Easter is coming. Children love this holiday. Be sure to include a variety of activities regardless of the level of your students. We have collected some fun activities and games to play in the Easter lesson.

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Easter Egg Hunt

An egg hunt is a game during which decorated eggs (real painted hard-boiled eggs, artificial eggs made of plastic filled with chocolate or candies) are hidden for children to find. The children should collect the eggs in a basket. When the hunt is over, prizes may be given out for various achievements, such as the largest number of eggs collected, for the largest or smallest egg, for the most eggs of a specific color, consolation prizes or booby prizes.

The game can be played as a quest. Cut six eggs each out of four different colors of paper. Hide the eggs all around the classroom. Divide students into teams. Give each team a written clue or directions to help them find their first egg. On the back of the first egg, write a clue or directions to the second, and so forth. The winning team is the first to find all six eggs and return to the classroom.

Here you will find worksheets for your lessons:

Easter Egg Roll

Egg rolling, or an Easter egg roll is a race, where children push an egg through the grass with a long-handled spoon. In the United States, the Easter Egg Roll is an annual event and is held on the White House South Lawn each Easter Monday for children (age 13 and younger) and their parents.

Show students the video, discuss the rules of the game and play it!

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Do some Easter crafts with your  young learners, like Bunny Ears Headbands, Bunny origami:

or Bunny bookmark:



Different videos can help to pre-teach and practice Easter vocabulary, enlarge students’ knowledge on the holiday itself. Here are some videos for your lessons:

Task 1 — watch and label Easter symbols:

Ideas for Easter lessons | Skyteach

Task 2 — watch and answer the questions:

  1. What is the name of the island?
  2. What do they make at Easter Factory?
  3. What does Fred’s dad ask him to find?
  4. What does EB want to do?
  5. Where does EB go?
  6. Why is EB special?This is Britain — Easter in Britain. The video course includes culture-based videos and worksheets.  

One more video about celebrating Easter can be found at CBeebies Youtube channel:


Dance The Bunny Hokey Pokey:

Revise numbers with “Ten Bunnies Counting Song”:

Read an Easter book

There are a lot of Easter books which you can read aloud with your students in the lesson. Here are some of them:

More books here.

Have great lessons! Happy Easter!

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