Технологии постоянно развиваются и быстро заменяются новыми. Поэтому кажется, что литература и связанные с ней активности уходят на второй план. Так ли это, обсудите с вашими учениками на дискуссионном уроке. Наши упражнения подойдут учащимся с уровнем Advanced и выше. Вы поговорите с учениками о плюсах и минусах технологий и популярности чтения, а также студенты посмотрят видео и отработают аудирование.

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Task 1  

Начните урок с обсуждения следующих вопросов:

Read the questions and discuss them with your teacher:

How do you relax in your spare time? What about reading?

Если ученики отвечают положительно, продолжайте обсуждение:

  1. How often do you read? What do you enjoy reading? 
  2. What are you reading these days? What’s the worst book you’ve ever read? 
  3. What’s your favourite book? Do you have a favourite author? 
  4. What about your favourite genre? Are there any genres that you’re not keen on reading? Do you count non-fiction as having read a book?
  5. Is there a strong reading culture in your country? How do you feel about your country’s literature? Are you interested in other countries’ literature? Do you know if there are any books that are popular at the moment?
  6. Do you feel that movies based on books are better or worse than the books themselves? Have you ever watched a movie and then read the book? Which was better? 
  7. Are you happy with the amount that you’re currently reading? How much would you like to read? Have you tried reading short stories? Have you tried setting a goal for your reading i.e. one chapter a day?
  8. How can literature change your life?

Если студенты не любят это занятие, спросите: 

  1. What about reading e-books? 
  2. Do you listen to audiobooks? What do you think are some of the pro’s and con’s of listening to audiobooks?
  3. What would you rather do besides read?

Дождитесь ответа и плавно направьте к следующему вопросу, который соединяет темы литературы и технологий.  

  1. Is there a strong reading culture in your country? How do you feel about your country’s literature? Are you interested in other countries’ literature? Do you know if there are any books that are popular at the moment? What about movies? 
  2. Do you feel that movies based on books are better or worse than the books themselves? Have you ever watched a movie and then read the book? Which was better? 
  3. Have you tried reading short stories? 
  4. Would you like to try setting a goal for your reading i.e. one chapter a day? 
  5. How can literature change your life?

Вам также могут быть полезны:

Task 2

Скажите ученикам, что ответ на последний вопрос они узнают из видео (02:47-17:20), где профессор литературы и итальянского языка рассказывает о сложном периоде в своей жизни и как книги помогли ему справиться с ним.

Watch the video and answer the questions below:

  1. What happened to the professor? 
  2. How did he manage to come through it? 
  3. What are the five things mentioned by the professor that books do? Do you agree with him? 
  4. Can you think of any disadvantages that reading may bring?  
  5. Do you think that reading is not as popular as it was 50 years ago? If so, what are some reasons? 
  6. Do your / your friends’ children like reading? What would they prefer: books or gadgets?

Еще планы дискуссионных уроков:

Task 3

Начните обсуждения вопросов про технологию. Необязательно использовать все предложенные вопросы, выберите интересные вам самим. Важно озвучить свое мнение, примеры или предпочтения, чтобы разгорелись дебаты с учеником.

  1. What are some of the greatest technological achievements?
  2. What are the advantages of technology?
  3. What are the disadvantages of technology?
  4. In your opinion,what is the greatest technological invention? Why?
  5. What do you think robots should be used for?
  6. Do you think robots will cause unemployment (loss of jobs) in the future or make more work? Why?
  7. If you could copy your brain for future generations, would you?
  8. Do you think modern technology reduces or increases stress? Why?
  9. Do you think technological advances are always good? Or can they sometimes be bad and harmful? How far can science go?
  10.  What subtype of attitude towards technology would you identify yourself with and why? (e.g. technophiles, mindful users, technophobes, technopessimists)
  11. What could be the reasons for becoming a technophobe/technopessimist?
  12. Are there technophobes, technopessimists among your acquaintances? Are they your peers, older people? Are they happy, or do they suffer because of their attitude?
  13. How can technophobia and technopessimism interfere with a person’s life? Are there any benefits of being wary of technology?
  14. One of the elderly residents of Japan at the age of 81 has mastered programming, created her own application and teaches technical literacy to other people of advanced age. Is the case with the old Japanese programmer possible in your country? How engaged with technology is the older generation in your country? Why? What gadgets (technologies) do your parents, grandparents use? Why do you think it happened?

Task 4

За последние несколько лет были созданы очень странные гаджеты. Узнайте мнение студентов о них.    

Discuss weird gadgets with your teacher.

Do you know what CES is? 

Key: It is the Consumer Electronics Show, one of the biggest events where manufacturers show off their latest tech inventions. Some gadgets presented there are conventional and predictable, but there are always some weird ones. 

Let’s look at some of them and discuss. You can also guess what they do. 

  1. Charmin Rollbot
  2. Lululab Lumine Smart Mirror
  3. Go Dogo

1. Rollbot is a small rolling robot that’s been designed to bring extra toilet paper into the bathroom. Quite convenient, right?
2. This mirror is really smart. It acts as your skincare assistant, analyzes your face for imperfections and recommends skin care products based on this analysis.
3. Go Dogo plays videos on your TV for your dog, giving it training instructions. Its cameras analyse if your dog sits or rolls over properly, and it dispenses a treat in case of success.

Do you know any other weird gadgets? What do you think of these inventions? Would you like to have one of these?

Choose one of the bizarre gadgets found at CES 2023 and make guesses what it is for. 

  1. BMW color-changing car;
  2. Withings U-Scan smart urinalysis;
  3. L’Oreal makeup printer;
  4. Kohler aromatherapy shower pods;
  5. Nowatch smartwatch with no screen or clock;
  6. Displace wireless TV with batteries;
  7. Blok smart cutting board;
  8. Samsung live-streaming oven.

Open the link and read the paragraph about it.

Task 5

Чтобы подвести итоги, поиграйте в игру “Would you rather“. Придумайте и задавайте друг другу вопросы, чтобы выяснить, чему каждый дает предпочтение  — технологиям или литературе.  

Ask and answer the questions. Here are some examples: 

  1. Would you rather Lose your phone or forget all the books you’ve read?
  2. Would you rather Only have access to Litres (e-book library) or only have access to games on the Internet?
  3. Would you rather have infinite battery life for your cell phone or infinite access to any library in the world?
  4. Would you rather spend a day without your phone or a day without being able to read?

Вам могут быть интересны и другие материалы для занятий со студентами высоких уровней:

Желаем продуктивных уроков!

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