Грамматические упражнения играют важную роль в обучении английскому языку на начальном уровне. Разнообразие тем упражнений помогает удерживать интерес учащихся и способствует лучшему усвоению материала. Делимся упражнениями на отработку  Past Simple для уровня Elementary.

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Упражнение 1. Закончи рассказ

Ученики получают предложения с пропусками, которые они должны заполнить, используя Past Simple.

  1. On my way home, I (to see) ___ a colorful parrot in the park. It (to sing) ___ a funny song.
  2. During the computer class, we (to learn) ___ how to create a game. It (to be) ___ super cool!
  3. My brother (to try) ___ to make a robot. It (to move) ___ a little, but then (to stop) ___!
  4. I (to find) ___ a strange-looking rock near the river. It (to look) ___ like a dinosaur egg.
  5. Last night, I (to dream) ___ about flying in space. The stars (to be) ___ so bright and close.
  6. At the zoo, we (to watch) ___ monkeys doing tricks. One monkey (to steal) ___ the zookeeper’s hat!
  7. I (to make) ___ a birthday card for my friend. It (to have) ___ lots of glitter and stars on it.
  8. In the library, I (to discover) ___ a book about secret codes. The pictures (to be) ___ really mysterious.
  9. We (to plant) ___ a small tree in our garden. It (to be) ___ just knee-high, but soon it’ll grow tall.
  10. Yesterday, my cat (to bring) ___ a toy mouse to me. She (to think) ___ it was real!

Упражнение 2. Исправь ошибки

Ученики получают предложения с ошибками в употреблении Past Simple и должны их исправить.

  1. Last night I eated chicken. — Исправление: Last night I ate chicken.
  2. She goed to the park on Sunday. — Исправление: She went to the park on Sunday.
  3. We haved a great time at the party. — Исправление: We had a great time at the party.
  4. I did not went to the cinema last night. — Исправление: I did not go to the cinema last night.
  5. They comed back home late. — Исправление: They came back home late.
  6. Did you saw the new movie? — Исправление: Did you see the new movie?
  7. He didn’t sleeped well last night. — Исправление: He didn’t sleep well last night.
  8. We was at the beach all day. — Исправление: We were at the beach all day.
  9. Was you at my house yesterday? — Исправление: Were you at my house yesterday?
  10. She don’t understand the question. — Исправление: She didn’t understand the question.

Еще больше полезных материалов к уроку английского:

Упражнение 3. Рассказ по картинкам

Студенты смотрят картинки, на которых изображены разные блюда. Они должны описать, что на картинке, используя Past Simple.

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Пример: On this picture, there is a pizza. I ate pizza last Friday.

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Упражнение 4. Дневник питания

Ученики ведут дневник питания за прошлую неделю, используя Past Simple.

  1. On Monday, I had pancakes for breakfast. They were delicious.
  2. For lunch on Tuesday, I ate a cheese sandwich. It was really good.
  3. Wednesday evening, we had spaghetti for dinner. It tasted amazing.

Посмотрите и другие подборки коротких упражнений:

Упражнение 5. Соедини пары

Есть два столбца предложений. В одном — события, в другом — время. Задача учеников — соединить соответствующие пары.

She tried out a new virtual reality gamelate last night.
They explored an abandoned amusement parkfor the science fair.
He created an impressive robot modelon their last adventure trip.
We participated in a flash mobat the city square yesterday.
She won the online gaming tournamentduring the tech expo last weekend.

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  • She tried out a new virtual reality game during the tech expo last weekend.
  • They explored an abandoned amusement park on their last adventure trip.
  • He created an impressive robot model for the science fair.
  • We participated in a flash mob at the city square yesterday.
  • She won the online gaming tournament late last night.

Надеемся, что наши упражнения на грамматику с использованием Past Simple окажутся полезными и интересными для ваших учеников. 

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