next season release are you waiting for? 

Откройте концепт-арт сериала «The last of us» с сайта ArtStation. Покажите так, чтобы не было видно название в левом нижнем углу. 

Look at the art-concept of a TV series. Do you recognize it?

Дождитесь ответа и покажите название или постер сериала с сайта Кинопоиск. Затем спросите: 

  1. Have you seen it? 
  • If so, did you like it? Why (not)? 
  • If not, would you like to? Why (not)?

2. Have you seen the trailer for the second season? 

  • If so, do you think it will be more interesting than the first season? 
  • If not, what do you think the second season will be about? 

Let’s watch it together and discuss. 

  • What themes from Season 1 do you see continuing in Season 2? 
  • How does the concept of survival manifest in Season 2? Are there new challenges that the characters face?
  • How does the setting in Season 2 contribute to the overall atmosphere of the series? Are there new locations that play a significant role?
  • Based on the events of Season 1, what do you predict for the characters and the storyline in the 2nd season?

Ученикам, которые знакомы с видеоигрой, дайте задание прочитать следующий вопрос и комментарии.

How does Season 2 compare to the source material? What changes or adaptations stand out to you?

Read the comments. Say if you agree or disagree with them and why.

  1. «I hate that this teaser isn’t just teasing the show but literally teasing at the emotions i felt during the game. 100% like «You remember this? You remember what happens next don’t you? You remember how it felt? You wanna feel it again?»»
  2. «Looks like they just acted out scenes from the game. So good.»
  3. «The environment is so accurate.. I love how I was instantly able to recognise so many of the places shown. AND THE DAMN SONG IN THE BACKGROUND MAN, IM FINNA CRY RN.»
  4. «I trust Pedro Pascal, he will nail this scene when that dialogue comes, this show will be fire if they don’t change Narration style of game.»

Слова для запоминания: 

  • teaser — give a small amount of information about a subject, product, etc. in order to make people interested in seeing or hearing more about it later;
  • act something out — perform the actions and say the words of a situation or story;
  • accurate — correct, exact, and without any mistakes;
  • instantly — immediately;
  • finna — contraction of fixing to, means «getting ready to do something»;
  • RN — right now;
  • nail — to do something successfully;
  • narration — the act of telling a story.
Вы также можете использовать задания из плана урока по первому сезону «План урока английского языка по сериалу “The last of us”».

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Freakier Friday

Премьера: 8 августа
Жанр: fantasy comedy 

Покажите ученикам названия нескольких фильмов про обмен телами и попросите подумать, что объединяет эти киноленты. Если они затрудняются ответить, покажите постеры с сайта IMDb.

Look at the names of some movies. 

  • What do you think they have in common?
  1. Jumanji: The Next Level
  2. The Change-Up
  3. Family Switch 
  4. It’s a Boy Girl Thing
  5. 17 Again

Дождитесь ответа и спросите: 

  • Do you know any other movies with the same plot?

Затем по отдельности покажите фотографии актрис на IMDb. 

Look at the photos below. 

  • Do you know these actresses? 
  • What movies with them do you know? 
  • Do you remember/know a movie where they act together? 


Jamie Lee Curtis — Halloween; Virus; Christmas with the Kranks; Knives out.
Lindsay Lohan — The Parent Trap; Get a Clue; Mean girls; Just my luck; Georgia rule.

Откройте постер первого фильма «Freaky Friday» и узнайте, смотрели ли ученики его. Если нет, коротко познакомьте их с сюжетом. Можете также включить трейлер.

  • Have you seen this movie? 
  • Do you believe that one day it will be possible to swap bodies?   

После этого покажите студентам название второго фильма и попросите поразмышлять над вопросами: 

Look at the name of the second upcoming movie«Freakier Friday».

  • In what ways do you think the film will be freakier compared to the first one? 
  • How will the main characters be portrayed in a new movie? 

Watch the talk-show «Why Jamie Lee Curtis Called Disney to Make “Freakier Friday With Lindsay Lohan» and find the answers to the questions. 

  1. Why did Disney have to make Freakier Friday? 
  2. Which line do people come up to the actresses on the street and quote back to them? 
  3. Was it difficult for the actresses to remember which of their characters they were supposed to play? 


  1. People always asked the actress about the movie «Freaky Friday».
  2. It’s October 3rd. You are ruining my life. Make good choices. 
  3. Yes, it was. 

Слова из интервью для запоминания: 

  • assume — accept something to be true without question or proof;
  • set — the place where a film or play is performed or recorded, and the pictures, furniture, etc. that are used;
  • obviously — in a way that is easy to understand or see;
  • come up with — suggest or think of an idea or plan;
  • cast — the actors in a film, play, or show;
  • ongoing — continuing to exist or develop, or happening at the present moment;
  • promotional — intended to advertise something;
  • literally — using the real or original meaning of a word or phrase;
  • overly — too; very;
  • ad-lib — said without any preparation or practice;
  • significant — important or noticeable;
  • curious — interested in learning about people or things around you;
  • changeover — complete change from one system or method to another;
  • see double — have a problem with your eyes so that you see two of everything, usually because you are drunk or ill;
  • apparently — used to say you have read or been told something although you are not certain it is true;
  • irreplaceable — too special, unusual, or valuable to replace with something or someone else.


Премьера: 11 июля
Жанр: superhero

Покажите ученикам фотографии, которые иллюстрируют слово «superstar», и попросите отгадать его. При необходимости дайте подсказку:

  • What do you call a very famous person or a celebrity?

Look at the pictures and try to figure out the word.

  • What other words that start with super- can you think of?

Possible answers: a supermarket; supernatural; superpower, superman; supervisor; superlative, etc.

Убедитесь, что были перечислены слова «superpower» и «superman». Затем спросите:

  • What do you think of when you hear the word «superpower»? 
  • Do you think Superman is a hero? Why (not)? What are his superpowers?
  • Who is a hero to you?

Если у учащихся мало идей, покажите им список ниже и попросите выбрать те пункты, с которыми они согласны. 

Tick the things a hero does.

A hero:

  1. risks their life;
  2. helps people;
  3. has a lot of money;
  4. runs very fast;
  5. can fly;
  6. wears a cool costume. 
  • Do you like watching movies about superheroes? 
  • What are your favorite characters? 
  • Have you seen any of the «Superman» movies/cartoons? Which one did you like most? 
  • What do you think the new movie «Superman» is about? 

Watch the trailer and then discuss it with your teacher.   

  • How do you think the portrayal of Superman in «Superman» differs from previous adaptations? What challenges will Superman face?
  • Are there any new characters?
  • What new settings or locations are introduced? 
  • How will Superman change in 50-100 years? 

Snow White

Премьера: 21 марта
Жанр: musical fantasy 

Вместе с учениками вспомните экранизации классических сказок: мультфильмы, фильмы и сериалы. Изучите список лучших экранизаций классических сказок на сайте Film.ru и спросите, что им больше всего нравится и почему, а также какую экранизацию они считают худшей. Также узнайте, по каким сказкам учащиеся хотели бы видеть новый фильм/мультфильм/сериал. Спросите, знакомы ли они уже с новинками этого года.

Let’s remember some fairy tale adaptations (cartoons/movies/TV series). 

Now look through the list. 

  • What fairy tale adaptation do you like the most and why? 
  • What do you think the worst adaptation is? Explain your answer. 
  • What fairy tales would you like to see a new film/cartoon/series based on? 
  • Have you seen the trailers of upcoming movies? 
    • If so, which ones? Do you like them? Why (not)?
    • If not, have you heard that there is an upcoming movie based on the fairy tale «Snow White»

Look at the comments under its trailer. 

  1. If I saw this movie on a plane. I would still walk out.
  2. 30,000 Disney employees were forced to like this video.
  3. They finally did it. They made a movie nobody is going to pirate.
  4. My finger is exhausted from liking all the comments.
  5. Somewhere there are Disney employees reading this comment section and cracking up silently to themselves.
  6. I’ll give Disney some credit. They are brave enough to leave the comment section open.
  7. Amazing — 33.000 likes and 827.000 dislikes. The world is healing.
  8. This trailer makes me want to sit on the TV and look at my couch.
  9. Came here just to read the comments. Was not disappointed.
  10. Disney — Coming to a theatre near you. Me — Is that a threat?
  11. Wow. Disney. You truly are incredible. It took you 3 years, multiple rewrites, unnecessary CGl, and 209 million dollars just for me to enjoy a comment section of a movie I will never watch. Bless you.
  12. Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the bravest of them all? Disney, for not locking the comment section.
  13. We thankfully have the technology nowadays to make the animation look worse than the original from 1937.
  14. I got a feeling that this movie gonna have more comments on youtube than tickets sold.
  15. I paid nothing to watch this trailer, but I already want my money back.

Слова для запоминания:

  • walk out leave suddenly, often as an expression of disapproval;
  • be forced to to make somebody do something that they do not want to do;
  • pirate copy illegally; of published material;
  • exhausted drained of energy or effectiveness, extremely tired;
  • crack up suffer a nervous breakdown;
  • give credit praise somebody for the good things they have done;
  • heal restore or be restored to health;
  • disappointed feeling sad or let down due to unfulfilled expectations;
  • threat potential harm or danger;
  • CGl visual content created with computer software (realistic or fantastical images, animations and special effects).
  • Are they positive or negative? 
  • Why do you think people are so critical of this movie?

Дальше вы можете показать еще несколько комментариев, которые относятся к выбору главного героя. Попросите учащихся прочитать и подумать ещё раз над вопросом выше. 

Look at some more comments. Read them and think of the question above again. 

  1. Evil Queen to Mirror: «Describe Snow White to me.» Mirror: «Weird, weird.»
  2. Why is Lord Farquaad playing Snow White?
  3. I want the queen to win in this version.
  • Would you give it a shot and watch it? Why (not)? 

Watch the trailer again and answer the questions. 

  • Do you agree with the comments? Why (not)? Was it so bad? 
  • Would you go to see the movie after watching the trailer? Why (not)? 
  • When choosing a movie to watch, what do you pay more attention to? ( poster; actors; reviews; trailer, director, etc.)

Слова из трейлера: 

  • fairness the quality of treating people equally or in a way that is right or reasonable;
  • opinionated an opinionated person is certain about their beliefs, and expresses their ideas strongly and often;
  • fair(est) very pleasing to the eye; beautiful;
  • flee run away quickley;
  • restore give or bring back;
  • frighten make someone afraid or anxious.

Больше кинопремьер в 2025

Еще больше фильмов, которые ожидаются в 2025 году:

Коллеги, премьеру какого фильма вы ждёте больше всего? По какому из них хотели бы увидеть план урока на Skyteach? 

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