
Задания для разговорного урока по теме “Literature”

Одна из самых любимых тем урока взрослых учеников — это литература. Многие студенты, уровень знаний которых уже достаточно высокий, регулярно читают книги на английском. Но даже те, кто предпочитает читать на родном языке, с удовольствием обсуждают прочитанное на уроке английского. Тема “Literature” есть во многих учебниках английского, но разговорных заданий много не бывает. Поэтому в этой статье поделимся некоторыми идеями о том, какие упражнения использовать на уроке, посвященном литературе, чтобы сделать его более разговорным.


Задание, которое отлично подойдет в качестве lead-in. Показываем ученику цитаты и просим заполнить пропуски, используя одно и то же слово:

“There is no surer foundation for a beautiful friendship than a mutual taste in ___.”

― Sir Pelham Grenville Wodehouse

“___ is a textually transmitted disease, normally contracted in childhood.”

― Jane Yolen

«The crown of ___ is poetry.»

― William Somerset Maugham

Key: literature

  1. Literary genres

В начале занятия можно обсудить, книги каких жанров предпочитает студент. Для этого просим ученика пронумеровать перечисленные ниже жанры от 1 до 10, учитывая что 1 — это литература, которой ученик не интересуется совсем, а 10 — книги, которые читает чаще всего. 

  • Science fiction
  • Western
  • Romance
  • Thriller
  • Detective
  • Memoir
  • Biography
  • Satire
  • Horror
  • Non-fiction

После, можно обсудить первый и последний пункты: что привлекает студента в жанре, которому он поставил 10, и что отталкивает в том, который получил единицу.

  1. Literature discussion

Вопросы для обсуждения, которые можно использовать:

— Who is your favourite author? Do you have a favourite book?

— Which do you prefer: classical or modern literature?

— Did you enjoy studying literature at school?

— Are you more interested in world literature or the literature of your country?

— Has the literature of your country influenced the world? Are you proud of your country’s literature?

— What is the longest book you have ever read?

— Have you read any books by winners of the Nobel Prize for Literature?

— What factors are important to you when choosing a book to read?

— Do you think that the internet and television will eventually make books obsolete?

— Have you ever tried to read a book in English?

  1. The last book you read

Затем, можно подробнее обсудить последнюю прочитанную учеником книгу:

— What did you like best about this book?

— What did you like least about this book?

— How original and unique was this book?

— If you were making a movie based on this book, who would you cast?

— What feelings did this book evoke?

— Which places in the book would you most like to visit?

— If you got the chance to ask the author of this book one question, what would it be?

— What do you think the author’s purpose was in writing this book? What ideas was he or she trying to get across?

— What other books by this author have you read? 

— Would you read another book by this author? Why or why not?

  1. Debates

Подобрав любой спорный вопрос, можно устроить на уроке дискуссию: ученик читает вопрос и выбирает позицию, которую будет защищать. Преподаватель будет отстаивать тот вариант, который остался. Чтобы облегчить студенту задачу, можно заранее прописать несколько аргументов за и против. 

Пример ниже взят с сайта Idebate.

Should poetry be taught at school?

“Poetry is literary art in which language is used for its aesthetic and evocative qualities as well as the language’s normal meaning. Poetry dates back as far as any literature, to the first civilization in Mesopotamia with the Sumerian epic Gilgamesh. It undoubtedly has a long pedigree but that does not mean it should be taught in schools. Can we justify keeping this subject obligatory for failing schools and schools under special measures? At the moment poetry is part of the English national curriculum where only essential skills, often called the three R’s are considered essential. These are reading, writing and arithmetic. Nonetheless, unlike the skills, these subjects mostly teach it cannot be considered a life skill. Poetry is unlikely to be necessary for daily life after a student has left school. Poetry is currently taught at all levels of education from primary school up until students are allowed to drop key subjects after GCSEs.”

Arguments against:

— Poetry is a highly challenging subject to teach.

— In schools where many pupils are failing the basics of English language, they cannot be expected to progress to a more complex level of English study like poetry before the basics have been mastered.

— In countries where students are failing basic literacy, new measures to improve basic literacy skills in schools are required as a matter of urgency. In such cases, schools cannot justify wasting time by teaching poetry.

Arguments for:

— If any art is to be taught in schools, it has to be Poetry, for poetry is the only artistic form of a core subject.

— Poetry is art, art is inseparable from education; art is what makes us human, and that which makes us human is certainly to be taught in schools.

— Not teaching poetry in schools opens the gate to eradicating all artistic and creative subjects.

  1. To sum it up

Завершить урок можно таким вопросом:

In 1857, Gustave Flaubert said: «Read in order to live.» What do you think of this?

Больше идей о том, как использовать художественную литературу на уроках английского, можно найти в статье.

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