Речь учителя должна быть разнообразной, четкой и немногословной. В блоге Skyteach уже писали о classroom language for teachers и classroom language for online lessons. Сегодня поговорим о полезных фразах для обратной связи, которую преподаватели дают студентам. Эти выражения помогут не только похвалить учащегося, но и мягко указать на слабые стороны. Хвалить и ободрять нужно на английском языке, независимо от уровня, а развернутый устный фидбек на изучаемом языке больше подойдет для средних и выше уровней.

Представляем список из 100 полезных фраз для преподавателей английского. В первой части найдете короткие фразы и предложения, которые можно использовать на протяжении всего урока.


That’s right.

Well done. 

Good work.

You got the job done.


Good for you.

That’s the way to do it.

You’re really working hard today.

I’m glad to see you working like that.

You did that very well.




Magnificent work!

First class!

Yes, you’ve got it.

You tried hard.

Your efforts will pay off.

What an imagination!

It was very creative.

That’s very accurate.

Your help counts.

I couldn’t do without you.

Great discovery.

You’ve figured it out.

Good remembering.

You’ve shown good thinking.

You did it on your first attempt.

I see how well you are prepared.

You aren’t afraid of a challenge.

You did it on your own.

You have such a positive attitude.

You demonstrated so much determination.


Keep it up!

Keep working.

Carry on.

You are doing a good job.

Come on, you can do it!     

Don’t give up.

Hang in there.

Have another guess.

Third time lucky.


Try again.

Have another try.

I’m afraid it’s not correct.

Let’s do it again.

Nice try but no.

You were almost right.

Not exactly.

I understand you but we don’t say that in English.

This part should be improved.

How to make it better?

Praising after correction

That’s much better.

That’s a lot better.

You’ve improved  (it/ your grammar/ your essay) a lot.

Oh, you’ve managed to finish it!

You’re on the right path.

I think you’re on the right track.

Better than ever.

You’re on the right path.

You’re learning fast.

I feel you’re making progress.

You finally did it!

Вторая часть фраз подойдет для индивидуальной беседы-фидбека, которая чаще всего дается в виде “ сендвича”: позитивный отзыв, конструктивная критика, похвала.

Constructive feedback


Can I have a word with you about…?

I’d like to talk about…

I noticed when you…

I saw that…

I want to draw your attention to…

Let’s discuss…

Positive feedback

I really like the way you…

I admire the way you…

I was impressed by/with…

It was amazing how you…

My favourite part was… because…

Your…. is/are very effective/well-organized/neat.

I think you’ve put so much effort into…

You’ve achieved good results in….

I am glad you were able to use the skills you learned.

I appreciate your hard work and persistence with…

You are doing so well with…

Suggestions for improvement

Perhaps you could…

Why not try…next time?

Next time you might want to…

You need to…

In the future…

Have you thought about…?

I would highly recommend…

There is still a need for ….

You could improve this by…

I think you should…

I guess it’s better…

How about if you…?

Focus on…

Let’s try to find something that will help you grow.

В третьей части собраны фразы, с помощью которых учитель может получить обратную связь от учащихся. Хотя более объективную оценку лучше получить при помощи опросников, например start/ stop/continue.

Getting feedback from students

What did we learn in the lesson? 

Did we read/listen to a story today? (for younger learners)

What are the three things we’ve learned today?

What did you find the most interesting/ useful today?

What would you like to do more of?

What things that we learned you liked the least? Why? 

Комментарии (1)
  • Фото аватара

    Благодарю за полезный материал! Очень удобно. Рада разнообразить свою речь во время урока, и такие фразы помогают «навострить» ушки ученикам. Они чутко реагируют на новое. )


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