Многие зарубежные компании и совместные предприятия заинтересованы в привлечении специалистов из бывших республик СССР. Зачастую одним из языков общения в таких компаниях является английский язык, следовательно, важным этапом становится собеседование на английском. Многие согласятся, что испытания при приеме на работу и на родном языке зачастую вызывают трудности, как же подготовиться к ним, если интервьюер будет говорить по-английски. Мы предлагаем готовый план урока для помощи будущим соискателям на вакансии в сфере IT.
Цель: дать ученику возможность попробовать составить самопрезентацию на английском языке и ответить на вопросы потенциального собеседования.
- Познакомить и/или закрепить профессиональную лексику (IT-сфера), а также лексику, необходимую для успешного прохождения собеседования на работу.
- Познакомить с основными принципами подбора персонала и вопросами, которые в соответствии с ними могут быть заданы.
- Дать образец хорошей видеопрезентации себя как соискателя.
- Дать возможность студенту попробовать составить устную самопрезентацию.
- Дать возможность ученику попробовать ответить на вопросы потенциального собеседования.
План урока:
1. Warm up
Look at this list of abbreviations. Find two of them which are not connected with information technology:
API | WEB | AI | DBMS | GP |
Can you say some more IT-related abbreviations?
2. Lead in
Guess a riddle: Find a top IT company among the abbreviations above. (Key: SAP).
One more riddle: Guess if the statement is true or false.
“The department of SAP support in one of the top Russian companies once searched for specialists with no experience and employed a University graduate.” (Wait for an answer.)
It’s true. Why do you think they did it?
Today we’ll see what issues researchers and employers pay attention to while interviewing and what mistakes we can avoid to get a dream job.
Вам могут быть полезны и эти наши материалы:
3. Vocabulary practice. The main criteria of recruitment
На этом этапе познакомим ученика с основными критериями подбора персонала, научим расставлять акценты при составлении высказывания о себе, понимать, зачем рекрутер задает те или иные вопросы, а также познакомим со словами и выражениями, которые можно и нельзя использовать при прохождении собеседования на работу.
3.1. Match the words to their definitions:
- Experience.
- Security.
- Motivation to work.
- Learning skills.
A. Professional and other skills (communication skills, leadership skills, problem-solving skills, etc.) demanded for a particular job.
B. Personal traits of an employee such as responsibility, loyalty, reliability, honesty, etc. due to which a company won’t risk having any financial or other problems in the future caused by the employee.
C. Ability and eagerness to learn at any age.
D. Reasons which make a person do something.
3.2. Task A. Now look at this list of phrases applicants used in their interviews. Sort the phrases to the criteria. Some phrases can match several criteria.
A. Was a leader of a team of five developers.
B. Want to get new experience.
C. Want to get a promotion.
D. Want to work in a top company.
E. Want a high salary.
F. Worked at the previous company for 3 months.
G. Started as an intern and finished as a leader developer.
H. My boss was inadequate.
I. Have done 3 full stack projects.
J. Worked with clients.
K. Learning Spanish now and like learning at all.
L. Left because of too difficult tasks.
M. Eager to learn something new.
Experience | Security | Motivation to work | Learning skills |
Task B. Answer the questions:
- Which of these phrases can be considered as advantages of an applicant? (Key: B, G, I, J, K, M.)
- Which of these phrases can be considered as disadvantages of an applicant? (Key: H, L.)
- Can you add one more phrase to every column?
Выражения A, C, D, E, F могут рассматриваться как достоинства или недостатки соискателя в зависимости от вакансии и компании, в которую он проходит собеседование. Так, для начинающей компании желание соискателя работать у лидера рынка может вызвать опасения. Мотивация только на карьерный рост и высокую зарплату, как правило, считается недостатком соискателя, так как это говорит о том, что он уйдет из компании сразу же, как только конкуренты предложат ему более высокий гросс или должность. Однако если соискатель сделает акцент на том, что готов справляться с трудностями, имеет желание не только двигаться по карьерной лестнице, но и расти профессионально, является преданным сотрудником (не «бросает» работодателя) и готов к диалогу, то компания, скорее всего, захочет предложить такому соискателю сотрудничество.
3.3 Look at the exercises 3.1 and 3.2. Read and explain the meaning of the words and phrases in bold.
3.4 Fill in the gaps with the words and phrases in bold.
- I haven’t got much experience in this field, but I am ___________ ____ __________.
- _______________ is incredibly important for an employee as having lost your credibility you can lose a chance to get a good job.
- I worked as a _________ ____________ and did five ___________ ___________ projects for that time.
- My _______________ were quite vast: I had to coordinate all the work related to the project.
4. Listening
В настоящее время некоторые компании просят сотрудника записать видеопрезентацию (видеорезюме) или просят рассказать о себе непосредственно на собеседовании. Предложим ученику пример хорошего видеорезюме.
4.1 Pre-listening task.
Match the words to their definitions.
1. Disparate | A. To make more effort than is expected to reach the goal |
2. Integrate | B. Completely different |
3. Go the extra mile to get things done | C. To combine two or more things to make something more effective |
4. Wear many hats | D. To improve an idea, method, system, etc. by making small changes |
5. Refine | E. Have different roles or tasks to perform |
6. Wrap up | F. To finish an activity successfully |
4.2 Watch and listen to the video CV and answer the questions:
- What vacancy is the speaker applying for? (Key: full stack developer / leader developer.)
- Would you take him if you were an employer? Why?
4.3 Listen again and complete the table:
Name: | |
Position (vacancy): | |
Education (University): | |
Experience (number of years): | |
The branch of IT technologies: | |
Coding languages: | |
Achievements: | |
Leadership skills: | |
Wants from a new job: |
My name’s John Smith and I have 5 years of experience of developing Java applications to skill and integrate the disparate systems. I’ve completed my masters in Computer Science from North Carolina State University and I am a Java developer who’ll go the extra mile to get things done. I’ve worn many hats as a full stack developer and I’ve not limited myself to just one stack. In back-end programming I use Python, Java, Spring, Ruby and PHP. In the front-end spectrum I enjoy coding in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and frameworks like React, Angular Versions, 124 and Note. I’ve also designed large data sets on Postgres and MongoDB. I’ve got exposure to Rest API design and to security, so I know my way around as a Cell, Cookies, Tokens and so on. All my projects are based on TDD focusing and resolving application defects, testing, debugging and refining the software as a whole. I completed three projects through the full STLC process using soft technologies.
I understand the importance of team work and I’m leading a team of ten including seven developers, two testers and one business-analyst with specific supervision in coding analysis and performing unit testing on applicable codes. Currently I’m wrapping up with PNC bank. It’s a mission-critical transactional system that handles 400 concurrent users, and enhances my skills in SLA based architecture.
In my free time I really enjoy blogging about the emergent technologies and how they’re going to affect the future. I am a great gamer and I love cycling.
At this stage of my career I’m still very keen on learning new technologies and I would like to work for a company which will not only challenge my technical expertise but will also provide me with attractive career opportunities.
Thank you for your time. If you want to reach me, you can find the details in my profile.
4.4 Complete the table about yourself and try to make your oral CV based on it. See the script of the audio if necessary.
Name: | |
Position (vacancy): | |
Education (University): | |
Experience (number of years): | |
The branch of IT: | |
Coding languages: | |
Achievements: | |
Leadership skills: | |
Wants from a new job: |
У нас есть и другие статьи по теме:
5. Interview
А теперь обратим внимание на вопросы, которые могут быть заданы на собеседовании.
As you see from the video CV it usually contains the description of experience, including its parts as professional skills and achievements. That is why applicants are usually asked questions about other important aspects.
A. Communication and problem-solving skills:
1. Have you had any hard tasks at your previous job?
2. What projects have you done? What were your roles in them?
3. Did you have to contact with your co-workers and colleagues?
4. Have you ever failed? What was the issue?
5. Why did you leave your previous job? Did you have any conflicts with your boss or colleagues?
6. Can you give a contact from your previous company?
7. What are your weaknesses?
8. Are you a risky person?
9. What are you going to do in 10 years?
10. Why are you looking for a job now?
11. Why are you applying for a job in our company?
12. What would you prefer: a job offer from a top company with a middle-level salary or an offer from a young developing company with a high level of salary?
Think of your possible answers to the questions. Pay attention to some important moments:
- Quite often companies prefer to bring up young specialists with no experience to have loyal, faithful and high-motivated employees. Such people will work much longer and with more effort and enthusiasm than experienced ones focused on high salary.
- Make a CV for every vacancy and don’t use one CV for all the positions and companies: read attentively what skills are necessary in a particular job and show you possess them.
- Think of a company and a vacancy you are applying for, try to imagine what kind of person is necessary for the company. Analyse if you match this vacancy and why, show it in your CV and self-presentation.
Многие соискатели считают, что главным критерием, на который ориентируется работодатель, является опыт работы. Надеюсь, что наш материал поможет вашим ученикам подготовиться к вопросам, которые могут быть заданы на собеседовании, и успешно справиться с ними.