
IELTS Exam: How to learn and remember useful vocabulary

While taking the IELTS exam it’s important to be able to use the right words and expressions to communicate your ideas clearly and be able to use some topic-specific vocabulary where appropriate. In this article, we’re going to look at how you can widen your vocabulary range and find useful, less common or specialised vocabulary which may help in your speaking and essay writing.

How to learn and remember new vocabulary for the IELTS Exam

No random words

Don’t try to learn all possible vocabulary of high level. For the exam, you will need some vocabulary of specific topics, such as ‘food, films, environment, relationships’ etc. Wordlists are great for revisiting vocabulary you have already learned. But to make a new word stick in your mind, you should see and hear the word several times in the context. Moreover, while recording it, you can try to link it with something meaningful to you as our brain works this way that it’s easier to remember what is relevant to us.

Be selective

Don’t try to learn too much at one time. When you find expressions that you think are useful, record them with the context in a notebook.

Learn in chunks

We retain words better when we learn them in small ‘chunks’. For example, instead of memorising the phrasal verb ‘to come up with’, memorise it as part of the phrase ‘to come up with an idea’. This way, you make sure that you know how to actually use this verb in at least one sentence.

Use new IELTS Exam vocabulary as soon as possible

If you read an interesting article on tourism, for example, find an IELTS writing task on the same subject and try using the new vocabulary straight away.

Create mnemonics and mind maps

Try to create a funny phrase or story that will strengthen the connection between the word and its meaning (known as a mnemonic). Create visual mind maps with topic vocabulary.

Use spaced repetition

It’s not enough to use new vocabulary once then move on. And it’s not good to repeat it over and over again in one day. Use it as soon as you can, then again the next day. Then a few days later and so on until you remember it easily. Quizlet will help with it.

Where to find new vocabulary for the IELTS Exam?

Here are the lists containing Academic words and phrases related to common IELTS topics: Essential Words for the IELTS and Vocabulary lists from IELTS Liz.

Just don’t try learning them off by heart! As you need to learn words in context (like here), so that you fully understand the meaning and how they are used. Probably a more effective way to improve your vocabulary is by reading newspapers or magazines and seeing the language used in context. You can also use online videos to learn. Websites like TED-Ed have lots of short, academic videos on topics like health, education, technology and the environment. All with subtitles and practice activities.

Coursebooks also have vocabulary sections:

Improve your Skills for IELTS 4.5 and Improve Your Skills: Writing for IELTS 6.0-7.5.

Collins Speaking / Reading / Writing for IELTS.

Упражнения по теме Computers.

Work-Related Vocabulary (Test).

Phrasal verbs for IELTS (Test).

Perhaps the most important thing is to find the sources that are right for you.

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