VR tour to Sherlock’s London (Worksheet)

By the end of this lesson, students will be aware of the most important sights in London, will have planned a route around London and written a short review about their trip. If possible have VR glasses (made of cardboard or a plastic one if available) to fully immerse your students in a 360 video, it means that your teens will be able to look around and be ‘inside’ the video. Read more about it here. The worksheet also includes a QR code, so you can have a go and use various technologies in your lesson. This lesson was tried and tested with my teens. It did prove to be engaging and instigating further work in the lesson.

Age: teens — adults
Level: intermediate — upper-intermediate
Time: 50 min
Lesson type: Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing
Number of students: 2-8
Materials: worksheet, teacher’s notes, video

Чтобы преподавать в Skyeng, не нужно менять свой график. Достаточно открыть несколько часов в расписании и проверить качество интернет-связи. За материалы, учеников и организацию процесса отвечаем мы!

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