
Новые возможности нейросети: план урока для подростков и взрослых с уровнем Upper-Intermediate

В соцсетях все больше и больше появляется видео о новых возможностях нейросетей. Если сперва бурно обсуждали чат-бот с искусственным интеллектом ChatGPT, то сейчас и другие нейросети набрали популярность. С их помощью легко создать реалистичные фото и картины, перевести видео на любой другой язык, при этом повторяя голос, акцент и сохраняя движение губ. 

Это и многое другое можете обсудить со своими учениками на уроке о нейросетях. Материал подойдет подросткам с уровнем Upper-Intermediate и взрослым с уровнем Intermediate и выше. Цель урока отработать эту тему и развить навыки говорения, аудирования и пополнить словарный запас. 

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Task 1. Warm-up

Для разминки покажите ученикам утверждения и скажите, что именно так представляли будущее люди в 1900 году. 

Read the predictions. This is how people imagined life in the future in 1900. Say which of the predictions have come true. 

  1. Robots will do all the housework.
  2. People will stay underwater for a long time. 
  3. It will be possible to transmit wireless messages all over the world.
  4. Air travel will be possible. 
  5. People will learn with the help of special machines. 
  6. People will use underwater public transport.

For example, We can stay underwater for a long time, but we don’t have underwater buses. 

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Затем покажите студентам предсказания, которые сейчас делают люди про 2050 год. 

Now look at the predictions for 2050. Say if you agree or disagree with them and give reasons for your answers. 

  1. Robots will take all routine and repetitive human jobs.
  2. Doctors will have sensors in their hands to diagnose different illnesses.
  3. There will be flying cars.
  4. People will have virtual assistants who look after their owner’s lifestyles.
  5. People will spend most of their time at home.
  6. Schools will be completely digital and online.

For example, I think the prediction about flying cars has almost come true because there is already a prototype of flying machines in the USA which is aimed to ship it by the end of 2025.

Можете обсудить видео на YouTube блогера Марины Могилко про летающие машины.

Task 2. Lead-in

Попросите студентов привести несколько примеров использования искусственного интеллекта в их повседневной жизни.

How do you use AI in your everyday life? Give a few examples of AI use in daily life. 

Possible answers:

smartphones; digital assistants (Apple’s Siri; Amazon’s Alexa; Yandex’s Alice; Samsung’s Bixby; Google Now, etc.); robot vacuums; smart cars/self-driving cars; drones

Дождитесь ответа и покажите ученикам еще несколько инструментов ИИ. 

Look at some other AI tools. Do you know what they are for? Which of the following have you already used?

  • ChatGPT
  • Midjourney
  • Captions   
  • Stable Diffusion
  • Ollang
  • GitHub Copilot
  • Pipefy
  • Tableau 
  • HeyGen 

Если ученики не знают эти названия, покажите им следующую информацию.

ChatGPT is designed to process natural language and generate human-like responses to a wide range of requests.

Midjourney generates images from natural language descriptions.

Captions is an app which helps to do captions and allows you to enable the Eye Contact feature and no longer requires you to memorize text.

Stable Diffusion helps to draw a photo-realistic cover for videos in minutes.

Ollang is an AI-powered service that creates an audio track and subtitles in the selected language.

GitHub Copilot turns prompts in natural language into coding recommendations across dozens of languages.

Pipefy gives every «doer» the ability to organize and control their work in a single space, streamline, and automate any process, without writing any code.

Tableau is a platform for analytics and data visualization that enables users to interact with their data.

HeyGen allows you to translate a video into another language, and also clones voice, accent and even lip movements.

Затем попросите ответить на вопросы:

  • Which of them would you like to use? Why? 
  • What problems can they help to solve? 
  • Are there any disadvantages you can think of? 

For example, With the help of HeyGen people won’t need to learn languages in order to speak it. If you are a YouTuber and you want to go global, you can do it easily without spending time on recording videos in different languages. The network does it for you. 

But it also has bad effects, e.g. if people stop learning languages, they will also stop acquiring in some sense.

Task 3. Human or neural network

Подготовьте фотографии, созданные человеком и нейронной сетью. 

Look at the pictures and try to guess if these pictures were created by a human or NN?


1. Image generated on Midjourney by Jenn Mishra. 
2. Image by an artist Tithi Luadthong 
3. Image generated on Midjourney by Jenn Mishra. 
4. Image generated on Midjourney by Jenn Mishra. 
5. Image by an artist Tithi Luadthong 
6. Image generated on Midjourney by Jenn Mishra.
7. Photo generated by AI by a digital content writer @feli.airt
8. Photo is taken by a Russian photographer @deetkari_works

Which pictures/photos do you find more beautiful: created by a human or by NN?  

Which picture did you like best? Why?

How do you feel about these neural networks? Do you use them as assistants or do you think they develop too quickly?

То же самое можете сделать с видео, где перевод сгенерирован с помощью нейросетей и реальным человеком.

Вам могут быть полезны и эти материалы:

Task 4. Vocabulary 

Покажите ученикам слова и попросите найти их значения. Скажите, что они им понадобятся при просмотре видео о будущем искусственного интеллекта и для обсуждения его плюсов и минусов.

Match the words with definitions.

  1. to predict 
  2. a workload 
  3. a request 
  4. to detect 
  5. to prevent
  6. repetitive tasks 
  7. to overestimate 
  8. to underestimate 
  9. pervasive 
  10. on the flip side
a) to take action to stop something from happening or becoming worse;
b) to analyze data and make informed guesses about future outcomes or trends;
c) to think or guess that something is less, fewer, or lower than it really is;
d) something that is done on a regular basis;
e) a user’s or client’s formal demand for a specific service or support;
f) the amount of work that needs to be done, usually within a specific time frame;
g) to discover or notice the presence of something, often by using one’s senses or instruments;
h) referring to the opposite or contrasting aspect of a situation or argument;
i) to think or guess that something is more, greater, or higher than it really is;
j) widespread and present everywhere, often referring to something that has a strong influence or presence across various areas or situations.

to predict — b) to analyze data and make informed guesses about future outcomes or trends;
a workload — f) the amount of work that needs to be done, usually within a specific time frame;
a request — e) a user’s or client’s formal demand for a specific service or support;
to detect — g) to discover or notice the presence of something, often by using one’s senses or instruments;
to prevent — a) to take action to stop something from happening or becoming worse;
repetitive tasks — d) something that is done on a regular basis;
to overestimate — i) to think or guess that something is more, greater, or higher than it really is;
to underestimate — c) to think or guess that something is less, fewer, or lower than it really is;
pervasive — j) widespread and present everywhere, often referring to something that has a strong influence or presence across various areas or situations;
on the flip side — h) referring to the opposite or contrasting aspect of a situation or argument/

Task 5. Watching

Попросите студентов прочитать вопросы, затем включите видео и дайте время выбрать правильный вариант.

Watch the video “Imagining the future of artificial intelligence and its potential impact” until 3:49 and choose the correct options.

  1. According to Dr. Kai-Fu Lee, we usually think technology 
  • a) will achieve more in 20 years than it actually can.
  • b) will achieve more in 5 years and less in 20 years than it actually can.
  • c) will never be able to replace humans.

2. Dr. Lee predicts that in 2041 

  1. a) people will still be driving.
  2. b) mainly robots will do the routine or repetitive jobs.
  3. c) people won’t do any jobs that now make them feel nervous.

3. Among the positive impacts that AI might have, Dr. Kai-Fu Lee mentions

  1. a) AI becoming a human’s companion.
  2. b) AI replacing human-human interaction.
  3. c) AI making humans spend more time at home.

4. One misconception people have about AI is that it

  1. a) might be human-like and possess emotions or even hurt people.
  2. b) can overperform people in many ways.
  3. c) will evolve in an unpredictable way.

5. AI can optimize processes

  1. a) only if not given too much data.
  2. b) worse than people can.
  3. c) better than people can.

1. b); 2. b); 3. a); 4. a); 5. c)

Task 6. Discussion 

Обсудите утверждения доктора.

  1. Do you agree with the idea that we overestimate the short-term potential of technologies and underestimate their long-term potential? Why (not)?
  2. Where do you think we are in our understanding of AI and its impact on our long-term future?
  3. In what spheres is AI definitely beating humans?
  4. Imagine yourself in 2041. What are the roles of AI? 
  • Summarize the benefits and risks of AI. 
  • Focus on AI applications and their benefits.
  • Mention its risks in terms of your profession in the future.

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