In this lesson, students talk about celebrating Easter, practice listening for detail and reading for gist and speaking for fluency.
Age: kids/teens
Level: Elementary — Low Pre-Intermediate
Time: 45 mins
Lesson type: Reading and Speaking
Number of students: 1-8
Materials: worksheet, teacher’s notes
Table of contents:
Lesson words and phrases:
- Easter eggs
- a basket
- a chick
- Easter
- to decorate Easter eggs
- Easter Egg
- a nest
- Hunt a church
- hot cross buns
- an Easter bunny
- Easter flowers
Activity 1
Watch the video.
What holiday is it? Remember the symbols of this holiday.
More worksheets:
Activity 2
Match the pictures and words.

Activity 3
Walk around the classroom and find eggs with numbers. Tell the teacher the
number and get a task. When you complete the task show the answers to the
Task 1: match the halves to make sentences.

Task 2: do the crossword.

Task 3: find 9 words in the wordsearch.

Task 4: complete the text with the questions.
- What do people do?
- When is Easter?
- What is Easter?
- How do people prepare for the holiday?
A. __________
Easter is a spring festival when people celebrate the return of nature and greenery after the cold, snowy winter. It is also the most important time in the Christian calendar. Christians celebrate the day when Jesus came back from death. Both the Christian and pagan versions of Easter celebrate life and rebirth.
B. __________
The date of Easter varies each year as it is based on the lunar calendar and the position of the moon. Easter is celebrated on the Sunday after the full moon following March 21st. This can be any Sunday between March 22nd and April 25th.This year Easter Day is on Sunday, the 1st of April.
C. __________
Preparation for Easter starts a few weeks before Easter weekend. People buy hot cross buns and Easter presents, for example Easter bunnies and eggs. They send postcards to their family and friends.
D. __________
People go to the church in the morning on Easter Sunday. Many children boil eggs and paint them with bright colours. Some people boil eggs together with some flowers, so that the eggshell gets pattern from the plants. People often put eggs and bunnies into Easter baskets and decorate the house. Some people visit relatives and friends and exchange eggs. All over the world children have an Easter egg hunt. Adults hide eggs and the children hunts and collects them. The one with the most eggs is the winner. Another interesting game is egg rolling. Hard-boiled eggs are rolled down a hill. The winner’s egg may be the one that rolls the farthest survives the most rolls.
Activity 4
Discuss the questions with your partner. Talk about Easter in your country.
- How do people in your country prepare for Easter?
- Do you celebrate Easter? If yes, what do you do? What’s your favourite part of
the Easter holiday? - At Easter do people paint eggs in your country? What about your family? When
do you do it? Who with and how? - What do people do on Sunday? Do people go to church? What about your
family? - Do children have an Easter egg hunt or egg rolling?
- Is the day after Easter Sunday a holiday?
Teacher’s notes
1. Warm-up (Activity 1)
5 mins
Aims: to break the ice and generate the interest in the topic.
Procedure: Ask students to watch the video and guess the holiday (key: Easter). Probably they will guess the name from the very beginning, ask them to watch the whole trailer and remember the symbols of this holiday.
candies, eggs, jelly beans, chicks).
2. Vocabulary work (Activity 2)
5 mins
Aims: to revise the vocabulary.
Procedure: ask students to label the pictures.

3. Easter Egg Hunt (Activity 3)
20 mins
Aims: to revise the vocabulary and practice reading for gist.
Procedure: Make five egg shapes on card or paper of one colour and ten of another colour. Number each one 1–5 in each set. Before the students come into the class, hide the numbered eggs around the class and stick them to things – e.g under the bin, behind the door, next to the desk, on the board etc. Tell students they are going to do an Easter egg hunt and put them into 2 teams. The students should find eggs of their team’s colour, say the number to the teacher and get a task. If they complete the task correctly, they get a point. The first team to hunt down the ten eggs wins.
Task 1: student should match the halves to make sentences
Key: 1) d 2) a 3) e 4) b 5) c
Task 2: the students should do the crossword.

Task 3: students should find 9 words.

Task 4: students should read the text and match titles with paragraphs.
Key: A. What is easter? B. When is Easter? C. How do people prepare for the holiday? D. What do people do?
You can show the videos of egg rolling.
In Preston:
In Washington DC, the place where this tradition started:
4. Follow-up discussion (Activity 4)
10 mins
Aims: to provide free speaking practice and apply new vocabulary in the discussion
Procedure: Ask SS to discuss the questions in pairs. Change partners and let them report the most interesting information which they’ve found out about their previous partners.
5. Sum up
3-5 mins
Put errors on the board or whiteboard and let SS correct them.
Summarise the lesson and tell students what results they have achieved (Now you can … After our reading and speaking lesson you will be able to … ). Ask them if they have any questions.
6. Homework
Give students the links and ask to learn more about this holiday.
7. Extra
Have a great lesson!
Спасибо огромное автору за материал к празднику Easter. Составляла свой урок по празднику, но когда «наткнулась» на этот урок, поняла, что данный урок уже готов!
в 1 задании нет ссылки на видео!как быть?
Здравствуйте! Ссылку на видео вы найдете в teacher’s notes 🙂
Как раз вовремя! Спасибо огромное за план урока и рабочие листы! Have a nice teaching to all!!!
Мы очень рады! Спасибо за отзыв!