Медиафраншизе о черепашках-ниндзя несколько десятилетий. За это время вышли разные серии комиксов, мультсериал и фильмы, а также компьютерные игры и игрушки. Мы составили план урока “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” для взрослых учеников с уровнем Intermediate и выше. Занятие направлено на развитие навыков: speaking, reading, vocabulary и listening.
Lesson plan:
- Упражнение 1. Warm-up
- Упражнение 2. Lead-in
- Упражнение 3. Characters
- Упражнение 4. Back where it all begins
- Упражнение 5. New release. Discussion
- Упражнение 6. New release. Vocabulary
- Упражнение 7. Summary
Упражнение 1. Warm-up
Для разминки покажите ученикам картины и обсудите вопросы.
- What do you see in the pictures?
- Which activity would you prefer to do in your free time: reading comics, watching a movie/cartoon/TV series, playing a video game or collecting toys?
Упражнение 2. Lead-in
Чтобы вовлечь студентов в тему урока, покажите картинки, иллюстрирующие черепах и боевые искусства, и спросите: What unites these two pictures?

Дождитесь ответа и покажите черепашек-ниндзя и напишите название “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”. Узнайте, знакомы ли ученики с этими персонажами.
- Are you familiar with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Where did you first see them?
- Have you read comics? What about movies/cartoons?
- Have you ever had toys with them?
- Have you played a video game?
Если большинство ответов будет да, узнайте, что им больше понравилось: What did you like most?
Вам и вашим ученикам могут быть интересны эти планы уроков:
Упражнение 3. Characters
Покажите студентам еще раз картину с черепашками и задайте им вопрос: Do you know/remember the Ninja Turtles’ names?
Если они затрудняются ответить, включите видео “How the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles got their names” (00:00-00:44). После просмотра спросите: Do you know who is who?
Подождите несколько секунд и покажите им фотографию с их именами.
Упражнение 4. Back where it all begins
a) Спросите у учеников, что они знают о черепашках-ниндзя.
Do you know how this media-franchise* began? (Если ученики не знакомы с этим термином, покажите им значение.)
*A media franchise, also known as a multimedia franchise, is a collection of related media in which several derivative works have been produced from an original creative work of fiction, such as a film, a work of literature, a television program or a video game.
Затем попросите почитать отрывок из статьи “The fascinating origin story of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”.
With their work on the first Fugitoid story coming to an end, the pair decided to make the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles their next comic book project. Drawing inspiration from some of their favorite contemporary comics, they set to work developing the Turtles universe.
Text adapted from the article “The fascinating origin story of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”
b) Включите песню (00:00-00:59) из мультсериала, где кратко рассказывается о героях этой франшизы. Спросите, что студенты поняли из песни, как в ней описываются герои. Затем откройте слова песни и включите видео еще раз, чтобы ученики могли проверить себя.
c) Обсудите с учениками, что, по их мнению, олицетворяют черепашки-ниндзя и чему учат.
- What do you think Ninja Turtles represent?
- What are some lessons they teach people?
Откройте статью “5 Life Lessons From the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”, дайте учащимся пройтись по ней и узнайте, согласны ли они с информацией в тексте.
Могут быть полезны и эти статьи:
Упражнение 5. New release. Discussion
Обсудите с учениками трейлер последнего фильма, отвечая на вопросы.
Have you seen the trailer of a new movie with Ninja Turtles?
- If so, did you like it? Why?
- If not, do you think it will be better than the previous releases? Why?
Watch the official trailer “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem” and answer the questions.
- What scene does the trailer start with?
- Have Ninja Turtles changed? If so, then how?
- How did the father characterize each of them?
- Did this trailer bring memories rushing back for you?
- Are you interested to know what will happen to them and other characters?
1. It starts with Ninja turtles standing in front of the elevator and getting ready to fight.
2. For the 2nd question, accept any answer. You can help your students with this idea: The technique of how the movie is made is different.
3. He said that Michelangelo has heart, Donatello has wisdom, Raphael has bravery and Leonardo has honor.
Упражнение 6. New release. Vocabulary
Трейлер полон интересных слов и фраз, которые могут быть новыми для учеников. Их задача после просмотра попробовать соединить слова и фразы с их значением.
Match the words and phrases with their definitions.
- to run errands
- to talk somebody out of something
- to rat someone out
- to be shunned
- not likely
- to be baffled
- to take out
- to roll with someone
- rage
- got to go
- a twist
- Oh, snap!
b) to go out to buy or do something
c) a phrase announcing one’s need to leave
d) certainly not
e) to persuade someone not to do something
f) violent uncontrollable anger
g) a phrase to express surprise, joy or dismay at something
h) to associate and spend time with someone
i) persistently avoided, ignored, or rejected
j) to betray or inform on someone
k) to remove something for ever from the place where it was
l) an unexpected change in a situation or in a story
1. to run errands — b) to go out to buy or do something
2. to talk somebody out of something — e) to persuade someone not to do something
3. to rat someone out — j) to betray or inform on someone
4. to be shunned — i) persistently avoided, ignored, or rejected
5. not likely — d) certainly not
6. to be baffled — a) extremely confused or puzzled
7. to take out — k) to remove something for ever from the place where it was
8. to roll with someone — h) to associate and spend time with someone
9. rage — f) violent uncontrollable anger
10. got to go — c) a phrase announcing one’s need to leave
11. a twist — l) an unexpected change in a situation or in a story
12. Oh, snap! — g) a phrase to express surprise, joy or dismay at something
Ученикам также могут быть интересны обозначения следующих фраз:
- y’all — you all
- tortise = tortoise — a slow-moving typically herbivorous land reptile of warm climates
- Peoples — Use “s” with people when you refer to distinct ethnic groups (for example, within the same region).
- zey = they
- Cowabunga has different meanings. Open the link to see them.
Упражнение 7. Summary
Чтобы подвести итоги урока, обсудите вопросы:
- Are you going to go to the cinema to see this movie? Why (not)?
- What would you like to see connected with Ninja Turtles?
- Do you know other media franchises? If so, can you name some of them?
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