Короткометражные анимационные фильмы про зиму: задания для уровня Pre-Intermediate
Что может создать праздничную атмосферу на уроках английского под Новый Год? Конечно, просмотр короткометражных анимационных фильмов. Подготовили подборку короткометражек про зиму, с помощью которых ученики уровня Pre-Intermediate пополнят словарный запас, а также прокачают аудирование и говорение.
Короткометражка «Hey, Deer»
Этот анимационный фильм рассказывает о милом олене, который любит какао и каждый день расчищает землю от снега перед своим домом. Однако по ночам происходит подозрительное землетрясение, которое день за днём создаёт беспорядок и делает его жизнь невыносимой. И вот однажды раскрывается удивительная правда, которая поражает оленя.
Перед тем как приступить к просмотру, изучите вместе с учениками слова из фильма. Попросите сопоставить их с картинками.
Chimney; shovel; fireplace; rocking chair; snowball; blizzard; icicle; horn; pine tree; rope; aurora; wreath
Включите фильм, посмотрите до 1:44 и спросите:
- What do you think has just happened? What is causing the house to shake and move? Write your predictions.
На этом этапе примите любые ответы и продолжайте смотреть до 4:00. Попросите учеников описать день оленя, используя изученные только что слова. Предложите обсудить и эти новые слова.
Tidy; grab; sit; make; put on; wake up; go outside; hear; care; go; see
Тогда ответ учащегося может быть таким:
- Every day a deer wakes up to find his house messy and spends his days tidying up.
- He grabs the shovel and puts his hat on.
- He goes outside to shovel the area around his house after the night blizzard.
- He sees the aurora blinking in the sky.
- He takes his hat off and hangs it.
- He pours some hot cocoa into the mug.
- He sits in his rocking chair.
- He hears some noise.
- He cares for his pine tree.
- He goes to sleep.
Пересмотрите фильм с начала до 4:00 и спросите:
- Did you notice any unusual detail about the bookshelves?
- Why has the deer got the things in his house tied down with rope?
- Do you think this has happened before? Why?
- Describe how the deer feels during the film.
- They have ropes.
- To hold the books and other stuff in place.
- Yes. He rolled his eyes before starting to clean up, and he kicked the toolbox back into its place without looking.
- Frustrated; annoyed; confused; sleepy; tired; curious; surprised.
Досмотрите фильм и обсудите вопросы:
- What did the deer see in the end?
- Where is his house?
- What clues did you see during the video that might have helped you figure out where the deer lives?
- What do you think of this short film? Do you like it? Why?
- Do you like snow globes? Do you own any?
- Is there anything that you do every day like the deer?
Read the sayings and choose the message you think the film sends:
- Things aren’t always as they seem.
- Keep pushing through tough times.
- Sometimes our troubles lead to something amazing.
- What might seem small to some is someone else’s entire life.
- Don’t let struggles ruin your joy.
Короткометражка «A Shorter Letter»
Фильм о мальчике, который не получил желаемого подарка на Рождество и злится на Санта-Клауса. Но неожиданное письмо с важным посланием меняет его отношение к подаркам.
Начните урок с обсуждения наводящих вопросов:
- What is the most memorable gift you have received for Christmas? Why did it mean so much to you?
- How do you decide what to give to someone for Christmas?
- What makes a gift meaningful?
- How do you / children usually feel when you / they don’t get the gift you / they expected?
- Do you think experiences can be better than physical gifts? Why (not)?
Затем покажите ученикам слова, которые могут быть новыми для них и пригодятся, чтобы ответить дальше на вопросы:
- A cookbook — a book that explains how to prepare particular dishes.
- Sincerely — honestly and without pretending or lying.
- A tooth fairy — an imaginary being who children believe takes away a baby tooth that has come out and leaves them money instead.
- A warrior — a soldier, usually one who has both experience and skill in fighting, especially in the past.
- To wonder — to ask yourself questions or express a wish to know about something.
- A sword — a weapon with a long sharp metal blade and a handle, used especially in the past.
- To knock over — to hit something, especially forcefully, and make it fall.
- To smear — to spread a liquid or a thick substance over a surface.
- To make the most of something — to use or enjoy something as much as possible.
Больше интересных статей:
Включите фильм. После просмотра задайте вопросы:
- What does Tom do with his hockey stick in the yard?
- What does Santa Claus explain in his letter to Tom?
- What presents does Santa mention in his letter?
- How does Santa’s letter encourage Tom to use his imagination?
- How does playing with his neighbour help Tom understand the meaning of sharing? How important is the idea of sharing at Christmas? Why?
- How would you explain the spirit of Christmas to someone unfamiliar with it?
- What do you think of the last words written «Having all you need is having everything». Answer in your own words.
- Tom knocks over the Santa decoration and smears the Santa painted on the glass door.
- What Tom can do with the presents he has left under the tree. And that the important thing is not to have a lot of toys but to have the ones you are really going to make the most of.
- A bike, a superhero costume, a cookbook.
- Tom imagines how he reaches the moon on his bike, saves the planet in his superhero costume, becomes a warrior with a sword, becomes the best chef with his new cookbook.
Попросите дополнить выражения, затем проверить ответы:
- It is not the gift, but ______.
- The magic of Christmas never ends, and its greatest gifts are ______ and ______.
- Christmas isn’t a season. It’s a ______.
- The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of ______.
Узнайте у ученика, какая из цитат ему понравилась больше всего и почему:
- It is not the gift, but the thought that counts.
- The magic of Christmas never ends, and its greatest gifts are family and friends.
- Christmas isn’t a season. It’s a feeling.
- The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.
Короткометражка «Lynx & Birds»
«Lynx & Birds» рассказывает историю двух очаровательных птиц. Когда птицы сталкиваются лицом к лицу со страшным хищником — рысью, происходит удивительный поворот событий.
Покажите скриншот из фильма, где рысь нападает на птицу. Попросите учащихся подумать о сюжете.
Изучите новые слова, которые понадобятся студентам для понимания сюжета и пересказа фильма:
- A lynx — a wild animal of the cat family that has brown hair, sometimes with dark spots on it, pointed ears, and a short tail.
- A cardinal — a North American bird.
- To curl up — to sit or lie in a position with your arms and legs close to your body.
- Precious — of very great value or worth.
- Restless — unwilling or unable to stay still or to be quiet and calm, because you are worried or bored.
- To face a challenge — to have to deal with something that needs great mental or physical effort in order to be done successfully and therefore tests a person’s ability.
- To cough up — to make something come out of your throat or lungs when you cough.
- Fur — the thick hair that covers the bodies of some animals, or the hair-covered skin(s) of animals, removed from their bodies.
- To get one’s claws out — to prepare to attack.
- Inescapable — impossible to avoid or not to accept.
- To knit — to make clothes, etc. by using two long needles to connect wool or another type of thread into joined rows.
- Earmuffs — a pair of small pieces of material like fur worn over the ears with a strap that goes over the head to keep them on.
- A predator — an animal that hunts, kills, and eats other animals.
- A provider — someone who provides something.
- To reveal — to make known or show something usually secret or hidden.
- Unpredictable — likely to change suddenly and without reason and therefore not able to be predicted (= expected before it happens) or depended on.
- Triumph — to have a very great success or victory.
Включите видео и после просмотра спросите, были ли их догадки верны. Дайте несколько минут, чтобы ученики успели подумать о главном смысле фильма и пересказать сюжет.
- Were your guesses about the plot correct?
- Think of the main idea of the film and then retell the story.
- The film begins as if it is a serious documentary. We follow the story of two adorable birds — the mom cardinal and the baby cardinal.
Suddenly the baby cardinal falls from the nest. The mom bird starts looking for it around the nest and then sees her baby on the ground and the lynx moving forwards to it. She flies to protect the baby cardinal. The lynx approaches the birds and gets his claws out as if he is going to eat them. Instead, he coughs up a large fur ball and starts knitting a hat, earmuffs and a scarf to keep the birds warm. The narrator finishes the story by saying nature is as beautiful as it is unpredictable and that love always triumphs over fear.