The birth of a child is an important event in every family. But at the same time, spouses face the problem of child upbringing, how to find time and money to provide a child with everything necessary.

Some decades ago there was no use discussing who was to take care of a child. But due to the feminism movement and gender equality, family responsibilities are changing and more and more men do everything possible to help their wives to care about newborns. There is a tendency of taking paternity leave but men are not keen on doing it due to several reasons.

These reasons are discussed in this lesson.

This worksheet will help your students learn more about this tendency, they will expand their vocabulary on this topic, develop their listening and reading skills, and, of course, they will practise speaking for fluency.

Age: 16+
Level: Upper Intermediate+
Time: 50 mins
Lesson type: Listening, Speaking
Number of students: 3-8

Check this out as well: Stress management (worksheet)

Комментарии (3)
  • Фото аватара

    Очень интересно, спасибо!

  • Фото аватара
    Elena Leonidovna Chazova

    Добрый вечер! Не поняла в вашей разработке вопрос 1 в задании 7 Discussion. Опечатка в середине?

    • Фото аватара

      Елена, мы написали автору с уточнением и получили ответ, что в таблице все верно. Фраза on little of no help переводится «почти без помощи»


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