In this lesson, students will learn some items of furniture and prepositions of place. They will practice listening, writing and speaking skills. 

Age: 8-9 years
Level: beginner
Time: 45 min
Lesson type: vocabulary, listening and speaking
Number of students: 2-8
Materials: worksheets, flashcards, videos from YouTube, audio files

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Activity 1. 

Solve the puzzle and find out the topic of our lesson.

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Activity 2.

Look at the picture. What do you see?

Stick these pieces of furniture to their places in the house.   

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Activity 3. 

Listen to the audio and point to the objects in the house.

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Activity 4.

Find the words in the word search puzzle.

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Activity 5. 

Roll a dice, move your counter the number of squares the dice shows. Name what you see in the picture. If you can’t, go back one square. The first to finish is a winner.

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Activity 6. 

Watch the cartoon and tick what you see in the rooms.

  • a cooker
  • a cupboard
  • a table
  • a chair
  • a sofa
  • a toilet
  • a bed
  • a wardrobe
  • a bookcase
  • a lamp
  • a door
  • a window
  • a fridge

Еще больше воркшитов для уроков английского с детьми:

Activity 7.

Watch again and answer: Where is the dog?

  • It’s under the table 
  • It’s on the table 
  • It’s by the table

Activity 8. 

Watch, sing and show.

Activity 9.

Match the pictures with the sentences.

It’s on the sofa.Skyteach    , macrovector
It’s in the bookcase.2EJQHxrZ64KeLqfiE9JU0RNXBW5qBC49dTRpeJ7n 5jw4Q1PGkld4YGN0DF36Amg7ECoQIZTK9TVVcB7ZlKybNNAPd7Qe94BChVcMpY48l6bRdyWtYTwr57G m2L3Lgqj3vrD1dI3bIoSIch pIFRQo Skyteach         
It’s under the bed.2unEVyjLoFWxR80W4LIoJ6Zxu CGWYS8rKpd4RUaPA35m0Tjp4cOejspEKv2wG6321Aue55k1Tc0t FVZmHbQbpV4ct omYewjrKjVzvCGb6MLgFMexDPM2ZNB1K99EUOgAPt237Ng wtVD67mAv39o Skyteach,  storyset
It’s by the window.WKXnqi8sIy efWzYHMWaE34pKp91DBXWt48P8PgdW L1LTMtSbWQu9ylB27p3vRhpycBfS9tnKCenIobOB4flBsz7vdbWwMZAHmBkys7HZaWAqmewKf vX6YZ7V0cCTSjOvND 0KYZPkvRNtfK8wt4 Skyteach, macrovector

Activity 10.

Look at the house again and answer:

  1. Where is the dog? 
  2. Where is the cat? 
  3. Where is the bird? 
  4. Where is the spider? 

Activity 11.

There is a mouse in the house. I know where it is. Ask me: “Where is the mouse?”, listen to me and put the mouse to the correct place.

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Activity 12.

Take it in turns to ask and answer about where the mouse is. You get one point for each correct answer. First who gets 10 points is a winner.  

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Другие статьи о скидках, программах и бонусах Skyeng для учителей:

Furniture (teacher’s notes) 

1. Lead-in (Activity 1) (2 min)

Aim: to engage students in the context of the lesson, to introduce new vocabulary. Procedure: Ask your students to solve the puzzle. Each number coincides with the letter of the alphabet. 

Key: furniture

2. The introduction of new vocabulary (Activity 2,3) (3 min) 

Aim: to introduce the new vocabulary. 

Procedure: Draw your students’ attention to the picture, ask: “What do you see?”

Key: a house

Cut and hang out the pieces of furniture and the house images, ask your students to put the objects to their places in the house. Then they should listen and repeat these words while you are pointing to the pictures of furniture. 

Then they listen for the second time and point to the pictures.

3. Vocabulary work (Activity 4) (10 min) 

Aim: to provide semi-controlled vocabulary practice. 

Procedure: Ask the students to find new words in the word search.


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4. Vocabulary work (Activity 5) (10 min) 

Aim: to practice vocabulary, to motivate students. 

Procedure: Tell the students they need to roll a dice, move the counters the number of squares the dice shows. Then name what they see in the picture. If they can’t, they go back one square. The first to finish is a winner.

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5. Listening for gist (Activity 6) (2 min) 

Aim: to provide the students with listening for gist. 

Procedure: Tell your students that they need to watch the cartoon and tick the pieces of furniture they see in the video. 

Key: a bed, a chair, a bookcase, a window, a sofa, a table

6. Listening for details (Activity 7) (2 min) 

Aim: to provide the students with listening for details. 

Procedure: Tell your students that they need to watch the cartoon again and answer the question: “Where is the dog?” 

Key: It’s under the table.

7. Vocabulary work and listening (Activity 8) (4 min) 

Aim: to introduce prepositions and practice listening skills. 

Procedure: Tell the students they should watch, sing a song and show the actions along with the presenter.

Идеи для уроков английского с детьми:

8. Vocabulary work (Activity 9) (2 min) 

Aim: to practice the new vocabulary. 

Procedure: Ask your students to match the sentences with the pictures. 


screenshot 188 Skyteach

9. Target language extension (Activity 10) (1 min) 

Aim: to prepare your students for target language practice. 

Procedure: hang out the pictures with a house and animals situated there. Ask your students to look at the picture and answer your questions using prompts from the previous exercise.


Where is the dog? It’s under the bed. 

Where is the cat? It’s on the sofa. 

Where is the bird? It’s by the fridge. 

Where is the spider? It’s in the bookcase.

10. Target language practice (Activity 11) (5 min) 

Aim: to provide students with target language practice. 

Procedure: Hang out the cards depicting a mouse. Ask your students to take it in turns to ask and answer about where the mouse is. They get one point for each correct answer. First who gets 10 points is a winner.  


Students: Where’s the mouse? 

Student 1: It’s on the bed. 

The rest of the students should put the mouse on the bed. Ones who are right, get a point.

Sum up (2 min) 

Ask the students to name 3 new words they like most of all and make 3 sentences with these words and prepositions of place using their hangouts.

Комментарии (4)
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    Дубровина Виктория

    Здравствуйте. Не возможно прослушать аудио и посмотреть видеоматериалы. Запрашивает доступ.

    • Фото аватара

      Здраствуйте, Виктория. Спасибо, что сообщили. Автор статьи проверила материал и открыла ссылки для общего доступа, теперь всё доступно

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    Здравствуйте, закрыт доступ к медиа ресурсам

    • Фото аватара

      Здравствуйте, Александра. Проверили файл в разных браузерах и настройки доступа, всё должно открываться. Расскажите, пожалуйста, подробнее, как выглядит ошибка?


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