Для любителей кино пришла пора вооружиться списком самых ожидаемых премьер, чтобы не пропустить главные новинки 2024. Мы составили подборку ожидаемых фильмов этого года и подготовили задания по их трейлерам для урока английского.
1. Inside out 2
Премьера: 14 июня
Одна из самых ожидаемых киноновинок. Первая часть фильма «Inside out» («Головоломка») популярна и среди детей, и среди взрослых. В сиквеле продолжится изучение внутреннего мира человека. Во второй части главная героиня Райли уже взрослая, и спектр ее эмоций расширился. Добавилась еще одна неприятная эмоция под названием «тревожность».
Мультфильм конечно отлично подходит для изучения лексики по теме «Emotions». Исходя из уровня учеников покажите картинку с разными эмоциями и попросите назвать их.
Before watching
1. Look at the picture. What emotions do you see?

2. What are the 5 most common emotions?
3. Have you seen any animated movies dedicated to them?
- Look at the characters from the cartoon «Inside out» and name them.
- What emotion each of the characters represents?
- What is their main goal?
После этого ученики читают статью «Official Character Descriptions of Riley’s Emotions» про каждого героя и проверяют свои ответы.
4. Now look at another picture. What do you see? What emotion do you think this new character represents?
Watch the trailer «Inside out 2» and check your ideas.
After watching
- Have you already seen this trailer? What do you think of it?
- What scene does it start with?
- Who do you think are the other emotions that anxiety has told about?
- What do you think the main idea of the movie is?
- Pay attention to the name of the movie. What does it mean? Why do you think it is called «Inside out»?
Для ответа на последний вопрос может понадобиться еще раз посмотреть видео и почитать описание под ним.
2. IF
Премьера: 17 мая
Еще одна новинка — это «Воображаемые друзья» или «IF». Фильм рассказывает про девочку, которая обнаруживает, что у нее есть способность видеть воображаемых друзей, придуманных другими людьми в детстве. Героине предстоит отправиться в волшебное приключения, чтобы воссоединить забытых воображаемых друзей с их детьми.
Before watching
1. Did you have an imaginary friend when you were a kid?
- If so, how old were you when they arrived?
- Why do you think you created them?
- How long did they last?
- Were there any disadvantages of having them?
- What did they look like?
Если у ученика не было воображаемого друга, задайте общий вопрос. Например:
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of having them?
- What do they usually look like?
2. Does your / your friend’s / your relative’s child have an imaginary friend?
3. Why do you think some kids have an IF?
Read the facts about IFs from the article “Two lands in my mind” and give your opinion on each of them.
- 81% of adults who had imaginary friends lost them by the time they were ten.
- 68% of imaginary friends had human form, 15% were animals and 7% were creatures with magical powers.
- The majority of imaginary friends played games and offered general comfort.
- 41% helped their creators overcome loneliness.
- 38% helped them escape an unpleasant reality.
- 23% provided guidance.
Now pay attention to another research’s headline: “Imaginary friends are a sign of a lively, creative mind. But they are leaving us”. What do you think it means?
Read the article and discuss it with your teacher.
Can you name any cartoons/movies where there are imaginary friends?
After watching
Watch the trailer “IF” and answer the questions.
- What do you think of the main characters? Describe their appearance and personality with 3 adjectives.
- What imaginary friends have you seen? Name as many as you can.
- Are you interested to know what will happen to the imaginary friends?
Вам могут быть интересны готовые планы уроков по фильмам:
3. Orion and the Dark
Премьера: 2 февраля
Сцены из трейлера этого мультфильма тоже можно увидеть в разных платформах. Он рассказывает про школьника по имени Орион, который боится всего на свете, а больше всего тьмы. Ему предстоит встретится с глазу на глаз с тьмой и научиться справляться со своими страхами.
Before watching
People all around the world have absolutely different fears that they can’t control. Look at the list of some phobias. Which of them really exist in your opinion?
- hydrophobia, the fear of water
- pogonophobia, the fear of beards
- nephophobia, the fear of clouds
- anthophobia, the fear of flowers
- atychiphobia /ətɪkɪˈfəʊ.bi.ə/, the fear of failure
- bibliophobia, the fear of books
- dentophobia, the fear of dentists
- ailurophobia /aɪˌlʊərəˈfəʊ.bi.ə/, the fear of cats
- venustraphobia, the fear of beautiful women
- sociophobia, the fear of social interaction
- Have you ever been so afraid of something that it was even difficult to breathe? What was the reason?
- What’s your biggest fear at the moment?
- What was your biggest fear when you were a child?
- What do you think is a better way to overcome your fears?
After watching
Watch the trailer “Orion and the Dark” and tell what the main character is afraid of. Then answer the questions:
- Are/were you frightened of the dark (when you were a kid)?
- What frightens/frightened you in the dark?
- How does/did that make you feel? What can/could you see/hear?
Choose the statement you agree with and discuss the questions below them.
Statement 1. Phobias are a real problem
- Do all the phobias cause serious problems? Why (not)?
- What phobias do you consider the most serious?
- What phobias do you or your close friends have?
- What problems do they bring in daily life?
- What could you recommend to people who suffer from a phobia?
Statement 2. Phobias are exaggerated
- Why do you think that phobias are an exaggerated problem?
- Are there any phobias that you consider serious?
- Have you ever met people who exaggerate their fears? Why did you decide that they don’t have real phobias?
- What would you recommend to people who exaggerate phobias?
- What would you do if you realised one day that you have anthophobia (the fear of flowers)?
4. Madame Web
Премьера: 14 февраля
Фильм «Мадам паутина» посвящен врагам и коллегам Человека-паука (без самого Человека-паука). Он рассказывает про девушку, которая открывает в себе способности к ясновидению. Но ей также предстоит сражаться с загадочным противником, который охотиться за суперсилами других паучих.
Before watching
- Do you believe in fortune tellers? Why (not?)
- Do you think that some people can see the future?
- Do you know of any predictions that became a reality?
- Do you want to know your future?
- Why do some people want to know what will happen?
After watching
Watch the trailer “Madame Web” and answer the questions.
- Have you seen the trailer before? Did you like it? Why (not)?
- Do you think the movie is going to be interesting? Why? (not)?
- What attracted you the most while watching the trailer?
- In your opinion, what elements make a trailer great? And vice versa?
- Remember a movie which trailer you liked more than the movie itself. What was good in the trailer and what was bad in the movie?
Еще идеи уроков по фильмам:
5. Joker 2: Folie à Deux
«Folie à Deux» или «Безумие на двоих» — продолжение американской криминальной драмы «Джокер». Но по сравнению с первым фильмом его жанр мюзикл, а компаньоном Джокера в двойном безумии станет Леди Гага.
Трейлер к фильму отлично подойдет для обсуждения игры актеров, цветового кода, костюмов и сюжета. Начните с общих вопросов:
Before watching
- Have you seen the movie “Joker”?
- If so, do you like it? Why (not)?
- If not, would you like to? Why (not)?
- Who is Joker?
- The actor (Joaquin Phoenix) who played Joker lost 24 kg for the role. Do you think it’s hard to be an actor?
- Did you know that Leonardo Dicaprio was thought to play this role? Do you think it would be better if he did? If no, then who?
After watching
Do you know that there is a second part of “Joker”? Have you seen the trailer?
Watch the trailer “Joker 2: Folie à Deux” and retell the plot according to what you have seen. Tell what you think of the actors’ play, the costumes and the color code.
Для обсуждения костюмов будут полезны упражнения из статьи Как поговорить о моде на уроке английского. 5 нестандартных заданий.
Выход каких фильмов ждут ваши ученики? Обсуждаете вы с ними трейлеры новинок? Напишите в комментариях!