У вас уже праздничное настроение? Не хочется скучных упражнений, а времени на подготовку Нового года нет совсем? Давайте совместим на уроке приятное с полезным, создадим новогоднее настроение, дадим пользу нашим студентам.
Ранее в популярных журналах всегда была страничка с советами к Новому году: год какого животного по китайскому календарю, в чем встречать, какие блюда готовить, цвет удачи, идеи подарков для близких и т. д. Предлагаем вашему вниманию готовый урок на тему «2024 New Year Celebration Guide» для студентов уровней Pre-Intermediate / Intermediate.
План урока:
1. Warm up
You can say:
- Do you already feel the Christmas atmosphere and New Year vibe?
- Do you celebrate both holidays in your family?
- What year is coming according to the Chinese calendar?
- Do you like reading any tips on how to celebrate, what to cook, horoscopes, etc.?
- Do you usually follow these recommendations?
2. Lead-in
You can say:
- What year were you born in? What is the symbol of it?
- Do you have any friends or relatives who were born in the Year of the Dragon?
- What can you say about the personality of these people?
- What associations do you have with a dragon? (angry, aggressive, brave, scary)

3. Task: Personality traits
A. You can say:
Let’s read and discuss the personalities of people who were born in the Year of Dragon.
Will this year bring us luck?
The Chinese Dragon has been a symbol of strength and power, wealth and wisdom and considered one of the luckiest animals in the Chinese Zodiac. According to Chinese mythology, those born under the sign of the dragon are said to be, first and foremost, self-assured leaders. Their charismatic and dominant personalities make them natural CEOs, start-up founders, politicians, and military commanders.
A couple of famous Western individuals born under the sign of the dragon are Martin Luther King Jr., Vladimir Putin, Che Guevara, Bruce Lee, Salvador Dali, and John Lennon. Famous Chinese people who were born in the year of the Dragon include the three richest billionaires of Chinese origin: Jack Ma, Lee Shau Kee, and Li Ka Shing.
This year heralds good fortune, wealth, prosperity, and longevity, a very lucky year indeed!
B. Find all adjectives from this extract which describe personality.
- short-tempered
- impatient
- vibrant
- creative
- ambitious
- stable
- confident
- brave
- powerful
- irritable
Find those which suit these definitions:
- if someone is short-tempered, they get angry easily, often for no good reason (short-tempered)
- easily annoyed by someone’s mistakes (impatient)
- energetic, exciting, and full of enthusiasm (vibrant)
- having a lot of power to control people and events (powerful)
- showing no fear of dangerous or difficult things (brave)
Group them with adjectives having similar meaning. Explain them:
- courageous (brave)
- assertive (confident and is not frightened)
- bold (brave)
- adventurous (enthusiastic, brave)
- choleric (short-tempered, easily annoyed)
- hot-tempered (impatient, impulsive)
4. Task: Listening

You can say:
Let’s watch this video about lucky colours in the year of the dragon.
Match descriptions with colours.

5. Task: Food symbolism
You can say:
Do you have any family dishes which you cook every year? What are they? Why do you like it? Do you follow recommendations on what to cook for the New Year party?
- spicy — острый
- savoury — пикантный
- shrimps — креветки
- steamed — на пару
- fried — жареный
- longevity — долголетие
- ginger — имбирь
- garlic — чеснок
- family reunion — семейная встреча
- liveliness — бодрость
Fill in the gaps:
Make a _____ (savoury) sauce for the main dish mixing mustard and honey.
They serve seafood but _____ (shrimps) are always tasty either _____ (steamed) or _____ (fried). If you add some _____ (ginger) to your tea, you will not get cold.
People having healthy lifestyles speak about _____ (longevity) and _____ (liveliness).
_____ (garlic) protects from vampires.
A lot of people have _____ (family reunion) at Christmas.
Let’s translate using the wordlist:
- Дракон любит острую еду. Добавляйте в свои кулинарные шедевры чеснок, перец и имбирь.
- Орехи ассоциируются с богатством, здоровьем и долголетием. Курица олицетворяет хороший брак и объединение семей.
- На праздник часто подают яркие экзотические фрукты. Мандарины символизируют удачу, а апельсины привлекают богатство.
- Креветки ассоциируются со счастьем и бодростью.
- Важно подавать и есть целую рыбу или курицу, так как это символизирует хорошее начало и конец года. Рыбу можно приготовить на пару, запечь или пожарить.
Могут пригодиться и эти материалы:
6. Sum up
- What interesting things have you learned?
- Do you have any ideas on what to cook?
- What colours are you going to choose for decorations and your outfit?
- Do you have any ideas for presents?
So, I wish you a Happy New Year 2024!
Поздравляем вас и ваших студентов с наступающим Новым годом! Интересных вам уроков!