Подборка заданий и теория на тему «Типы предложений» по английскому языку для студентов уровней Intermediate / Upper Intermediate.

Для чего знать типы предложения в английском языке? Мы используем в речи все типы предложений. Особенно важно показывать вариативность языка в письменных заданиях. Если вы пишете эссе, сочинение, то проверяющий хотел бы увидеть разные типы предложений по структуре и по типу высказываний. Если вы оперируете только одним типом предложений, то ваше письмо будет скучным, пресным, монотонным. Использование разных типов предложений поможет разнообразить и оживить письменные работы ваших студентов. 

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Итак, давайте разберемся в теоретической части.

Sentence Types

SimpleOne independent clause (subject + verb), the idea of the sentence is completeI went to school yesterday
CompoundTwo or more independent clauses joined by a compound conjunction “and”, “but”, “or”, “so”I came to school, but my friend was late
ComplexOne independent clause + one or more dependent clauses (after, although, as, because, before, if, since, until, whereas, while)John started to work when he graduated from university
Compound-complexTwo or more independent clauses + one or more dependent clausesHe found a good job, and he was promoted, which was important for him
Test your understanding of sentence types.

Упражнение 1. Take a quiz

1. Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, a little girl wished upon a star for her wicked stepmother to be eaten by the evil dwarves inhabiting the nearby forest.

  • Simple
  • Compound
  • Complex
  • Compound-complex

2. Many scientists believe that climate change will have a major effect on the economy, and many politicians agree with their assessment.

  • Simple
  • Compound
  • Complex
  • Compound-complex

3. Generally speaking, teachers at this institution need to undertake supplementary training courses outside of school hours, of their own accord, of course, in order to enhance their skills and methodologies and to meet the demands of a new generation of students.

  • Simple
  • Compound
  • Complex
  • Compound-complex

4. Regardless of his intentions, what James did constitutes a crime.

  • Simple
  • Compound
  • Complex
  • Compound-complex

5. The doctor advised Heather to increase her intake of essential nutrients with vitamin supplements and not to risk the health of her unborn baby.

  • Simple
  • Compound
  • Complex
  • Compound-complex

6. The purchase price of the new equipment was certainly reasonable, but the timing of it was questionable at best.

  • Simple
  • Compound
  • Complex
  • Compound-complex

7. How many independent clauses are there in the following sentence?
The new recruits were somewhat shocked by the sergeant’s meanness, and some even complained to the commanding officer, but nothing changed as a result of these complaints.

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4

8. Phil organised the meeting while Jan took care of the catering, which turned out to be the most memorable part of the afternoon.

  • Simple
  • Compound
  • Complex
  • Compound-complex

9. What is the main subject of the following sentence (the subject of the first independent clause)?
Because of the poor weather and despite the fact that no one really minded getting wet, the concert was postponed, and all ticket holders were given vouchers that they could use either to get a refund or to exchange for the rescheduled performance date.

  • Weather
  • Concert
  • Ticket
  • They

10. The school had been closed down because of the snowstorm, so Mindy’s kids, neither of whom wanted to stay indoors all day, were allowed to go outside and play in the snow while Mindy made them a special lunch.

  • Simple
  • Compound
  • Complex
  • Compound-complex

Еще больше упражнений к урокам английского:

Упражнение 2. Identify the type of the sentence

Identify whether the following sentences are simple, compound, or complex sentences. Also, underline the main clause and the subordinate clause.

  1. I did not know that this food was cooked only for vegetarians.
  2. She is innocent, so she has appealed to the court.
  3. If you do not want to go out, it is better to tell them beforehand.
  4. She will come to my place, or I will go to hers.
  5. I am going to the park tonight.
  6. My girlfriend looks stunning today.
  7. I remember the day that we got married very well.
  8. She has maternity leave, but she decided to go to work.
  9. After they reach the hotel, they will inform us.
  10. We are going to the park, although the weather is rainy.

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Другие статьи о преподавании в Skyeng для учителей английского:

Упражнение 3. Combine the sentences to form compound sentences

  1. My mother is sick. My mother is going to the doctor.
  2. Peter has gone to Europe. He has not found any jobs yet.
  3. Mary did not like her birthday dress. She wore it anyway.
  4. Kevin called me yesterday. I was not at home.
  5. Tina is going to be a speaker at a seminar today. She volunteered to do it.
  6. It was raining the whole day. We decided to go to the park.
  7. My dad will pick you up. We will wait for both of you at the cafe.
  8. Nobody knew where to go. We asked locals for directions.
  9. Children got lost. They used a navigation system to find the way. 
  10. My mom was cleaning the house. I helped with the plates.

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Упражнение 4. Combine the sentences to form complex sentences

  1. You should speak up. Nobody is going to hear anything.
  2. You are smart enough. You failed to solve the case.
  3. I was not happy. I went to the café not to be alone.
  4. You did not finish it. You will have to face the consequences.
  5. He did not want to speak to the person. He owns a brand new Mercedes Benz.
  6. My brother does not watch animation movies. My brother liked Kung Fu Panda.
  7. I was not on time. I missed the bus.
  8. You should give up smoking. You are addicted.
  9. There are no trains available. We took a flight.
  10. Martha finishes her work. She will meet her classmates at the restaurant.

Советуем заглянуть и в эти подборки упражнений для уроков английского:

Упражнение 5. Transforming sentences as instructed

  1. If you don’t go now, you’ll miss the train. (Change into a compound sentence.)
  2. Although we were unsure, we decided to help. (Change into a compound sentence.)
  3. Not only did she cook dinner, but she also cleaned the house. (Change into a compound sentence.)
  4. Due to our hard work, we reached tremendous success. (Change into a complex sentence.)
  5. She’s a nurse, and she must take care of patients. (Change into a simple sentence.)
  6. I searched everywhere, but I couldn’t find him. (Change into a complex sentence.)
  7. We went to the movies yesterday because we were bored. (Change into a compound sentence.)
  8. He wanted to play, so he finished his homework quickly. (Change into a simple sentence.)
  9. When he arrived at his office, he realised he had forgotten his phone. (Change into a simple sentence.)
  10. She hugged her friend goodbye for the last time. (Change into a compound sentence.)
Four types of sentences based on purpose
Declarative sentence (.)Statements, reasons, or answers “yes” or “no” as a starting connotationInterrogative sentence (?)General questionsSpecial questions
Exclamatory sentence (!)“They exclaim!” “Oh really! Do they?” “Oh yes!”Expresses emotionsImperative sentence (.)A request, a command, an instruction, a possibility, and informationWords like “please”, “let”, “do”, “go” are common 

Let’s sort types of sentences based on purpose:

  1. Yes, I will. 
  2. What is your name?
  3. Don’t go there. You’ll catch a cold.
  4. Go sit down!
  5. Oh, I am sorry you had to leave your friends.
  6. No, I better stay at home for some pending work.
  7. Why do you live here?
  8. What do you think will happen to the Indian economy?
  9. Please, may I come in?
  10. Could you please complete the task?
  11. Shut the door!
  12. Poor thing! The poor animal died out of hunger.
  13. What an interesting story!

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