Осеннее настроение не всегда оптимистичное, поэтому чтобы порадовать учеников, предлагаем провести увлекательный урок английского по интересным осенним праздникам. В статье — подборка упражнений, которые помогут детям и взрослым с уровнями Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate отработать грамматические темы (числительные, предлоги) и расширить кругозор.
- Упражнение 1. «Holiday» or «Holidays»?
- Упражнение 2. Let’s check the calendar
- Упражнение 3. Choose a heading
- Упражнение 4. Listening
- Упражнение 5. Give one-minute speech about holidays
Упражнение 1. «Holiday» or «Holidays»?
Цель: отработать слова в контексте, научить понимать разницу.
«Каникулы», «отпуск», «праздник» или просто «выходные»? Ваши ученики путают значения этих слов? Давайте поможем им разобраться и запомнить слова holiday, day off, weekend.
A. Определяем правильный перевод слова
Choose a correct translation:
- Christmas is a holiday, and most people do not work on Christmas day. (Отпуск/праздник)
- In the US, we have a holiday called Thanksgiving. (Отпуск/праздник)
- What did you do during your summer holidays? (Праздники/каникулы)
- I’m going on a holiday to Hawaii. (Праздник/отпуск)
- Where did you go on holiday last year? (Праздник/отпуск)
- I’m tired, so I’ve decided to take a holiday next week. (Праздник/отпуск)
- I’m looking forward to winter holidays. (Праздники/каникулы)
- It will be Majorca for our holiday this year. (Праздник/отпуск)
- It’s a public holiday on Monday, isn’t it, so I suppose the banks will be closed? (Отпуск/праздник)
- We booked a holiday online yesterday — two weeks in Greece. (Отпуск/праздник)
- Holiday — выходной; праздник.
- Holidays — длительный отдых (идентично русскому слову «каникулы»).
- Easter Holidays — пасхальные каникулы.
- Christmas Holidays — рождественские каникулы.
Но часто формы единственного и множественного числа используют в одних и тех же случаях, поэтому важен контекст.
- We are all going to Croatia for our holidays this year.
- We are all going to Croatia for our holiday this year.
when we were in holiday;when we were at holiday;when we were on holidays.
B. Выбираем правильное слово
Choose the correct word:
- See you next day off/weekend.
- I hope you have a nice weekend/holidays.
- Have a good weekend/holiday/day off.
- I am sick, I’ll go to a doctor, I’ll take a day off/holiday.
- Today people in the whole country do not work. It is a public weekend/holiday/day off.
- Sunday and Saturday are the holidays/weekend.
- My parents work without days off/holidays.
- What are you going to do this weekend/day off?
Упражнение 2. Let’s check the calendar
Цель: научить использовать порядковые числительные и предлоги в контексте темы «Праздники».
AT | IN | ON |
точное время (часы, полдень, полночь); некоторые праздники | части дня; большой период времени (месяц, годы) | дни недели и даты; праздники со словом «day» |
at 10 p.m at 7 o’clock at midnight at the moment at Christmas at Easter | in January in 1825 in the morning in the afternoon in winter in summer | on Monday on April 15 on the Fourth of May on my birthday on Labor Day |
A. Выбираем правильный предлог
Choose the correct preposition:
- at/on/in the weekend
- on/in/at holidays
- at/on/in Christmas
- on/in/at New Year day
- in/on/at autumn
- in/at/on October
- on/at/in Easter
- in/on/at the summer
- in/on/at November
B. Отрабатываем числительные
Let’s revise ordinal numerals. Say when people celebrate these holidays:
October | November |
1 — World Vegetarian Day 4 — World Animal Day 5 — World Teachers’ Day 6 — World Smiley Day 16 — World Food Day 31 — Halloween | 3 — National Sandwich Day 17 — International Students’ Day 19 — Toilet Day 21 — World Television Day 24 — Thanksgiving 25 — Buy Nothing Day |
Use the example:
- When is World Teacher’s Day? — It is on the 5th of October in autumn.
Ask each other.
Guess! What holiday is it about?
- Do an act of kindness; help a person smile.
- You can eat it with one hand. Great for picnics.
- We can’t imagine a civilised world without it.
- It is the most revolutionary invention ever.
- It helps save our planet by not going shopping.
- It focuses on food problems worldwide to stop hunger (to prevent famine).
- Without this profession, no one would learn anything.
- Eco-friendly lifestyle which saves animals and the planet.
- Orange pumpkins, fires, black witches, cats and costumes are common features of this day.
Предложите ученикам подумать, что можно подарить в каждый из праздников. Покажите картинки, составьте списки идей возможных презентов.
Think of presents. What would you present on this day?
Попросите составить предложения по примеру:
You can present a nice notebook on the 17th of October in autumn for the International Students’ Day.
- 1.10, World Vegetarian Day — vegetables (tomatoes, potatoes, corn, cucumbers…).
- 4.10, World Animal Day — cute postcards, badges, pictures, cuddly toys, handmade pet toys.
- 5.10, World Teachers’ Day — flowers, sweets, chocolate, crayons, pens, sketchbooks.
- 6.10, World Smiley Day — flowers, candies, cotton candy, badges.
- 16.10, World Food Day — any food, tasty burgers, ice cream, rolls and buns.
- 31.10, Halloween — handicraft, candles, pumpkin pie.
- 3.11, National Sandwich Day — free sandwiches, burgers.
- 17.11, International Students’ Day — pens, pencils, note books.
- 19.11, Toilet Day — soap, shampoo, toilet paper, all for hygiene.
- 21.11, World Television Day — free movies in an open cinema, Netflix subscription.
- 24.11, Thanksgiving — perfumes, toys, scarves, socks, sweets, coffee.
- 25.11, Buy Nothing Day — nothing.
Внедряйте в такие упражнения дополнительную практику, например, существительные единственного и множественного числа, исключения, правописание, расшифровки, кроссворды. Играйте с учениками, дополняйте речь прилагательными.
- Шарф станет подарком на День благодарения. Покажите картинку и спросите, каким шарф может быть? (Длинным, коротким, тёплым, ярким, вязаным).
- Сэндвич — темой для обсуждения праздника World Food Day. Как пишется слово? Какой твой любимый? Умеешь ли готовить?
Статьи по осенним праздникам:
Упражнение 3. Choose a heading
Цель: научить понимать прочитанное и выучить слова по теме «Необычные осенние праздники».
Read the texts and choose a heading for each one:
Buy Nothing Day is a great way of reminding yourself you don’t need to go shopping. In today’s world, most of us buy too much, too often. Shopping has become an addiction for many people. TV and internet ads can even make us buy things we don’t really want.
Buy Nothing Day is a fantastic way to avoid crowded stores, save some money. We should learn how to save our planet by not going shopping. You consume less, and this means we use fewer of Earth’s resources. We easily run out of money when we go shopping, but we can also run out of our planet’s animals, forests, water and a lot more. Buy Nothing Day is the biggest 24-hour day against consumerism.
The 19th of November is World Toilet Day. This day celebrates the importance of something we never really think about too much — the toilet. Imagine life without one. Millions of people have no clean toilets. This creates serious health problems in many countries.
No toilets or sewage systems means that human waste is in the streets. This gets into the water supply and affects crops. The World Toilet Organization aims to increase the number of toilets in poor countries. Modern technology is now changing the toilet. Japanese makers are making «smart» toilets that can analyse our waste and give us a report on our health. These may help keep us healthier in the future.
Television is the most revolutionary invention ever. Television is one of the most influential forms of media in history. We grow up with it. There was only one channel back then and it was in black and white. Today, we have multi-channel TVs that broadcast programmes live all over the world. We watch wars, floods, presidential inaugurations and sports finals as they happen. Not everything about TV is good. Many people blame it for obesity in children, a breakdown in family communication and an obsession with celebrity. No one knows what the future of television will be.
Теперь можно поработать с запоминанием слов.
A. Учим слова из текстов выше
Find the words in bold:
- What do they mean? Find definitions.
- What are the synonyms?
B. Соотносим слова и выражения с их определениями
Match each word or word combination with its definition:
a. consumerism
b. addiction
c. to run out of
d. to avoid
e. to remind
- To make someone think of something they have forgotten.
- Too much attention is given to buying.
- The need or strong desire to do or to have something.
- To stay away from someone or something.
- No more progress can be made or there is nothing left.
- What can people avoid? (problems / other people / responsibility)
- What can we run out of? (money/resources)
- What do you do if your friend forgets when you have a birthday? (remind)
- If a person can’t live without a telephone, television, computer games, what is it? (addiction)
- If we buy too much, what is it? (consumerism)
C. Обсуждаем вопросы:
Discuss the questions:
- Is shopping really an addiction? How do companies make us buy more? Is it harmful for our planet? Is it a good idea to have such a holiday? What does it make people think about?
- Is a toilet a great invention? Does it show that a country is developed? What countries can have problems with it? So companies work on modern design of toilets? Why can it be useful for health?
- Do you remember a TV set you had in childhood? What was it like? Why do people like television? Why can it be harmful for health? What is the future of television?
Больше статей к урокам осенью:
Упражнение 4. Listening
Цель: практикуем слушание и понимание, учим различать в речи названия праздников, месяцев и отрабатываем предлоги с ними.
Listen to the podcast. Answer the questions by choosing correct options:
- Where is he from? Peru/Argentina/Chili
- What is his favourite holiday? Independence Day / Thanksgiving Day / New Year Day
- When is this holiday? In December/September/November
- What does he do during this holiday? Eats and drink a lot / sleeps a lot / takes part in a parad
- Why does he like it? Because the combine it with weekend / they have one day off / he is lazy to work
Упражнение 5. Give one-minute speech about holidays
Попросите ученика рассказать о любом празднике по определённому плану. Можно покреативить и попросить в качестве ДЗ:
- выполнить мини-проект с фото;
- сделать комикс;
- нарисовать рисунки-ассоциации и представить свою мини-презентацию о празднике.
Персонализируйте такие задания. Со взрослыми учениками можно говорить о профессиональных праздниках. Если ваш студент — инженер на машиностроительном заводе, он с удовольствием расскажет, как в городе уважают эту профессию и отмечают профессиональный праздник, какими достижениями может похвастаться предприятие.
С младшими школьниками держите фокус на предлогах, лексике. Пусть это будут короткие, но грамматически правильные предложения.
Talk about any holiday. Use the vocabulary and grammar:
- the name of the holiday;
- the date of this holiday;
- if you celebrate this holiday;
- why is it important to remember this day;
- why do people celebrate this holiday;
- possible presents.