Любовь — одна из тем, которую можно обсудить на уроках английского в любое время года. Мы сделали подборку истории о любви и упражнения к ним. Ваши ученики расширят словарный запас, связанный с темой отношений, улучшат навыки аудирования в контексте любовных историй и разговорные навыки. Для этого мы взяли видео из YouTube-канала Participant, плейлиста “In love or not”, где в каждом ролике пары рассказывают о своих отношениях. Материал подойдет взрослым ученикам с уровнем Intermediate и выше.  

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Идеи для разминки 

Вариант 1

Покажите ученикам фотографии пар и скажите: 

Today, we’ll start by discussing the question that many writers, artists and ordinary people have tried to answer. What is love? Have a look at the pictures and say what you think love is.

For example, Love is … sharing a bathroom mirror.

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Image by Freepik
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Image by pressfoto on Freepik
Possible answers:

taking care of each other; sharing household responsibilities, laughing at the same things; growing old together.
  • What else would you add to the list?
  • What are the signs that show that people like each other in a romantic way? 
  • Do you think you’ll be able to tell if someone is in love or not?

Вам могут пригодиться и другие наши материалы о любви и чувствах:

Вариант 2

Попросите учеников написать на (интерактивной) доске слово LOVE вертикально. Затем попросите их написать существительные, глаголы или прилагательные, начинающиеся с каждой буквы слова LOVE. Слова должны быть связаны с любовью и отношениями. Убедитесь, что написанные слова правильны и соответствуют заданию, и спросите:

Write the word LOVE vertically and think of nouns, verbs or adjectives beginning with each letter of the word LOVE. The words should be related to love and relationships. Then answer the questions below. 

  • How can two people show their love?
  • How can others see if two people are in love?

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Вас ждет тест, знакомство с платформой, тренировочный урок, заполнение профиля.

Подробнее в статье «4 этапа отбора в Skysmart: как начать преподавать онлайн»

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История 1. Still in love?

Уровень: Intermediate

Познакомьте учеников со словами, которые они услышат в видео. Затем включите видео “Do You Think These Two Are Still In Love? | In Love or Not”.

Look at the words. Which of them are you familiar with? 

Watch the video till 3:51 and say if the people are still in love.

a Baptist — a member of a Christian religious group
a ponytail — tied long hair that is hanging down
a reenactment — recreating a historical event using costumes and props
mean — unpleasant to someone
to get cast — to get a role in a play or a film
in denial — not believing something is true
get under someone’s skin to make someone annoyed
yell to scream
talk out to discuss a problem
ask out to invite someone somewhere because you want to start dating
terrified out of my mind to get really scared
Oh boy used to express a strong emotion

Now watch it till the end and put the phrases in the correct columns.

spent money quickly 
didn’t go outside much as a child
has a loud family
thought they were just friends when they went out together
has a quiet family
had a strange hairstyle

The man The woman
The man The woman
spent money quickly has a loud family
has a quiet familythought they were just friends when they went out together
had a strange hairstyledidn’t go outside much as a child
  • The couple in the video say that they complement each other. Do you believe that opposites attract? Is it a good idea to have a partner with a completely different character and interests? Why (not)?
  • What sort of problems did this couple have?
  • What other problems do couples often have?

The couple in the video have been together for more than a decade. How did they manage to keep their feelings alive? Could you think of some tips for couples who want to stay together for a long time? Consider the things below.

Give tips on how to keep romantic feelings alive using new words

Consider the following topics:

  • Dealing with conflict.
  • Dealing with different tastes or interests.
  • Dealing with annoying habits.

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История 2. True Love?

Уровень: Upper-intermediate

Задайте ученикам вопрос, как они понимают фразу “true love”. 

What does true love look like?

Скажите, что им предстоит посмотреть видео про пару, которая рассказывает про свою историю любви. Перед тем как приступить, попросите их познакомиться с новыми словами. Можете просто дать студентам значения слов или же дать задание соединить слова с их значениями.

Read the words and make sure you understand them. 

take over to gain control of a political party, a country, etc., especially by force
confidence belief in oneself and in one’s abilities 
pick up to collect someone, usually by car, and transport them to a specific location
love affair a romantic relationship between two people 
affectionate having or displaying warmth or affection 
cuddle a close and affectionate (and often prolonged) embrace
possessive having or showing a desire to control or dominate 
competitive always trying to win or be more successful than other people
pursue to continue doing an activity or trying to achieve something over a long period of time
loyalty the quality of being loyal

Включите видео “This is What True Love Looks Like… Or Does it? | In Love or Not” и дайте студентам задание отметить те идеи, которые упомянуты в видео.

Watch the video and tick the ideas mentioned in it.

According to the video:

  • Nico started to do sports in order to avoid bullying.
  • Olivia has a multinational family.
  • Neither Nico nor Olivia liked doing sports when they were kids.
  • Nico wanted to hang out with somebody and made a post about it.
  • The couple kept their relationship a secret because they had other partners.
  • Both Nico and Olivia like to compete.
  • Olivia regrets lying to Nico.
  • The couple broke up for a while but then started to date again.
  • They now live happily in LA.

Nico started to do sports in order to avoid bullying.
Olivia has a multinational family.
Nico wanted to hang out with somebody and made a post about it.
Both Nico and Olivia like to compete.
Olivia regrets lying to Nico.
They now live happily in LA.

В конце обсудите следующие вопросы с учениками. 

Think about the questions and discuss them with your teacher. 

  • Why is it important to be honest with your partner?
  • What can even a small lie lead to?

Советуем посмотреть еще и эти планы уроков:

История 3. Would You Be My Girlfriend? 

Уровень: Upper-Intermediate

Познакомьте учеников с новыми словами, которые они услышат в видео про историю любви одной пары. 

Look through the words you will hear in the video. 

destitute completely wanting or lacking
substitute act as a substitute 
passion a strong feeling or emotion 
perspective a particular way of thinking about something, especially one that is influenced by your beliefs or experiences 
appreciate to recognize the value, worth or importance of something or someone
collaborate to work together to create or achieve the same thing 
standoff the finish of a contest in which the score is tied and the winner is undecided
vulnerable easy to hurt or attack physically or emotionally 
pet peeve a kind of behaviour or a situation that makes a particular person very annoyed
hilarious extremely funny
inconsiderate not caring about other people’s situations or the way they feel
be on the same page to share similar ideas and opinions

Включите видео “He Never Asked, «Would You Be My Girlfriend?» | In Love or Not” и попросите ученикам отметить предложения «Правда» или «Ложь» и исправить неправильные утверждения.

Watch the video and choose whether the statements are True or False.

  1. Johanna has never been really creative and likes doing simple things. 
  2. Brent is a very creative person, who teaches acting and likes travelling. 
  3. Brent was once substituting Johanna’s acting teacher. 
  4. They used to dance a lot and spend a lot of time together. 
  5. Brent asked Johanna to be his girlfriend after his lesson. 
  6. The couple had some household problems when they were together.
  7. Johanna and Brent were always attentive to each other. 
  8. They are no longer together. 

1. False (she is creative and feels destitute without any creative work).
2. True.
3. True.
4. True.
5. False (he had never asked her to be his girlfriend).
6. True.
7. False (they say that one of their problems was that they were inconsiderate).
8. True.

В конце обсудите следующие вопросы:

Discuss the questions with your teacher: 

  • What kind of people do you think make good couples? Why?
  • Why do you think people who have a lot of things in common break up?

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История 4. He Was Clueless

Уровень: Intermediate

Попросите студентов посмотреть на слова и указать, какие из них новые. Затем покажите им значения, чтобы сопоставить со словами. Если все слова новые, дайте ученикам просто значения. Можно дать им возможность сначала посмотреть видео и попробовать исходя из контекста и жестов пары угадать слова.   

Look through the words. Which of them are new for you? 

bond a connection based on friendship, marriage or common interest 
dribble propel, “Carry the ball”
clueless not having even a clue from which to infer what is occurring 
poke stir by poking 
tailgater a driver who follows too closely behind another motor vehicle 

Включите видео “He Was Clueless, But She Didn’t Stop Trying! | In Love or Not”. Задача учеников отметить те идеи, которые были упомянуты в видео. 

Watch the video and tick the ideas mentioned in it.

Tick the ideas mentioned in it:

  • Rohan believes that his parents were in love with each other, even though his mother never expressed her feelings.
  • Aria is an only child in her family, but she never had any strong bonds with her parents.
  • Aria was impressed by Rohan when he was playing the guitar at school.
  • Rohan used to reject Aria’s invitation to have lunch or to party together.
  • According to Rohan Aria is a bad driver and too serious about cooking by a recipe.
  • They have been married for more than seven years.
  • They broke up some years ago and they are friends now.

Rohan believes that his parents were in love with each other, even though his mother never expressed her feelings.
Aria is an only child in her family, but she never had any strong bonds with her parents.
Rohan used to reject Aria’s invitation to have lunch or to party together.
According to Rohan Aria is a bad driver and too serious about cooking by a recipe.
They broke up some years ago and they are friends now.
  • Why do you think some couples break up after a long relationship? 
  • When is it time to understand that you should leave your partner and move on?

Могут пригодиться и эти материалы:

История 5. High School Sweethearts

Уровень: Intermediate 

Покажите ученикам слова, которые они услышат в видео, и дайте им время прочитать их значения. 

Read the words you will hear in the video. Have a look at their meanings. Do you have any difficulties in understanding them? 

roam to move or travel with no particular purpose 
freshman a first-year undergraduate 
prolific intellectually productive 
pursue to continue doing an activity or trying to achieve something over a long period of time
limo large luxurious car; usually driven by a chauffeur 
pad temporary living quarters 
caregiver a person who is responsible for attending to the needs of a child or dependent adult
spoiled having the character or disposition harmed by pampering or oversolicitous attention 
amicable characterized by friendship and good will 
constraint the restriction or limitation that the project is bound by

Включите видео “Did the Love Last for These High School Sweethearts? | In Love or Not” до 4:30 и попросите ответить на вопрос, который является названием видео. 

Watch the video till 4:30 and answer the questions: 

  • Did the love last for these high school sweethearts? 
  • Why did you make that choice? Was it body language or a look in their eyes? Or was it something they said and the way they spoke to each other? What clues do they give off?

Досмотрите до конца и просмотрите комментарии под видео. Выберите некоторые из ответов, которые будут интересны ученикам, и обсудите их. 

Обсудите со студентами вопросы:

Read the questions and answer them. 

  • Do you know anyone who gets married with their classmates and it lasts till now? 
  • Should people stay married if they no longer love each other?
  • What would the world be like if there was no marriage?

Как часто вы обсуждаете тему любви на уроках? Что чаще всего интересует ваших учеников?

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