На уроках английского мы часто обсуждаем путешествия. Если у ваших студентов нет возможности съездить за границу, то давайте продвигать местный туризм, ведь Россия такая интересная и многообразная. Предлагаем вам упражнения об отдыхе в своей местности или внутри страны, которые можно использовать на уроках в школе или онлайн. Материал подойдет для студентов уровня Pre-Intermediate и для разных этапов урока. 

Цели урока:

  • Использовать лексику по теме.
  • Понимать аудио по теме.
  • Говорить о своем опыте подобного отпуска.

На кого из великих педагогов вы похожи?

Пройдите наш тест с простыми вопросами о ваших преподавательских принципах
и получите подарок к уроку английского 🎁

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  • Вывести в речь лексику по теме.
  • Чтение и понимание темы.
  • Слушание аудио и обсуждение деталей.


  1. Staycation. What does it mean?
  2. Listening Staycation
  3. Vocabulary Staycation
  4. Reading Bucket list
  5. Speaking Bucket list

1. Staycation. What does it mean?

Этот материал можно использовать для small talk, warm up, lead-in. Обсудите с учеником новое слово staycation, что оно означает. Действительно ли в России люди проводят отпуска дома? Какие причины?

What comes to your mind when you hear the word «staycation»? 

Let’s read some posts. These are some recollections of how people used to spend their holidays. But some might spend them the same way now.

People in Russia used to spend their holiday in dacha or in the country house doing gardening. People used to plant vegetables and berries. August is usually time when people dig out potatoes.
Housewives used to make canned jam and pickles. Everyone is busy with gathering the harvest in their vegetable gardens preparing for winter.
I returned to work after my holiday. I looked so tanned and fresh. Everybody asked me if I had been to Turkey or Egypt. Funny, but I spent my holiday helping my granny to pick up strawberries.

Answer these questions and find out what a staycation is.

  • Did all these people go on holidays somewhere?
  • Where did they spend them? What does a vacation and a staycation mean?
  • Can a staycation be for pleasure? Does it mean that you stay alone at home and do nothing?
  • Do people in Russia travel a lot? Did we (our grandparents) use to spend our holidays only doing gardening?
  • Name possible reasons for staycation. (financial problems, tasks must be completed, pandemic, closed borders, a sudden disease, a short holiday…)
  •  Do we have more opportunities and activities for staycation?

Еще больше упражнений к урокам английского языка:

2. Listening. Staycation

Попросите учеников объяснить значение этой поговорки.

What does this saying mean? Explain. 

Enjoy the grass in your town. Do not think it is somewhere greener.

Прослушайте со студентами аудио. 

Listen to the audio. 

Попросите студентов отметить идеи, озвученные в аудио. 

Which ideas were mentioned in it? 

  • When you have a staycation, you do not have to pack things
  • Take a sandwich because it is expensive in the city center.
  • Never waste your time on local museums. They are not worth it.
  • Take a bus tour around your town.
  • Window shopping is exhausting. Order online.
  • Learn more about your town.
  • Do not go to the cinema or theater because you can do it any time.

Попросите ответить на вопросы. 

Answer the following questions.

  1. Why is a staycation the cheapest way of spending a holiday?
  2. Where can you get info about your hometown?
  3. Is it a good idea to explore your own town with a bus tour?
  4. Which local entertainments were recommended in the audio?
  5. How can you feel the atmosphere of your town?
  6. Can a staycation be enlightening?

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3. Vocabulary. Staycation

Итак, какой словарный запас нам понадобится, чтобы описать опыт проведения отпуска. 

Read the words and match them with definitions.

to go sightseeing
to explore 
to attend
to discover
a hometown
an adventure
a bucket list
a staycation
  •  to study, or analyze.
  •  to find information, a place, or an object, especially for the first time.
  •  a place where a person is from. 
  •  very special, unusual.
  • a list of things to do during a lifetime.
  •  a holiday that you spend at or near your home.
  •  an exciting and unusual activity.
  •  strange or unknown.
  •  very impressive and exciting. 
  •  to visit interesting places.
  •  to go to an event, place, to visit etc.
  • beautiful.
  • one of a kind.
Replace with new words:

Learn a historic center of your place There are beautiful cathedrals, churches, monuments, ancient mansions. Just see tourists’ attractions with a group or alone. Enjoy magnificent landscapes wandering around the town. Check announcements and visit master classes or local restaurants and try special dishes of the city. 
Translate from Russian into English

Идеи для отпуска дома
Многие не могут позволить себе поехать заграницу. Люди предпочитают отдыхать в своем городе, области или в пределах страны. Давайте подумаем, чем можно заняться, чтобы отпуск запомнился, и вы действительно получили положительные эмоции.
Велотуры стали популярны. Это спорт, где вы сами себе строите маршрут, устанавливаете скорость и выбираете красивые локации и места с впечатляющими видами. 
Беговые трейлы проходят в живописных местах. Можно выбрать комфортную дистанцию, любоваться скалами, лесами, водопадами. Для особо смелых есть крутые маршруты, где можно испытать себя и преодолевать трудности и препятствия на пути.
Кэмпинг у красивого озера, реки в лесу. Это действительно детокс от интернета. Уникальная природа, свежий воздух наполнят вас как будто вы ездили в отпуск.
Посещение местных достопримечательностей может быть не только просветительским и интересным. Пешие экскурсии по городу, церкви, соборы. Вы когда-нибудь были на ночной экскурсии, где рассказывает о странных событиях в доме, страшные мистические истории.
А как насчет местных ресторанов, баров, кофеен? Давайте исследуем местную кухню и попробуем новые уникальные блюда!

Вам могут быть полезны и эти материалы:

4. Reading. Bucket list

«The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.» St. Augustine

Explain the quote. Do you agree with it?

Начните обсуждение внутреннего туризма с красивого вдохновляющего видео:

What is a bucket list?

Destination #1: Moscow
Jane. Russia has a unique culture and history. To understand Russia, first, you need to visit Moscow. The city dates back at least 900 years. It is beautiful, glamorous, cool and confident, with surprising warmth and hospitality. In Moscow you can find many incredible museums and interesting exhibitions. Walking in the center you can see and touch hundreds of years old buildings. Old churches and beautiful streets will let you feel the rich heritage of Russia. Russian cuisine is famous. I recommend you try cabbage schi and solyanka.
Destination #2: Saint Petersburg

Mary. It is known as the “Venice of the North” for its numerous rivers and canals, Russia’s most romantic city is famous for its beautiful drawbridges. The city’s epic White Nights are between late May and early June when night never falls and the streets and parks are alive with all-night open-air concerts.
Destination #3: The Golden Ring

Peter. I have learned a lot about the history of Russian cities. The Golden Ring is a name for several towns located around Moscow: Suzdal, Rostov, Vladimir are among them. If you want to know more about Russia, see old architecture, churches made of white stone, hear the bell-ring, see old fortifications, be ready to leave Moscow.
The first town of the Golden Ring is Vladimir, located 179 kilometers to the east from Moscow with 378 thousand people living there. It is an old Russian town, it used to be the capital of Russia in the 12th century. You can feel the history in the air, among the perfectly preserved medieval wooden houses and the grand fortress and kremlins built in times where these cities had substantial political and religious power. 
Destination #4: Lake Baikal

Nick. I have visited Lake Baikal which is the largest and oldest lake of the world that consists of 80% freshwater. The lake is a home for many people and animal species. The lake surrounds the rocks of Olkhon Island.  Olkhon is the most mysterious place I have ever been to.
Destination #5: Kamchatka

Philip. For lovers of wildlife, challenging hiking and natural scenery, Kamchatka is paradise on earth. If your idea is an adventure, Kamchatka should be at the very top of your bucket list. I have ascended an active volcano, coming within meters of wild brown bears. I have explored the most remote and wildlife-rich coasts on earth. Recommend!

Who spoke about this? Choose the speaker. What place of destination he speaks about? Philip Nick Peter Mary Jane

  • It is the most mysterious place I have ever been to.
  • There are active volcanoes there as well as bears.
  • Visit several towns around Moscow if you want to learn some history.
  • White nights are in summer and you can enjoy yourself all night. 
  • You can feel the rich cultural heritage here.

5. Speaking. Bucket list

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Origin of photos Freepik
  1. What places of destinations are in your bucket list?
  2. Which cities are worth visiting in Russia? 
  3. What associations do you have with these cities? Tula, Sochi, Kaliningrad, Kazan? Which have you been to? What are they famous for? 
  4. What souvenirs can you bring from these cities?
  5. How can you get to most of these locations? What is the best season to visit them?
  6. Do you think local tourism can be exciting and enlightening?
  7. Share your experience of inland traveling? (foodie tours, art tours, manufacture trips, sightseeing tours)
  8. Can we travel around Russia on a low budget? 
  9. Live and learn — can we say that when we travel we expand our horizons?

А какие места для путешествий и отдыха вы обсуждаете с учениками на уроках английского? поделитесь в комментариях!

Комментарии (4)
  • Фото аватара

    Destination #1: Moscow
    Jane. Russia has a unique culture and history. To understand Russia, first, you need to visit Moscow. The city dates back at least 900 years. It is ugly, beautiful, glamorous, cool and confident, with surprising warmth and hospitality.

    Why «ugly»?

    • Фото аватара

      Здравствуйте! Спасибо, что обратили внимание, удалили слово)

  • Фото аватара

    исправьте ошибку в русском — вам понадобится — у вас стоит Ь — это настоящее время, он там не нужен

    • Анна Михайлова (Левина) Автор блога skyteach.ru
      Анна Михайлова-Левина

      Спасибо за вашу внимательность, Елена! Исправили.


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