Международный женский день вырос из усилий активисток, которые в начале ХХ века боролись за трудовые и избирательные права. Мы подготовили подборку заданий на 8 Марта для учеников уровня B1, которые помогут обсудить тему возможностей женщин, изучить новую лексику и улучшить навыки аудирования и говорения.

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Задание 1

Отметьте стереотипы о женщинах и мужчинах, которые существуют в вашей стране.

  • Girls are better at reading and boys are better at math.
  • Girls should play with dolls and boys should play with trucks.
  • Women must do housework and look after their children.
  • Men must always work hard and never help their wives.
  • Men are better suited to leadership positions.
  • Women should be polite, accommodating, nurturing.

В продолжение темы ответьте на вопросы.

  • Do you agree with any of the stereotypes on the list? Why/Why not?
  • What other stereotypes about women have you heard of?
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Задание 2

Сопоставьте слова и их определения.

  1. Stand up 
  2. Grant
  3. Suffrage 
  4. Gain momentum
  5. Take on
  6. In Abundance
  7. Fit in
  1. Give 
  2. Keep developing or happening more quickly.
  3. Accept a particular job or responsibility.
  4. In large amounts.
  5. Defend against attack or criticism.
  6. Belong to a group, plan, or situation.
  7. The right to vote in political elections.
Ответы: 1 — e; 2 — a; 3 — g; 4 — b; 5 — c; 6 — d; 7 — f.
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Задание 3

Ответьте на вопрос: “How do you think gender stereotypes are connected with women’s international day?“ Посмотрите видео и сравните ответы.

Еще больше идей для урока к Международному женскому дню вы найдете в Дайджесте заданий, уроков и тестов по теме 8 марта и весны

Задание 4

Посмотрите видео еще раз и продолжите предложения.

  1. The 8th of March is a day …
  2. Gender equality means … 
  3. 150 years ago women couldn’t … 
  4. In the late 19th century … 
  5. Suffrage means … 
  6. Emmeline Pankhurst was … 
  7. In 1914 when the first world war was declared … 
  8. In 1918 … 

1. to recognize female achievement and a call to action encouraging everyone to stand up for women’s rights and gender equality.
2. no matter your gender you are granted the same rights, privileges and access to opportunities as everyone else. 
3. vote, stand in parliament, receive proper medical attention, own property, access their legal support, get paid the same way as men, etc.
4. the fight for women’s suffrage began gaining momentum. 
5. the right to vote in political elections. And at this time only men could do it. 
6. a woman who formed the women’s social and political union in 1903 encouraged a stronger kind of activism.
7. suffrage shifted their campaign to encourage women’s involvement in the war. Women took on responsibilities and jobs that they were previously excluded from, like working as mechanics and drivers. 
8. women got the right to vote. 

Задание 5

Дополните предложения новыми словами: stand up, grant, suffrage, gain momentum, take on, in abundance, fit in.

  1.  They ___ her an entry visa last year.
  2.  This team has talent ___.
  3. She wrote a book about the women’s ___ movement in America.
  4. She ___ too much ___ and made herself ill.
  5. Finally, they ___ for women’s rights and granted them the right to vote.
  6. The fight ___ when the other party joined them too.
  7. He didn’t ___ with her plans, so she left him.
Ответы: 1 — granted; 2 — in abundance; 3 — suffrage; 4 — took on; 5 — Stood up; 6 — Gained momentum; 7 — fit in.

Задание 6

Прочитайте задание и выполните упражнение.

Prepare a speech for women’s rights in India. Cover the following points.

  1. The restrictions women in India face nowadays.
  2. The reason this is happening
  3. The negative outcomes this might lead to.
  4. The possible ways it can be solved.

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