Film Discussion: The Grinch (Worksheet for Intermediate level)
“The Grinch” is an American animated Christmas comedy film based on the book “How the Grinch stole Christmas” by Dr Seuss. It is popular not only among kids but also teens and adults. We have prepared a worksheet to discuss the film with your intermediate teens. Mind to ask your students to watch the film in English before the lesson, and write down 15 words commonly used in the movie. The worksheet may be used both in offline and online classes.
Task 1. Key: The Grinch
Task 2. Possible answers:
- The Grinch — mean, misanthropic, cruel, rude.
- Max — nice, friendly.
- Cindy — cheerful, kind, generous, philanthropic, brave, decisive, energetic, honest, helpful, friendly, nice.
- Mayor McGerkle — kind, hardworking.
- Bricklebaum — friendly, kind, generous.
Task 3. Teachers’ notes:
Download the pictures and print them out. Students’ can create mind maps either online or draw themselves. In the second case they choose the character, stick the picture on a sheet of paper, and draw corresponding lines. They need to write only key words on these lines, and then present their ideas to the classroom.
Task 4. Keys: 4, 1, 2, 6, 3, 5, 7
Task 5. Keys:
- The Grinch is misanthropic and genuinely mean and has a heart that is, as stated by both himself and the narrator, «two sizes too small». He is a hairy, pot-bellied, snub-nosed creature with a cat-like face.
- Whoville is a magical country located inside a snowflake. The inhabitants of Whoville are fond of Christmas.
- The Grinch lives outside Whoville with his dog.
- The dog’s name is Max.
- He decided to steal Christmas from people.
- Possible answer — giving presents, congratulations and friendliness.
- At the end of the movie the Grinch accepted his mistake and became friends with people. Cindy had a great influence on his decision.
Task 6. Teachers’ notes: Before the lesson ask your students to take screenshots of the part in the movie they like most.
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