Летом обсудить с учениками тему еды и напитков — одно удовольствие. Можно поговорить про вкусовые предпочтения, рассказать о любимом прохладительном напитке, поделиться семейным рецептом шашлыка и многое другое.

В статье предлагаем подборку из множества интересных заданий по теме «Summer Food and Drinks», которые подойдут подросткам и взрослым с уровнем Pre-intermediate. Задания также легко адаптировать и для учеников других уровней. 

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Упражнение 1. Guess the food

Цель задания: повторить лексику по теме текстуры и вкуса еды. 

Подготовьте фотографии с укрупненным изображением еды и попросите учеников угадать, что это.

Look at the pictures and guess the food:
  • What helped you guess the products correctly? 
  • Describe the texture and taste of these foods. 
  • Name three dishes that you can cook with each ingredient. Describe the texture and taste of these dishes as well.
  • Say if you like or dislike these dishes. For example, eggplants: salad, pizza, soup.

Key: ice-cream, kiwi, banana, chocolate, greens, eggplant.

Useful language:


Упражнение 2. Ingredients

Цель задания: обсудить необычные сочетания в еде и их вкус. 

Покажите ученикам шесть выражений, которые призывают выбрать тот или иной продукт, и попросите выбрать из них три. Также у вас должны быть подготовлены разные ингредиенты для каждой из шести таких фраз. После того, как студенты выберут свои фразы, покажите ингредиенты, которые скрыты под конкретными номерами.

Read the instructions and do the task:
  • Choose any three cards.
  • Open the cards and see what is hidden there.
  • Type the names of the things in the chat/on the whiteboard.
  • Guess what you are going to do with these three things next.
Pick me!No, pick me!Hey, don’t forget about me!
I’m better!I have a surprise for you!Pick me, not them!

Покажите табличку с картинками после того, как ученики выберут три фразы:

Key: shrimp, raspberries, chocolate spread, zucchini, melon, green beans.

Затем попросите представить в пицце выбранные ими ингредиенты и задайте несколько вопросов. 

  • The three ingredients that you have chosen are the toppings for your pizza! Put them on it. Bon Appetit!
summer food and drinks zadaniya 18 Skyteach
  • Seriously, would you eat it?
  • OK. Would you eat it for $1,000 dollars?
  • What do you think the taste of this pizza would be like? What do you think about pizza? Do you like it? 
  • Do you like eating strange food combinations?
  • What strange food combinations do you like? How do they taste?
  • What strange food combinations do you hate?
  • What pizza do you especially eat in summer?

Предложите несколько необычных вкусовых сочетаний и попросите поделиться, нравятся ли они ученикам или нет.

Read strange food combinations and think of their tastes. Do you like it? 
  • strawberry and basil lemonade;
  • nutella and chips;
  • pickled vegetables covered in dark chocolate;
  • mango and chilli powder.

Key: sour and spicy, sweet and salty, sour and bitter, sweet and hot.

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Упражнение 3. Complaining about the food

Цель задания: поговорить о предпочтениях в еде и отработать лексику, которая поможет выразить недовольство от заказанной еды. 

Обратите внимание учеников на картинки и спросите, что они иллюстрируют:

  • Look at the pictures. What do they illustrate? 
  • Do you usually cook, order food or eat out?  
  • Do your eating habits change in summer? If so, how?
  • Have you ever complained about food delivery/order in a restaurant?
  • If yes, what was wrong with your order? Did the restaurant workers replace your order?
Look at the pictures and complain about the food:
  • For example, my steak is raw/undercooked.

Possible answers:

  • Excuse me, my soup is too hot.
  • Excuse me, my chicken legs are overcooked.
  • Excuse me, my salad is a bit bland.

Упражнение 4. Cultural Exploration

Цель задания: поговорить о традиционных блюдах разных страх и обсудить летние фестивали еды.

Начните задание с наводящих вопросов: 

  • Are you a foodie? 
  • What cuisines do you know? Which of them do you like? Why? 
  • What is your favourite dish? Why do you like it? What country is it from?
  • Do you have a favourite summer dish/drink?
  • What food products is your country famous for in summer?
  • Do you have any family recipes? Which ones?
  • Are there any traditions during meals?
Let’s try to guess the names of some dishes by their ingredients:
  •  eggs, bacon, beans, tomatoes;
  •  lettuce, eggs, chicken, parmesan cheese;
  •  fish sauce, lime, coconut milk, shrimps, mushrooms;
  •  rice, fish, seaweed, avocado, cream cheese.


  • Did you try any of these dishes?
  • Where did you do it?
  • Do you know how to cook any of them?
  • Is there any dish that you find the food of the gods?
  • Are these dishes popular in your country?
  • What cuisines are popular in your country?
  • Do you ever go to foreign cuisine restaurants?

Предложите прочитать статью «The Taste Of Summer: Food And Drink Festivals Around The World» и спросите:

  • Which of these summer food festivals would you like to visit? Why?

Больше заданий в статьях:

Упражнение 5. Fresh and Frozen Food

Цель задания: обсудить плюсы и минусы свежей и замороженной еды.

Сначала задайте ученикам следующий вопрос: 

  • What are some benefits of the summer season?

Затем покажите фото со свежими и замороженными продуктами и предложите поразмыслить над вопросами ниже.

Look at the pictures. What do you see? What is the difference between them? What do you usually prefer in summer?
  • Do you believe that fresh foods are more nutritious than frozen foods? Why (not)?
  • Do you believe there is a difference in taste between fresh and frozen foods? What factors do you think influence it?
  • How does freezing affect the texture of fruits and vegetables? Are there certain foods that you think are better frozen than fresh, or vice versa?
  • Are there particular recipes or dishes where you prefer to use fresh ingredients? Are there others where you find frozen options work better?

Дальше вам предстоит подготовить учеников к просмотру видео: познакомить со словами, которые встретятся в видео, дать несколько минут на изучение утверждений. После чего попросите подумать над каждым из них и попробовать угадать, правда это или ложь.

Read the words and their definitions. Then read the statements and try to guess if they are true or false. Watch the video «Fresh vs Frozen Food» to check your answers:
  • nutrition — a source of materials to nourish the body;
  • harvest — gather, as of natural products;
  • under-ripe — not sufficiently ripe for harvesting, eating or using;
  • deteriorate — to become worse or disintegrate;
  • blueberry — sweet edible dark-blue berries of either low growing or high-growing blueberry plants;
  • sprout — a newly grown bud.
Mark the sentences as True or False:
  1. Fresh foods are harvested when they are ripe.
  2. Fresh foods you buy in a grocery shop have high nutritional value.
  3. Frozen foods have most of their nutrients because they are harvested when they are ripe and frozen immediately.
  4. After 3 days of storage, frozen blueberries had higher level of vitamin C and beta-carotene.
  5. The alternative to frozen foods and fresh foods from grocery shops is fresh foods from your garden.


  1. False (They are harvested under ripe when they haven’t reached their peak nutrition)
  2. False (They may have only around 50% of their nutritional value)
  3. True
  4. False (Broccoli had higher levels of vitamin C and beta-carotene)
  5. True

Упражнение 6. Water and drinks

Цель задания: поговорить о пользе воды для тела и обсудить любимые летние напитки.

Look at the pictures. Answer the questions:
  • What can you see in the pictures?
  • What is the thing you can see in all three pictures?
  • Water is everywhere. It’s in your morning coffee and in the bath. Where else can we find water?
  • How much water does a person need to drink every day?
  • Do you drink enough water in summer? 
  • What drinks do you usually have during the hot season? 
  • How much does water in the supermarkets in your city cost?
  • How much money are you ready to pay for a bottle of water? What about a drink at a cafe?
  • What do you think will happen if you replace all drinks with water?

Key: 1. shower, glacier, ocean/sea; 2. water.

Read the words and their definitions. Watch the video «What Would Happen If You Replaced All Drinks with Water?» and mark the sentences as True or False:
  • replace — to start using another thing or person instead of the one currently being used;
  • obesity — more than average fatness;
  • caries — soft decayed area in a tooth; progressive decay can lead to the death of a tooth;
  • suppress — prevent the development, action, or expression of (a feeling, impulse, idea, etc.);
  • excrete — eliminate from the body;
  • hypertension — a common disorder in which blood pressure remains abnormally high;
  • moisten — make moist.
  1. You can lose weight if you replace all your drinks with water.
  2. Drinking only water helps you to be more active and energized.
  3. Drinking only water reduces your concentration level.
  4. Water helps us to look younger.
  5. If you drink water, you will never have a heart attack.
  6. Water helps to moisturize your skin.
  7. Drinking only water may be expensive, but it is worth it.


  1. True
  2. True
  3. False (It helps you to concentrate)
  4. True
  5. False (It helps to lower the risk of a heart attack)
  6. True
  7. False (Drinking only water can help you to save money)

Используйте предложенные задания для ваших увлекательных уроков по теме «Summer Food and Drinks». Будем рады вашим комментариям о том, как прошло ваше занятие с этими упражнениями!

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