Обсуждаете ли вы со студентами астрологию, нумерологию, карты Таро и предсказания? Говорите ли о суеверии и интуиции? Эти темы всегда противоречивы и интересны. Многие люди обучаются мастерству чтения будущего на картах Таро. Таро учит доверять своему чутью, чтобы прийти к успеху и воплощению своих идей. Факт: богатейшие люди на планете признаются, что своему успеху они обязаны интуиции, так как многие принятые решения, принесшие им миллионы, были рискованными и нелепыми. 

Предлагаем вам подборку упражнений к уроку английского языка на тему «Карты Таро», если ваши студенты увлечены этим.


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Упражнение 1. Reading an article

Если ваш студент интересуется картами Таро, но еще только в начале пути, прочитайте статью, ответьте на вопросы, проверьте понимание прочитанного.

What Is Tarot? Life hacks for beginners.

The Tarot is a deck of 78 cards, each with its own imagery, symbolism and story. The 22 Major Arcana cards karmic and spiritual lessons, and the 56 Minor Arcana cards reflect the trials and misfortunes that we experience on a daily basis.

Tarot is the storybook of our life, the mirror to our soul, and the key to our inner wisdom.
Every spiritual lesson we meet in our lives can be found in the seventy-eight Tarot cards. And when we consult the Tarot, we’ll get shown the exact lessons we need to learn. 
Tarot is perfect for self-development, making choices, manifesting goals, coaching others, planning a business, meditating. Simply ask a question, pull a card, and dive into the imagery of the card to give you instant access to your inner wisdom and the answer you need. Sure, you can learn all the meanings but what is more important is to create a personal connection with The Tarot. 

Lifehack 1. Draw a Tarot card a day and ask the Tarot each day: “What energy do I need to focus on today?” and proactively manifest that energy throughout your day. 

Or, ask the Tarot, “What might I experience today?” At the end of the day, match up what happened throughout the day and what you know of the Tarot card you drew. Over time, your personal experiences with the Tarot will grow and grow. 
One of the easiest ways to understand what a Tarot card means is to look at the picture. What is happening? Why is it happening? Then, relate it back to what you are experiencing. The best thing about this technique is that you don’t have to memorize any meanings! You can simply go with what you see in the picture of the card each time.
Tarot is such a powerful tool for personal development and self-discovery so make use of it. 

Lifehack 2. Make time each day to do a short Tarot reading for yourself. You’ll learn more about yourself.

Lifehack 3. Find a study buddy and practice reading the cards together. You’ll be able to teach one another about the Tarot, share your diverse perspectives and support each other’s growth.
Lifehack 4. The Tarot learning process should be enjoyable and enlightening, not a source of frustration. Take it slowly. Start out by learning 2-3 keywords for each card. Then, write a bit about it. 

One of the most valuable exercises a Tarot beginner can do is ask themselves the question, “How does Tarot work?”. By reflecting on this question and coming up with your own answer, you’ll have a much better sense of what the Tarot means to you and how you can use this tool in the very best way. The answer depends upon the reader and the person who is interpreting it at the moment. You may see the Tarot as a predictive tool, a coaching tool, or a fun way to impress your friends. 

One of the biggest mistakes that Tarot beginners make when reading Tarot for themselves is that they ask the same question over and over, hoping to get a better answer each time. Be honest and do not lie to yourself. 

Lifehack 5. Use the Tarot mindfully. Draw on the cards when you have an open mind and an open heart. Treat the cards (and yourself) with respect and give yourself enough time and space to truly accept the wisdom they have to offer you. 

A) Отметьте Верно/Неверно. Mark True/False:

  1. The Tarot is a deck of seventy-seven cards. F
  2. You must learn all the meanings otherwise it won’t be clear what the card represents. F
  3. The Tarot card is a hint for a day, might be some advice a person should focus on. T
  4. Tarot is a powerful tool for personal development and self-discovery. T
  5. You can learn to read Taro only with a coach. F

B) Дополните нужным словом. Complete with the right word:

  1. The Tarot is a _____ (a deck) of 78 cards, each with its own _____ (imagery), symbolism and story. 
  2. Simply ask a question, _____ (pull) a card, and dive into the _____ (imagery) of the card to give you instant access to your inner wisdom and the answer you need. 
  3. The best thing about this technique is that you don’t have to _____ (memorize) any meanings! You can simply go with what you see in the picture of the card each time.
  4. Tarot is such a powerful _____ (tool) for personal development and _____ (self-discovery) so make use of it. 
  5. The Tarot learning process should be enjoyable and _____ (enlightening). 
  6. Use the Tarot _____ (mindfully). _____ (Treat) the cards (and yourself) with respect. 

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Упражнение 2. The meaning of the cards

А) Нужно угадать слово по определению. Guess the word from the definition:

  • a set of cards used for playing card games (a deck)
  • when you take a card out of a deck (To draw on a card / pull a card)
  • you do it in a way that is intentionally aware of your body, mind, and feelings in the present moment (mindfully)
  • the ability to make good judgments based on what you have learned from your experience, or the knowledge (wisdom)
  • opposite to major (minor)
  • giving you more information and understanding of something (enlightening)
  •  any of the four types of card in a set of cards, each having a different shape printed on it (the suits)

B) Сопоставьте слово с картой. Match a word with a card:

fool — дурак 
magician — маг
high priestess — верховная жрица
empress — императрица 
emperor — император 
hierophant — жрец 
lovers — влюбленные 
chariot — повозка, колесница
hermit — отшельник
wheel of fortune — колесо судьбы
justice — справедливость, правосудие
hanged man — повешенный
death — смерть
temperance — умеренность, воздержание
devil — дьявол
tower — башня

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C) Словообразование. Word formation: 

If you want to interpret and read Tarot cards, form and learn some nouns to describe an image. 

E.g.Use suffixes -ness-(i)ty-dom-ism, -less, -tion or prefixes -dis, -in, -un to make nouns. 

-ness: happiness, sadness
-ity: creativity, security

Match a word and a noun formed from it.

Conformity, morality, duality, contemplation, isolation, loneliness, clarity, unfairness, dishonesty, hopelessness, insecurity, faithlessness, discouragement, unconscious, sadness, confusion, intuition, completion, fulfillment, selfishness, procrastination, exhaustion, accomplishment, boredom 

to conform —
to contemplate —
moral —
dual —
to isolate —
lonely —
clear —
fair —
honest —
hope —
faith —
courage —
conscious —
sad —
to confuse —
to secure —
courage —
to complete —
to fulfill —
selfish —
to procrastinate —
to exhaust —
boring —
to accomplish —

D) Вытяните карту, попытайтесь описать и проанализировать, что это может означать. Pull a card, try to read and interpret it. What details do you see? What do they mean in an upright and reversed position? 

E.g. The Fool (карта)

Upright position: Beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, a free spirit
Reversed position: Holding back, recklessness, risk-taking
To see the The Fool generally means a beginning of a new journey, one where you will be filled with optimism and freedom. When we meet him, he approaches each day as an adventure, in an almost childish way. He believes that anything can happen in life and there are many opportunities that are lying out there, in the world, waiting to be explored and developed. He leads a simple life, having no worries, and does not seem troubled by the fact that he cannot tell what he will encounter ahead.

Упражнение 3. The Chariot

Посмотрите это видео о чтении карт Таро. Watch this video about reading Tarot cards. The Chariot.

Try to discuss the meaning and symbols.

  1. What does The Chariot mean? (direction, control, willpower) 
  2. What is in front of the vehicle? What do these symbols represent?
  3. Is it a positive, an encouraging card? Should you be passive or pursue your goals? Should you set new ones? 
  4. You can also discuss interpretation in different spheres: Love, Career etc.

Вам могут быть интересны и эти статьи:

Упражнение 4. Translation

Выполните перевод с русского, используя основную лексику по картам Таро. Translate with your students using Tarot words.

Стандартная колода Таро состоит из 78 карт, 22 Старших Арканов и 56 Младших Арканов. Карты Старших Арканов показывают нам наши жизненно важные уроки, надежды на будущее и глубокие желания. Примеры карт Старших Арканов включают Шут, Волшебник и Император.

Карты Младших Арканов относятся к повседневным проблемам, которые влияют на нашу жизнь, включая мимолетные эмоциональные состояния, решения и людей. Примеры карт Младших Арканов включают 2 Мечей, 10 Кубков и Туз Жезлов. 56 карт Младших Арканов разделены на четыре масти: Жезлы олицетворяют творчество, волю и страсть. Чаши олицетворяют эмоции, любовь и связь. Мечи символизируют разум, действие и силу. Пентакли символизируют материальные блага.

Старшие Арканы представляют собой универсальный человеческий опыт, а Младшие Арканы заключают в себе более сложные детали, которые делают каждого из нас уникальным.

The list of words:

major arcana, significant, the Fool, the Magician, the Emperor, minor arcana, tarot deck, to represent, to impact, 2 of Swords, 10 of Cups, Ace of Wands, suits, wands, cups, swords, pentacles 

Упражнение 5. What about talking?

После работы со словами, текстами и слушанием, можно перейти к практике говорения. Let’s discuss the following questions:

  1. What is superstitious? How superstitious are you?
  2. Do you know any superstitions? 
  • If you spill salt … 
  • If you open an umbrella in the house …
  • If you walk under a ladder …
  • If a black cat crosses your path …
  1. Why is tarot reading becoming so popular? 
  2. In what way can tarot predictions affect people? Can they be harmful?    
  3. Do you think that the movements of the sun, moon and planets can affect people’s lives or do you think that astrology is a type of superstition? Explain your ideas.
  4. Is it difficult to learn Tarot reading? 
  5. What does Tarot bring to people’s lives? Is it a game or a real prediction?
  6. How does Tarot work?
  7. Can Tarot reading be a monetized hobby? Do you know such examples?
  8. Should all these new trends about astrology, numerology, Tarot be banned or does this knowledge help people?

Тему «Карты Таро» вы можете использовать для разных целей в обучении. Взяв одну карту, можно построить целый урок, описывая ее, интерпретируя значения, практикуя Conditionals, словообразование, сравнение, что действительно совпало, а что нет. Будьте творческими и гибкими! Желаем вам интересных уроков.

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