5 упражнений на грамматику с использованием Past Simple для уровня Elementary
Грамматические упражнения играют важную роль в обучении английскому языку на начальном уровне. Разнообразие тем упражнений помогает удерживать интерес учащихся и способствует лучшему усвоению материала. Делимся упражнениями на отработку Past Simple для уровня Elementary.
Упражнение 1. Закончи рассказ
Ученики получают предложения с пропусками, которые они должны заполнить, используя Past Simple.
- On my way home, I (to see) ___ a colorful parrot in the park. It (to sing) ___ a funny song.
- During the computer class, we (to learn) ___ how to create a game. It (to be) ___ super cool!
- My brother (to try) ___ to make a robot. It (to move) ___ a little, but then (to stop) ___!
- I (to find) ___ a strange-looking rock near the river. It (to look) ___ like a dinosaur egg.
- Last night, I (to dream) ___ about flying in space. The stars (to be) ___ so bright and close.
- At the zoo, we (to watch) ___ monkeys doing tricks. One monkey (to steal) ___ the zookeeper’s hat!
- I (to make) ___ a birthday card for my friend. It (to have) ___ lots of glitter and stars on it.
- In the library, I (to discover) ___ a book about secret codes. The pictures (to be) ___ really mysterious.
- We (to plant) ___ a small tree in our garden. It (to be) ___ just knee-high, but soon it’ll grow tall.
- Yesterday, my cat (to bring) ___ a toy mouse to me. She (to think) ___ it was real!
Упражнение 2. Исправь ошибки
Ученики получают предложения с ошибками в употреблении Past Simple и должны их исправить.
- Last night I eated chicken. — Исправление: Last night I ate chicken.
- She goed to the park on Sunday. — Исправление: She went to the park on Sunday.
- We haved a great time at the party. — Исправление: We had a great time at the party.
- I did not went to the cinema last night. — Исправление: I did not go to the cinema last night.
- They comed back home late. — Исправление: They came back home late.
- Did you saw the new movie? — Исправление: Did you see the new movie?
- He didn’t sleeped well last night. — Исправление: He didn’t sleep well last night.
- We was at the beach all day. — Исправление: We were at the beach all day.
- Was you at my house yesterday? — Исправление: Were you at my house yesterday?
- She don’t understand the question. — Исправление: She didn’t understand the question.
Еще больше полезных материалов к уроку английского:
Упражнение 3. Рассказ по картинкам
Студенты смотрят картинки, на которых изображены разные блюда. Они должны описать, что на картинке, используя Past Simple.
Упражнение 4. Дневник питания
Ученики ведут дневник питания за прошлую неделю, используя Past Simple.
- On Monday, I had pancakes for breakfast. They were delicious.
- For lunch on Tuesday, I ate a cheese sandwich. It was really good.
- Wednesday evening, we had spaghetti for dinner. It tasted amazing.
Посмотрите и другие подборки коротких упражнений:
Упражнение 5. Соедини пары
Есть два столбца предложений. В одном — события, в другом — время. Задача учеников — соединить соответствующие пары.
Событие: | Время: |
She tried out a new virtual reality game | late last night. |
They explored an abandoned amusement park | for the science fair. |
He created an impressive robot model | on their last adventure trip. |
We participated in a flash mob | at the city square yesterday. |
She won the online gaming tournament | during the tech expo last weekend. |
- She tried out a new virtual reality game during the tech expo last weekend.
- They explored an abandoned amusement park on their last adventure trip.
- He created an impressive robot model for the science fair.
- We participated in a flash mob at the city square yesterday.
- She won the online gaming tournament late last night.
Надеемся, что наши упражнения на грамматику с использованием Past Simple окажутся полезными и интересными для ваших учеников.