Помогаем неразговорчивым ученикам вступить в дискуссию! Все, что для этого нужно — горячая тема, вызывающая интерес. Как насчет дискуссии на тему конструктивной критики? Предлагаем полноценный урок на тему Constructive criticism по нашему плану дискуссионного урока.
- Warm Up
- Словарь урока
- Грамматика, которая встроится в тему
- Практические задания
- Дополнительные материалы
Warm Up
Ученику будет легче настроиться на урок, если он ответит на следующие вопросы:
- How do you feel about being criticised?
- Do you know how to distinguish constructive criticism from non-constructive judgement?
- Do you know how proper constructive feedback should be delivered?
In this lesson, you will speculate on the topic of constructive criticism. You will also learn how to speak about unreal situations in the past and present as well as about present or future outcomes of a hypothetical situation.
Покажите студенту картинку сэндвича:
How do you think it relates to the topic of today’s lesson?
Расскажите ему о критике в технике сэндвича:
The compliment sandwich is a technique of giving feedback by starting with something positive, then providing the real criticism and finishing giving your feedback with something positive again.
Вы также можете обсудить:
- Why is the technique compared to a sandwich?
- What advantages does it have?
- What do you think of the technique? Does it really work? Why (not)?
Словарь урока
critique — рецензия
jeopardy — опасность
a scope — рамки
severity — суровость
to downplay — преуменьшать
to ruffle one’s feathers — задевать или расстраивать кого-то
indispensable — необходимый
at one’s core — по своей сути
Грамматика, которая легко встроится в тему
Изучите тему “Other real past expressions” в контексте критики.
Практическое задание
Дайте ученику послушать подкаст о критике в технике сэндвича.
Вам может пригодиться транскрипт:
When I first started out, I remember my boss at the time trying to give me some feedback using the compliment sandwich. I was called in for a meeting, and my boss basically said to me, “Sam, it’s time we had a chat. I’d rather you didn’t take this the wrong way as you’ve got considerable talent and I really see a bright future ahead of you. But some other members of the team have said that you’re acting as if you’re better than them and they find your communication style difficult, which has led to a couple of complaints and some hurt feelings. I’m sure you’re a decent guy, and I’m only saying this because I want you to advance in your career and keep contributing to the success of the department“.
Not only did I come out of that meeting not knowing what the problem was, I also felt like I was indispensable to the company. My boss was acting as though I hadn’t been ruffling feathers, and he’d downplayed the severity of the complaints.
Only if something is laid out clearly can you grasp the full scope of a problem. I wish my boss had made it clear to me that my job was in jeopardy, and that my accomplishments weren’t outweighing my abrasive nature.
The problem stemmed from the fact that psychologically as human beings, we tend to ignore the middle of a list — whether that’s related to learning, presenting or conversation. According to the understanding of primacy effect and recency effect which correlates to the position of items in a discussion, humans are wired in such a way that we recall the first and last items with the most clarity. All this leads us to the conclusion that the compliment sandwich is disingenuous at best, and accentuates the least useful parts of the conversation at worst.
Unless constructive criticism is given clearly and in accordance with the primacy and recency theory, we, as humans, will simply ignore it and continue feeling like everything’s within our control and going swimmingly.
Попросите отметить верные утверждения:
According to the speaker:
- the compliment sandwich is one of the worst feedback techniques he has ever experienced;
- his boss wanted to fire him;
- his colleagues found him rather arrogant;
- he didn’t understand what the real problem was;
- he thought that he was a very important employee for his company;
- his boss was very stern and abrasive when talking to him about his accomplishments;
- using the compliment sandwich technique, people tend to focus on the negative sides only;
- there is a big chance that after receiving feedback through the compliment sandwich a person will simply ignore real facts and continue thinking that everything is OK.
Также вы можете спросить:
- Do you agree with the speaker? Why?
- When do you think the compliment sandwich technique can be used successfully?
- Have you ever considered yourself to be indispensable at work?
- Why do you think some people tend to downplay their failures?
- Do you agree that the team should continue working with an arrogant individual if this person’s accomplishments outweigh their abrasive nature?
Дополнительные актуальные материалы
- Видео о том, как правильно давать фидбэк
- Статья о том, как бороться с недопониманием
- Видео о самых неловких отзывах о работе
Продуктивных уроков!
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