Часто ли вы обсуждаете со своими студентами отношения? Где можно познакомиться? Сложно ли в мире технологий найти друга или партнера? Предлагаем обсудить тему «Dating apps». Не переживайте, что это тема-табу, ведь мы можем поговорить об опыте наших знакомых или поделиться историями с happy end, просто пофилософствовать о плюсах и минусах таких знакомств, подумать о возможных рисках, а возможно и предостеречь кого-то.

Цели урока:

  • Расширить словарный запас.
  • Практика слушания в контексте Dating apps / Relationship.
  • Практика говорения в контексте плюсы и минусы приложений для знакомств.

План урока

  1. Warm up
  2. Lead-in
  3. Evolution of dating apps and pros of them
  4. Fall in love with words
  5. Cons
  6. Reveal the truth
  7. Conclusions

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1. Warm up

A. Мы можем начать урок английского с просмотра эпизода сериала «Теория большого взрыва», где друзья Шелдона зарегистрировали его на сайте знакомств, заполнили анкету от его имени и, к их огромному удивлению, алгоритм нашел пару.

Have you ever seen the serial The Big Bang Theory? Do you remember the most annoying person, a nerd from it? Who is that? It is Sheldon. Luckily, he had a match on a dating cite due to his friends who filled in the form just for fun. Let’s recollect that moment.

  • What was the probability of finding a girlfriend in his life? 
  • Was it a perfect match? Did they have common interests? 
  • Do you think people can rely on a search algorithm to find Mr. Right/Ms. Right?

B. If your student is not acquainted with the serial just have a small talk or if you have enough time, combine both parts:

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Изображение от Freepik
  • Do people still need each other in the world of technology? Why (not)?
  • Do people feel lonely today? 
  • If you have 100 friends on VK, can you really rely on all of them?
  • Where do people mostly meet a date nowadays?

Вам могут пригодиться и другие планы уроков английского для взрослых учеников:

2. Lead-in

Введем студентов в тему. Посмотрим на статистику и обсудим популярные места для знакомств.

  • Have you ever met a date the same ways? (if a student does not want to share personal life, generalize and talk about friends or colleagues, tendencies in the world)
  • Which is the best place to meet a partner? 
  • Do you know where your parents met? Your friends?
  • Why do you think dating apps have become so popular recently? Which of them do people use?

Как пройти отбор в команду?

Вас ждет тест, знакомство с платформой, тренировочный урок, заполнение профиля.

Подробнее в статье «4 этапа отбора в Skysmart: как начать преподавать онлайн»

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3. Evolution of dating apps and pros of them

Можете посмотреть видео и обсудить, как изменились сайты знакомств и средства для общения. Стали ли они удобнее? Доступнее? Можно ли построить отношения таким образом?

Online dating is a really funny video about the history of online dating. 

Answer the questions:

  • How did meeting a prospective partner evolve through all these years? 
  • Has it become addictive?
  • What is FOMO?
  • What are the pros for such a way of meeting a partner?

Больше планов уроков английского для взрослых учеников:

4. Fall in love with words

Предложите ученикам соединить фразы и их определения.

Match the phrases and their definitions:

1. a prospective partner
3. to chat up
4. stunning
5. to strike up a conversation
6. to have a crush on smb.
7. to have a fling
8. to break up
9. to fall in love
A. to end your romantic relationship
B. to have a short affair
C. to start to love
D. to talk to someone in a way that shows them that you are sexually attracted to them
E. very beautiful
F. to be attracted to someone but not have relations
G. possibly future husband
H. to start talking
I. the time when people have a romantic relationship with the intention of getting married

Fill in the sentences with collocations:

  1. If you want to find a _____ (prospective partner), try to go out more often and get acquainted with new people.
  2. That was a nice period of _____ (courtship) when I got a bouquet of flowers every date. 
  3. All celebrities look _____ (stunning) as they look after their appearance a lot. 
  4. Watch out! If he wants to _____ (chat up), he can use manipulative tactics. 
  5. My husband was so shy when we first met and could not _____ (strike up) a conversation.
  6. Every girl had _____ (a crush on) Brad Pitt.
  7. There are a lot of scammers on dating apps who look for _____ (to have a fling) only.
  8. They _____ (break up) a month ago, he feels miserable.
  9. After beautiful courtship you might _____ (fall in love).

5. Cons

Обсудите со студентом недостатки и риски знакомств через социальные сети и приложения. Посмотрите трейлер к фильму «Аферист из Tinder», если ученик не смотрел фильм.

  • Have you ever seen the film The Tinder Swindler? Is it based on a real story? 
  • What is the end of the film? Did girls pay their debts? Is the guy in prison? Was he arrested and punished?
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Изображение из архива автора
  • Can people cheat or lie on the Internet? How?
  • What are the drawbacks of online dating?
  • What are the risks of online dating? Can it be dangerous?
to deceive — to make somebody believe something that is not true;
to detect — to notice something, especially when it is not obvious;
suspicious — thinking that someone might be guilty of doing something wrong or dishonest;
to reveal — to give someone a piece of information that is surprising or that was previously secret;
to determine — to discover the fact or the truth.

Fill in the gaps:

  1. She _____ (revealed) that he was married.
  2. The doctors are still unable to _____ (determine) what is wrong.
  3. His profile looked rather _____ (suspicious) because there was no photo.
  4. How could he _____deceive her so easily? She does not believe every person.
  5. Though police _____ (detected) that he was a scammer, but could not imprison him.
  • How to reveal a scammer online? How to detect if a person is a liar?
  • Do you know victims of scammers?
  • Do you believe that virtual relationships are relationships?

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6. Reveal the truth

Прочитайте посты и пофилософствуйте со студентами, настоящие ли это отношения, как понять намерения людей и нет ли обмана?

Read some comments and say if these people are in a relationship?

We met online in 2019. I felt lonely being at home during lockdown. I decided to have some fun on social networks and registered on Tinder. So, we have been dating since 2019. We have regular video calls and chat about everything. We have never seen each other offline because we are quite busy. I do not date anyone because I am sure we are a couple and he is my Mr. Right.

Is it suspicious that they have never met?
Does he deceive her?
How to determine if these are real relationships?

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We met on Tinder. I liked her photo. She looked natural. When I offered to go out she refused and sent me her real photo explaining that we live in a small town and she did not want somebody will reveal her secrets. Her original photo differed a lot and she was not my type at all. Do you think it is ok to start relationships with a lie? 

Is it easy to determine if a photo is real or not?
If a person deceived you and you detected the truth, would you continue to get to know each other?

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7. Conclusions

Давайте подведем итоги. Попросим ученика поделиться впечатлениями и выводами.

  • Do people still need each other in the world of technology? Why (not)?
  • Is it possible to build a good relationship in real life if you meet your partner online? Why (not)?
  • Do you know anyone who’s built good relationships with their online partner?   
  • Would the situation get worse with dating? 
  • Will people get used to using them for fast dating?

Do you know alternative apps where you can meet a friend or just an interesting interlocutor?

Tandem — is an app where you can practice languages by talking to different people and time will tell…

Поделитесь своими историями и опытом онлайн-знакомств. Интересных вам занятий, а мы продолжим придумывать новые планы уроков английского!

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