Даже самый неразговорчивый студент вступит в дискуссию, главное — подобрать интересную тему! Обсудим личные границы? Тема, популярная у миллениалов и не только. Предлагаем полноценный урок на тему Personal space.

Warm Up
Помогите ученику настроиться на урок и задайте вопросы:
- How should one respond to personal questions from acquaintances?
- How can you conduct such conversations in a beneficial manner?
- How far do you usually stand from your friends/relatives?
- How might close talkers influence their communication?
Покажите студенту картинку и спросите:
- Have a look at this picture.
- How do you think the people feel?
- What are their emotions?

Попросите студента угадать верные ответы:
— 1.2 to 3.7 m
— 0.15 to 0.46 m
— 7.6 m or more
At what distance do you think people usually feel comfortable communicating with friends and family?
— 0.15 to 0.46 m
— 0.46 to 1.22 m
— 7.6 m or more
Edward T. Hall is a cultural anthropologist who studied the impact of proxemic behaviour (the use of space) on interpersonal communication. According to him, there are 4 zones of interpersonal distance:
• intimate space for embracing, touching or whispering — 1–46 cm;
• personal space for interactions among good friends or family — 46–122 cm;
• social space for interactions among acquaintances — 1.2–3.7 m;
• public space used for public speaking — 3.7–7.6 m.
✔ Полезный совет: просите студента прочитать правильные ответы вслух — это поможет закрепить грамматические и артикуляционные навыки.
Словарь урока
posture — поза
caress — ласка
to dodge — уклоняться
sideways — боком
to barge — врываться
breach — нарушение
unrestricted — неограниченный
intimate — близкий
interpersonal — межличностный
acquaintances — знакомые
She learned to scramble around and even run sideways, but not forward.
Грамматика, которая легко встроится в тему

Практическое задание
Попросите студента соединить изучаемые слова и их синонимы. Мы расставили их в верном порядке:
posture — pose
a caress — gentle touch
peripheral vision — side vision
to dodge — to move to side
✔ Полезный совет: периодически возвращайте ученика к словарю, чтобы он чаще пользовался предложенными словами.
Дайте студенту прочитать небольшую статью о персональном пространстве в разных странах:
What exactly is personal space? There’s no simple way to explain it, so why don’t we look at an example to help us out? A British person gets onto a plane. They walk sideways down the aisle, careful not to hit anyone. A group from India comes barging in, not worrying a single bit about whether they accidentally hit someone. The plane takes off, and they get out of their seats, lean all the way over to their friends and start a vigorous discussion. Such a breach of personal space is simply unimaginable for the Brit, who apologised to every seat he suspected he might just have touched on his way down. There’s a limit of space we like to keep around us that creates and maintains the feeling of unrestricted freedom, which is so important to us. Yet, how do we define the actual scope of it? Looking into this, researchers found that the dimensions of this personal bubble vary from culture to culture.
The Saudis, for example, are never closer than about a metre to each other, though if it’s a mixed group of both men and women, you will find that they are keeping even further away. In Norway, a bit more than an arm’s length of space is common when conversing, even among close friends or relatives, and the same goes for Germans. Romanians converse with acquaintances at about 90 cm distance. Another example is the US, where it is considered good manners to stand about 0.7 m away from others in a formal business setting. In most cultures, the need for distance decreases the more intimate a relationship is; the more familiar we are with a person, the more they are allowed to enter our personal space.
One more interesting correlation between habitat and bubble requirements has been discovered by analysts: people living in hotter climates are more inclined to let others come closer to them, even those they do not know well. However, there is a tendency in colder climates for people to stand closer to their friends than strangers, possibly in an attempt to counterbalance those distances.
But one thing is universally certain: nobody likes it when somebody is breathing down their neck … literally. Respecting one another’s personal space is a critical component in smooth and effective interpersonal communication, no matter who or where you are.
Попросите студента расставить цифры и страны в правильном порядке согласно статье:

Какие еще вопросы можно задать ученику для дополнительной дискуссии:
• What is peculiar about how people treat personal space in colder and hotter climates?
• Does your habitat influence the way you interact with people?
• What piece of advice can you give to a person who can’t feel other people’s boundaries?
• Have you ever invaded someone else’s personal space? How did you notice it? How did you react?
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