8 марта в первую очередь ассоциируется цветами и подарками, а историю, которая стоит за ним вспоминают немногие. Мы подготовили план урока английского языка для взрослых учеников с уровнем Upper-Intermediate, где они смогут обсудить Международный женский день, изучить новую лексику, улучшить навыки аудирования, чтения и говорения, узнать новые факты про историю движения за права женщин и то, как это связано с велосипедом.

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План урока:

Task 1. Warm-up

Цель: Представить тему урока и вовлечь учеников.

Покажите учащимся картинку, которую иллюстрирует Международный женский день и попросите подумать над вопросом: What are the 5 most popular gifts for International Women’s Day? 

Possible answers: 

greeting cards/gift cards
8 marta plan uroka anglijskogo 1 Skyteach
Image by Freepik

Затем спросите: Do you personally see this day as a holiday or is it just a regular day for you?

Подготовьте разные открытки и покажите ученикам.

Look at the Women’s Day postcards and answer the questions.

8 marta plan uroka anglijskogo 2 Skyteach
Image by Freepik
  1. Which postcard would you choose to give: 

to your friend?
to your daughter/sister/mother/grandmother?
to your colleague?
to your boss?

  1. Which ideas do they represent?
  2. What gifts do you give to your friends on this day? 
  3. Who is the greatest woman you know?
Suggested ideas: 2. female beauty; spring; girl power; independence; etc. 

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Другая помощь для учителей в Skyeng — нон-стоп поддержка методистов. О них подробнее в статьях:

Task 2. Vocabulary

Цель: представить целевую лексику урока.

Познакомьте учеников с лексикой, которая понадобится для понимания видео в 4 задании. Убедитесь, что они произносят слова правильно. При необходимости отработайте произношение.

  1. penny farthing
  2. depraved
  3. bloomers 
  4. to deter
  5. restrictive
  6. suffragette 
  7. garment 
  8. to emancipate 
  9. unwieldy
  10. to advocate 
  11. suffrage 
  • a) to give people social or political freedom and rights
  • b) difficult to move or control because of its size, shape or weight
  • c) to make someone decide not to do something
  • d) to publicly support or suggest an idea, development, or way of doing something
  • e) preventing people from doing what they want
  • f) completely evil or morally unacceptable
  • g) a piece of clothing. This word is used especially when talking about the production and sale of clothes
  • h) an old-fashioned bicycle with a very large wheel in front and a very small wheel at the back
  • i) in the past, long, loose trousers made to fit tightly around the ankles, worn by women under a skirt or for sports
  • j) a member of a group of women who, in the UK and the US in the early part of the 20th century, organized a campaign for the right of women to vote in political elections
  • k) the right to vote in political elections
Key: 1.-h); 2.-f); 3.-i); 4.-c); 5.-e); 6.-j); 7.-g); 8.-a); 9.-b); 10.-d); 11.-k).

Вам могут пригодиться и эти материалы от авторов Skyeng:

Task 3. Vocabulary practice

Цель: отработать лексику урока.

Попросите учеников начать с предложений, в которых они уверены. Вернитесь к пропущенным предложениям позже. Если необходимо, еще раз объясните значения сложных слов.

Complete the sentences with the words from the list.

depraved; restrictive; emancipating; suffrage; bloomers; deter; suffragettes; unwieldy; advocate; penny-farthing; garments.
  1. They hoped that the new law would __________ advertisers from making false claims.
  2. If that road had been followed we would still be manufacturing steam locomotives and __________ bicycles.
  3. She wrote a book about the women’s __________ movement in America.
  4. Through introducing __________ measures like anti-takeover legislation, corporate executives bolstered their own positions.
  5. The responsibility for these __________ acts lies with the perpetrators and no one else.
  6. Many of the __________ have the customer’s name tags sewn into the linings. 
  7. Heart disease specialists __________ a diet low in cholesterol.
  8. Ms Alinejad says she is __________ Iranian women, as well as the men who support them.
  9. She posed proudly in her athletic __________ , gathered at the knee.
  10.  We set about towing the __________ structure into the shelter. 
  11. The longest — and most controversial — chapter in the book is devoted to the __________ .
Key: 1. deter; 2. penny-farthing; 3. suffrage; 4. restrictive; 5. depraved; 6. garments; 7. advocate; 8. emancipating; 9. bloomers; 10. unwieldy; 11. suffragettes.

Task 4. Watching

Цель: отработать аудирование на понимание сути.

Watch the video and match the people with their descriptions.

  1. John Kemp Starley
  2. Susan B. Anthony
  3. Annie Londonderry
  4. Sue Macy
  5. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
  • a) made a journey around the world on a bicycle.
  • b) and Susan B. Anthony said that a bicycle brought women closer to suffrage.
  • c) said that riding a bicycle in voluminous skirts was not convenient.
  • d) created the «Rover safety bicycle» which was a prototype of a modern bicycle.
  • e) believed that a bicycle did a lot to emancipate women.
Key: 1.-d); 2.-e); 3.-a); 4.-c); 5.-b).

Task 5. Details

Цель: отработать аудирование на понимание деталей.

Дайте ученикам время прочитать утверждения, после чего включите видео еще раз. После просмотра подскажите им начать с утверждений, в которых они уверены. Вернитесь к пропущенным утверждениям позже. При необходимости воспроизведите некоторые части видео еще раз.

Watch the video and mark the statements as True or False. Correct the false statements. 

  1. Penny-farthing bicycles were very comfortable and safe. 
  2. Fashionable in the 19th century female garments didn’t let them ride the bicycle comfortably. 
  3. Americans hated the “Rover safety bicycle“ released by John Kemp Starley. 
  4. The hype around bicycles pushed women to begin a “rational dress movement“. 
  5. “The bicycle face“ syndrome discovered by doctors of that time deterred women from wearing pants. 
  6. New types of garment increased mobility and the sense of autonomy of women. 
  7. The National American Woman Suffrage Association was founded 50 years after the “Rover safety bicycle“ was launched. 
  8. In the USA, in 1920 Suffragettes achieved the right to vote. 

1. False (They were unwieldy and very dangerous)
2. True
3. False (Americans loved it)
4. True
5. False (Nothing deterred women from wearing them)
6. True
7. False (It was formed 5 years after the release of the safety bicycle)
8. True

В конце этого задания можно обсудить следующие вопросы. 

  • Which of the facts in the video was the most surprising to you?
  • Would you describe yourself as a feminist? Why/Why not?
  • Why are there so many people opposing feminism?
  • Which countries have poor records on women’s rights?

Еще идеи и планы уроков английского:

Task 6. More facts

Цель: практиковать чтение; дать ученикам больше информации по теме.

Mark the statements as True or False and explain your opinion. 

  1. International Women’s Day is more than 100 years old. 
  2. It has always been celebrated on the 8th of March. 
  3. The first International Women’s Day was marked by the protest of female workers demanding better working conditions. 
  4. People all over the world celebrate this holiday in the same way. 
  5. Every International Women’s Day has an official theme chosen by the United Nations. 
  6. Purple is the official color of International Women’s Day. 

Проверить ответы ученики могут, прочитав статью “6 Facts About International Women’s Day“ или посмотрев видео “International Women’s Day 2020: How it began and why it’s still important”.


True. International Women’s Day was first celebrated in 1908 in the USA.
No, it was originally celebrated on the last Sunday of February.
That’s true! It was started by women in the garment industry demanding higher salaries and more time off.
Sadly, that’s not true. It is a national holiday in over 12 countries, but each country celebrates it differently. Some countries don’t celebrate it at all.
Yes! In 1998, it was “Women and human rights“. The 2021 theme is “Women in leadership“.
It is true! Purple was chosen because it is considered a colour of loyalty, dignity and self-respect.

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Task 7. Discussion 

Цель: отработать навыки устной речи в контексте темы.

  1. What do you think of International Women’s Day? Have the things you learned today changed your view of the holiday?
  2. Do you celebrate it?

a) If so, how?

b) If not, why?

      3. How do people celebrate Women’s Day in your country? 
 4. In your opinion, is this holiday important? Why (not)?
5. Can you name some of the most notable women in your country’s history? try? 

Вас могут заинтересовать и эти материалы к урокам английского:

Task 8. Role-play

Цель: обеспечить более свободную разговорную практику.

Read the task and do the exercise.

Imagine that you were chosen to represent a country which gives least rights to women at an international conference devoted to women’s rights. Prepare a speech.

Cover the following points:

  • The problems/restrictions women in this country face nowadays
  • The reason this is happening
  • The negative outcomes this might lead to
  • The possible ways it can be solved.

Желаем прекрасных уроков!

Комментарии (2)
  • Фото аватара

    Спасибо за отличную разработку урока для высокого уровня. Очень интересный и познавательный урок для взрослых. Отрабатываются все навыки. Ровно 60 мин плюс ДЗ. Я в восторге от идей Маргариты Аветисян! Всегда использую ее идеи и жду новых уроков.

    • Фото аватара
      Margarita Avetisyan

      Благодарю! Очень приятно)


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