Косвенная речь может вызывать скуку, тоску. Подросткам неинтересно пересказывать газетные статьи, а в активную речь эту структуру и подавно трудно вывести. Есть множество сборников с грамматическими упражнениями, тестами, контрольными, которые помогают подобрать материалы, но они требуют изменений и адаптации под современных детей и их интересы. Давайте использовать то, что подростки любят больше всего: поболтать, повеселиться и обсудить свои проблемы и интересы. Эти упражнения помогут повторить все времена.
- Упражнение 1. Say/tell
- Упражнение 2. Tense Challenge
- Упражнение 3. Transformations
- Упражнение 4. Вопросы и возражения
- Упражнение 5. Приказы и просьбы
Упражнение 1. Say/tell
Перед тем как перейти к трансформациям в косвенную речь, объясните студентам разницу между say/tell, покажите распространенные ошибки. Выполните упражнение на закрепление.
Said is used without any object or with to + an object. | Told is always used with an object. |
He just said that he had seen this film before.He said to me that his parents would not give him any pocket money. | I told him you invited him to a party. |
Fill in the gaps with said (to) or told.
- My mom _____ to me that I should be polite with old people.
- His son _____ her that he hadn’t done his project.
- The children _____ that they were not playing games.
- My parents _____ me that I was responsible for my actions.
- She _____ that her mom had banned to go out.
- My friend _____ me his parents controlled his every step.
- Jeremy _____ to me he couldn’t understand his parents at all.
Упражнение 2. Tense Challenge
Учителя часто сталкиваются с тем, что, подойдя к теме «Reported Speech», учащиеся 10 класса вообще не разбираются во временах, воспринимают их как дремучий лес. Тема не будет понятна, так как оперировать нужно всеми временами, и без знаний времен трансформации сделать невозможно. Объяснять все заново слабым ученикам смысла нет, это займет много времени. Предлагаем поиграть в игру, чтобы освежить в памяти времена. Даже если кто-то из учащихся не знал или забыл, возможно, запомнят формы.
Direct Speech | Indirect Speech |
Present Simple (am/is/are), V1 | Past Simple (was/were), V2/ed |
Present Continuous (am/is/are doing) | Past Continuous (was/were doing) |
Present Perfect (have/has V3) | Past Perfect (had+V3) |
am/is/are going to | was/were going to |
will | would |
Past Simple | Past Perfect |
can | could |
may | might |
must | have to/had to |
Сделайте карточки с глаголами. Задача ученика — вытянуть карточку и трансформировать глагол в нужное для косвенной речи время. Можно соревноваться между командами или в личном зачете: кто даст больше всех правильных ответов за 1 минуту.
broke↓ |
had broken |
am cooking↓ |
was cooking |
will do↓ |
would do |
Можно предложить соотнести пары слов:
must work | could sing |
can sing | left an office |
is not going to sleep | had to work |
leave an office | was not going to sleep |
Упражнение 3. Transformations
Объясните своим студентам основное правило «One Tense Back»!
Используйте интересный контекст для трансформации в косвенную речь: про подружку/друга, которого встретили вчера и рассказываете новости другим, про родителей и их требования и т. д.
Say or write the sentences in reported speech.
Yesterday you met a friend of yours, Mary.
You hadn’t seen her for a long time.
Here are some of the things Mary said to you.
Later that day you tell another friend what she said.
Use reported speech.
You talked to your parents/relatives/teacher yesterday. You argued with your mother about marks. Share what these people told you.

- I’m living in Moscow.
Mary said that she was living in Moscow.
- My grandfather isn’t very well.
She said that _____.
- Peter and Anna are getting married next month.
She _____
- My sister has had a baby.
- I don’t know what Lena is doing.
- I saw Helen at a party in June and she seemed fine.
- I haven’t seen your sister recently.
- I do not enjoy a new school very much.
- You can come and stay at my place if you’re ever in London.
- This band released a new video.
- “Peter, your marks have changed”.
Peter’s mother told him that his marks had changed.
- “I want to talk to you”.
The mother said that she _____ to talk to Peter.
- “I’m doing homework. I can’t talk”.
Peter told his mother that he _____ a very important thing and that he _____ talk.
- “Peter, you made a lot of mistakes in your test”.
The mother said that he _____ a lot of mistakes in his test.
- “Okay, I will listen to you”.
Peter said that he _____ to his mother.
Вам могут пригодиться и другие материалы:
Team work
Одна команда трансформирует текст в косвенную речь, а другая в прямую, и наоборот.
My parents told me:
“We’re going on a business trip tonight.
You’ll stay here and take care of the house and these plants.
Your friends can visit you, but do not leave a mess like you did when you had a party with them last week.
You should text and phone us every day in the evening.
We also called your grandparents yesterday and asked them to check on you. We’ll be back next month”.
Your parents told you that they were going on a business trip that night. They told you that you would stay there and take care of the house and those plants. They informed you that your friends could visit you, but warned not to leave a mess like you had done when you had had a party with them the previous week. They said to you that you should text and phone them every day in the evening. They said that they also had called your grandparents the day before yesterday and had asked them to check on you. They promised they would be back the following month.
Упражнение 4. Вопросы и возражения
Испорченный телефон.

Это упражнение поможет отработать трансформацию вопросительных предложений (общих и специальных) в косвенную речь. Каждый учащийся задает однокласснику любой вопрос, а другой человек переспрашивает, что он/она спросил(-а), что он/она ответил(-а).
Student 1: Do you like The Сomedy Сlub Show?
Student 2: Yes, I do.
Student 3: What did she ask?
Student 2: She asked me if I liked The Comedy Сlub Show, and I answered that I did.
- What video did you watch yesterday?
- What is the last party you visited?
- How far do you live from school?
- Do you do any sport?
- Would you like to go to Bali?
Один ученик говорит утверждение, а другой возражает.
Student 1: I was ill last week.
Student 2: But you told me you were in the Maldives!
Student 1: My mom cooked pizza yesterday.
Student 2: But you told me that you had ordered it the other day.
Упражнение 5. Приказы и просьбы
Choose the correct reported requests and commands.
1. “Close the door”.
- She asked him to close the door.
- She asked him close the door.
- She asked that he to close the door.
2. “Don’t ask the star personal questions!”
- The boss told the reporter to not ask the star personal questions.
- The boss told the reporter not to ask the star personal questions.
- The boss told the reporter asked the star personal questions.
3. “Can I take a photo with you?”
- My friend asked me to take a photo with me.
- My friend asked me can to take a photo with me.
- My friend asked me to take a photo with him.
4. “Could you say hello to my parents?”
- She asked her friend to say hello to my parents.
- She asked her friend to say hello to her parents.
- She asked her friend say hello to my parents.
5. “Call me back”.
- He asked her to call me back.
- He asked her call him back.
- He asked her to call him back.
А теперь попробуем, наоборот, из косвенной в прямую речь.
Say the sentences in direct speech.
- Ralf told the children to keep quiet. → “Keep quiet!”
- Mary asked the actor to give her his number. → “Could you give me your number?”
- The blogger asked the reporter not to ask him personal questions. →
- Roger asked the footballer to send a gift for his son. →
- The policeman told the driver not to drive so fast. →
Советуем и эти подборки упражнений для уроков английского:
Можно практиковать приказы в устной форме, вспоминая, что сказала сделать по дому мама (Tidy your room! Do not forget to call granny!) или какое задание дал учитель (Write down unknown words! Read aloud!), а также просто используя правила поведения в школе (Do not shout! Behave yourself! Do not be late for your class!)
Надеемся, эта подборка заданий натолкнет вас на новые идеи и поможет отработать конструкцию Reported Speech легко и весело!